
Party building leads the gathering of people's hearts, and the service for the elderly warms people's hearts

author:Overseas brand vision
Party building leads the gathering of people's hearts, and the service for the elderly warms people's hearts

In order to effectively improve the financial literacy of the public, strengthen consumer education, and effectively prevent and resolve financial risks, Bank of China Gulou Sub-branch actively implements the work deployment requirements of "Popularizing Financial Knowledge and Guarding the 'Money Bag'" and "Financial Knowledge Journey" in 2024, and carries out a series of publicity activities with the theme of "Strengthening Risk Prevention and Warming Financial Services", aiming to build a solid consumer protection concept of "finance for the people, financial convenience for the people, and financial benefits for the people", and improve the financial literacy and risk prevention awareness of financial consumers. Create a good financial environment.

Party building leads the gathering of people's hearts, and the service for the elderly warms people's hearts

Financial consumers are important participants in the financial market and promoters of the sustainable and healthy development of the financial industry. The President of the Gulou Sub-branch of the Bank of China talked about consumer protection activities, went deep into the masses and communities, and took action to warm the hearts of the people, and will practice the "people-centered" development idea as the main purpose, strictly implement the requirements of regulatory policies, improve the construction of the system and mechanism for the protection of consumer rights and interests, and better meet the people's new financial expectations for a better life through high-quality, efficient and convenient services.

Party building leads the gathering of people's hearts, and the service for the elderly warms people's hearts

During the financial literacy activity, the members of the Party Committee of the Gulou Branch, together with the Party Branch of the Personal Digital Finance Department and the Party Branch of the Qujiang Dacheng Branch, went into the community to jointly publicize the relevant content of the Bank's services for the elderly, and helped the elderly customers understand the existing services for the elderly, so that the elderly can use, know how to use, dare to use and want to use. Guide elderly customers on how to activate and use electronic medical insurance accounts, mobile banking payment and other convenient services, through a combination of online and offline, through the official channel of graphics, short videos and other forms of publicity to the elderly customer groups targeted publicity pension fraud, illegal fund-raising typical cases, laws and regulations and other relevant information, expose the new forms and new tricks of new types of illegal crimes in telecommunication networks, improve the elderly customers' awareness of prevention and anti-fraud skills, and solve the most direct and practical problems that the people are most concerned about.

Party building leads the gathering of people's hearts, and the service for the elderly warms people's hearts

Bank of China has done a good job in the promotion of financial knowledge while innovating publicity methods, continuously improving publicity efforts, protecting the safety of people's property, jointly maintaining financial order, and contributing to the construction of a harmonious and stable financial environment.

Editor: Zhou Fengchuan

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