
Sanjiaguan Township, Yongding District: Carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and fight a tough battle against floods

author:Red Network Zhangjiajie Station

Red Network Moment News, June 27 (Correspondent Zou Qinzhang) In order to implement the deployment requirements of provinces and municipalities, maintain a high degree of vigilance, carry forward the excellent style of continuous operations, and carefully do a good job in flood prevention and drainage, emergency rescue and emergency response. On June 27, all the cadres of the People's Government of Sanjiaguan Township, Yongding District, went to the village to carry out inspections and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

In the face of the flood situation, the people's government of Sanjiaguan Township put ensuring the safety of people's lives in the first place, and sounded the "rallying call" for flood prevention and disaster relief as soon as possible. Due to multiple rounds of heavy rainfall, the water level in Zhuyuanpo Village, Sanjiaguan Township, Maoyan River continued to rise. On the evening of the 26th, Zhou Wei, deputy head of the township, organized party members and cadres to arrive at the hidden danger point of the Heishi disaster, and transferred a total of 7 people from 6 households in a timely manner through persuasion.

Sanjiaguan Township, Yongding District: Carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and fight a tough battle against floods
Sanjiaguan Township, Yongding District: Carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and fight a tough battle against floods

The flood situation is urgent, and the responsibility is tested; Rescue and disaster relief, witness the original mission. At 13 o'clock on the 27th, I received a report from the cadres of the patrol village that the ditch at the Fanjia Group at the geological disaster point of Sanjiaguan Village was seriously blocked and needed to be cleaned up in time. Liu Li, deputy secretary of the township party committee, immediately led the cadres of Bao Village, the two committees of the village branch, and party members and volunteers of Sanjiaguan Village to the geological disaster point to clean up the silt blocking the ditch.

Sanjiaguan Township, Yongding District: Carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and fight a tough battle against floods

At present, the flood prevention work in the whole township is being carried out in an orderly manner, various measures have been effectively implemented, and no casualties or major property losses have occurred. In the next step, Sanjiaguan Township will continue to carry forward the spirit of continuous combat, strictly implement the 24-hour on-duty system during the flood season, ensure that the flood season can respond quickly and effectively, and firmly fight the tough battle of flood prevention and flood control.