
The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

author:Natural small talk
The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

Disclaimer: This article is an original serialized novel, and the content of the story is purely fictional, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat.


Continuing from the above, we said that after Wang Xiuqin married into Zhou Ji's family, she was not lazy to do anything, in order to alleviate the future conflict between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, she took the initiative to take on most of the housework in the family.

Although Zhang Huiping felt very embarrassed, she was also very relieved in her heart, feeling that their family had really found a good daughter-in-law, and Wang Xiuqin's help made her feel much more relaxed in an instant.

This also gave her plenty of time to take care of Zhou Huaishun.

After all, there is a person in the family who is bedridden all year round to take care of!

Of course, Zhang Huiping didn't take Wang Xiuqin's help for granted, she was very grateful in her heart, as long as Wang Xiuqin and Zhou Ji went out to work, she would prepare the meal and wait for them to come back and eat together.


Zhou Ji saw that Wang Xiuqin suddenly vomited, and thought that she had eaten a spoiled meal in the morning, so he immediately ran over and asked, "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Is it bad to eat something in the morning? ”

"Did you eat the rest of last night's meal?"

Zhou Ji has not experienced this, how can he understand that Wang Xiuqin's current situation is not a bad stomach at all, but a pregnancy.

There were indeed some dishes left over last night, and the weather was hot during this time, and he was worried about whether Wang Xiuqin had eaten a bad stomach.

Since Wang Xiuqin married him, Zhou Ji really regarded her as a treasure, and he almost didn't offer Wang Xiuqin up!

If there is anything delicious at home, he will leave it to Wang Xiuqin as soon as possible, even if he works, he will let her do it a little easier.

Zhou Ji didn't want Wang Xiuqin to do the farm work in this field, but Wang Xiuqin insisted on coming.

Zhou Ji also had no choice, he was afraid that Wang Xiuqin would be angry with him because of this, so he asked Wang Xiuqin to follow, but it didn't take long to find that Wang Xiuqin was a little uncomfortable, which made Zhou Ji so anxious.

Zhou Ji took Wang Xiuqin's hand and kept patting her back to make Wang Xiuqin more comfortable.

Seeing him so anxious, Wang Xiuqin suddenly felt a little funny, she said: "I'm fine, you see you're in a hurry."

Although Wang Xiuqin didn't understand, she had seen this situation a few times, and in the first few days, she also thought that her body was uncomfortable, which caused some nausea and retching.

Until the last few days, she found that she had no appetite for whatever she ate.

The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

At this time, she realized that she was pregnant.

Because of uncertainty and shyness, Wang Xiuqin didn't tell Zhou Ji about it.

At this point, she retched for a long time.

This situation is becoming more and more frequent, and it is becoming more and more uncomfortable!

"I'm not worried!"

"If there are three long and two short, won't I have no daughter-in-law?"

Zhou Ji asked as he hammered Wang Xiuqin's back, with a look of concern on his face.

He was also not in a good mind at this time, and these words were said without thinking.

When Wang Xiuqin heard this, she immediately said: "Bah, who's got three long and two short?" Say that again, and I'll ignore you."

Wang Xiuqin said that, deliberately slapped Zhou Ji's hand away, turned around and ignored him.

Seeing this, Zhou Ji was immediately anxious!

He realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing, and immediately apologized to Wang Xiuqin.

"My good wife, good daughter-in-law, I apologize, I just talked nonsense, I'm not worried about you! There is a saying called panic, I am panicking".

When Wang Xiuqin heard this, she immediately sneered.

She said, "Hey, I can't see it yet!" My brother Aji can also say a few idioms! ”

Zhou Ji saw that Wang Xiuqin could still talk and chat with a smile, and he was immediately relieved.

He was worried that Wang Xiuqin would have a bad stomach.

He said: "I've read books anyway, and although I don't have any cultural accompaniment, I don't know a few idioms, right?" ”

"Xiuqin, how are you now?"

"Still uncomfortable?"

Since Wang Xiuqin got married, he feels that his life has been much fuller, and he has the strength to struggle.

For Wang Xiuqin, it is afraid of falling in the palm of your hand, and she is afraid of melting in her mouth!

At this time, seeing that Wang Xiuqin was extremely uncomfortable, how could he not be worried and anxious?

Even if Wang Xiuqin teased him, he still cared about whether Wang Xiuqin was comfortable.

With Zhou Ji beating her back, Wang Xiuqin was also a little more comfortable.

She slowed down, raised her head, and said a little shyly: "You fool, you are really stupid, how can I have a bad stomach like this?" ”

"You threw out all the food from last night! Have you forgotten? ”

"Oops! I won't tell you, you really don't know what to do."

There was such a thing as pregnancy, Wang Xiuqin couldn't say it, and she was not too embarrassed to say it, so she had to blush and don't look over, not daring to look at Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji is not a fool, after he saw Wang Xiuqin say this, he suddenly realized.

Haven't you ever eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig go?

The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

He has naturally seen this kind of thing, but when it fell on him, he didn't react for a while.

He took Wang Xiuqin's hand and shouted happily: "Daughter-in-law, you mean ......, you mean you have it?" ”

Because he was too happy, Zhou Ji stammered a little when he said this, how could he not be happy that this kind of great joy fell on his head?

Seeing him like this, Wang Xiuqin nodded a little shyly.

She said, "I guess, I've been like this all this time, you just don't see it."

When Zhou Ji heard this, he hurriedly took Wang Xiuqin's hand and asked, "Daughter-in-law, how long has this been the case?" ”

Wang Xiuqin thought for a while and said, "It's about seven or eight days, right?" At first, I wasn't sure, but I really didn't have much appetite to eat in the past two days, and I was a little nauseous and wanted to vomit, I thought it should be ......, oops, don't talk about it! ”

Wang Xiuqin felt that her face was getting hotter and hotter, why did she say so much about this kind of shameful thing?

Zhou Ji is really right, he has to ask so carefully.

When Zhou Ji heard this, he was so happy that he hugged Wang Xiuqin.

He shouted happily, "I'm going to be a father too!" I'm going to be a dad too! ”

"Daughter-in-law, you're so good!"

Wang Xiuqin was hugged by Zhou Ji like this, and immediately blushed.

She hurriedly said, "Brother Aji, put me down quickly, is there anyone passing by here?" Don't let others see the joke, you ...... carefully, don't fall".

"I have a baby in my belly!"

When Zhou Ji heard this, he hurriedly put Wang Xiuqin down.

He patted his head and said with some annoyance, "Blame me, I'm so happy!" It almost broke the big thing".

"Daughter-in-law, let's stop digging the soil yet! Hurry home, you need to rest now, don't be tired! ”

Now Zhou Jike is nervous!

Wang Xiuqin is pregnant, and she must not do these farm jobs anymore.

In case something happens that causes the child to be gone, it will be too late for him to regret it.

Simply, Zhou Ji threw away the hoe in Wang Xiuqin's hand directly, and asked Wang Xiuqin to follow him home to rest first.

Now, the most important thing for Wang Xiuqin is to take care of her body, and nothing else matters.

Wang Xiuqin already felt uncomfortable, so she could only agree to Zhou Ji's suggestion.

The sun was shining in the field, and she was feeling hot right now.

In addition, I feel a little nauseous and want to vomit, which is indeed a little uncomfortable.

The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

Zhou Ji said: "Daughter-in-law, you have worked hard! I'll carry you back."

Because he was too happy, Zhou Ji proposed to carry Wang Xiuqin on his back.

Seeing this, Wang Xiuqin scolded with a smile: "What are you backing?" How bad is it for people to see? Let's go! ”

Wang Xiuqin was worried that others would see the joke, so she refused Zhou Ji's request.

With that, he walked towards the path next to the ground.

Zhou Ji smiled, scratched his head and continued to follow.

However, on the way back, Zhou Ji was still very cautious, worried that something would happen to Wang Xiuqin.


"Aji, Xiuqin, why did you two come back so early today?"

In the vegetable field outside the yard, Zhang Huiping was fertilizing the vegetable seedlings, and she was a little surprised when she saw Wang Xiuqin and Zhou Ji coming back.

It's only been a long time since I've been there, so why did I come back again?

Is all the work in the field done?

Isn't that right to think about?

Didn't Zhou Ji say that you have to do a good job in the field for a few days?

Zhou Ji heard her mother Zhang Huiping ask like this, and immediately ran to the side of the vegetable field, and said loudly: "Mom, Xiuqin is happy!" She didn't feel well just now, so I sent her back to rest."

Zhang Huiping originally thought that Zhou Ji would come with Wang Xiuqin, because Wang Xiuqin was too tired these days and wanted to come back to rest and rest.

I didn't expect it to be happy.

She exclaimed, "What? Xiuqin is happy? ”

Zhang Huiping couldn't believe her ears.

There is no more exciting news for her!

Zhou Ji nodded and said, "It was Xiuqin who told me, she has been uncomfortable for the past two days, and she is also nauseous and retching, there is a high probability that she is happy!" ”

When Zhang Huiping heard this, she threw the scoop of fertilization in her hand and hurriedly ran to Wang Xiuqin and the others.

When she came closer, she wanted to see what was going on, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, she found that her hand was not very clean.

She had just fertilized the vegetable seedlings, and now her hands were indeed a little unclean.

She hurriedly said, "Come in, go in."

Wang Xiuqin also experienced these things for the first time.

Although she had seen her two sisters-in-law pregnant before, she was not very clear about the specific situation.

She thought, she hadn't been here in all this time.

Presumably pregnant.

When Zhou Ji heard this, he personally supported Wang Xiuqin and walked into the house slowly.

Zhang Huiping first hurriedly entered the house, and then hurriedly washed up, and then she stopped Zhou Ji at the door.

The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

"You wait outside, I have something to ask Xiuqin."

There are some things that Zhou Ji can't listen to.

She had to ask.

When Zhou Ji heard this, he could only stay outside the house.

And Zhang Huiping took Wang Xiuqin's hand and walked into the house.

Zhang Huiping closed the wooden door with her backhand, took Wang Xiuqin's hand and walked to the table and sat down, she looked at Wang Xiuqin, and a very satisfied smile appeared on her face.

She can have Wang Xiuqin's daughter-in-law, which is really a blessing that she has cultivated for several lifetimes, Wang Xiuqin is not only sensible, but also very considerate of her difficulty.

She has always hoped that Wang Xiuqin would be able to give birth to a son and a half daughter to the Zhou family earlier, and now it seems that this wish is about to come true!

Wang Xiuqin saw Zhang Huiping looking at her like this, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

She said, "Mom, what are you asking about?" Brother Agi is not allowed to come in? ”

When Zhang Huiping heard this, she said with a smile: "Of course he can't listen to it, this is a secret between our women, Xiuqin, Mom asks you a few questions, you must answer honestly."

Wang Xiuqin nodded and said, "Mom, do you ask?" ”

Zhang Huiping said: "Xiuqin, when did you start vomiting like this? ”

When Wang Xiuqin heard this, she thought about it and said: "I don't remember the specific time very well, it seems that it has been seven or eight days!" I always feel very uncomfortable, I always have this feeling of nausea and retching, especially when I see meat, these ......."

At first, Wang Xiuqin was not sure, and thought that she was not feeling well, but later she realized that she should be pregnant, because of this situation, she also saw it in her two sisters-in-law.

Zhang Huiping nodded, and continued to ask, "Xiuqin, are you still here during this time?" It's the filth that we women came from."

In the past, the older generation was feudal and would say that menstruation was a dirty thing, which was unseemly.

Zhang Huiping pulled Wang Xiuqin into the house and let Zhou Ji stay outside for this reason.

After all, it's a bit hard to talk about, and you can only know it yourself.

When Wang Xiuqin heard this, her little face turned red again.

She said hesitantly, "It must have been a long time!" It didn't seem to have been for last month."

When Zhang Huiping heard this, she suddenly understood.

Next, she asked Wang Xiuqin some small details, and when she confirmed all these things, she finally affirmed that Wang Xiuqin was undoubtedly pregnant.

Half an hour later, Zhang Huiping came out!

Wang Xiuqin also followed behind with a blushing face.

After Zhang Huiping's inquiry, she finally determined that her daughter-in-law Xiuqin was pregnant.

Such good news made her so happy.

On the same day, she brought an old hen and stewed a pot of good soup for Wang Xiuqin, and all the big chicken legs were sandwiched into Wang Xiuqin's bowl.

This can't allow Zhang Huiping to be unhappy, she has been looking forward to this day for a long time, but the reality doesn't allow it.

Now I hear that I am going to be a grandmother! How could she not be happy?


The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

At night.

Inside the new house.

Zhou Ji stroked Wang Xiuqin's stomach seriously, and asked with some puzzlement: "Why is it still flat?" ”

When Wang Xiuqin heard him ask, she suddenly laughed.

She said, "Brother Aji, what do you want! It is said that the pregnancy in October has just begun, how can it be seen? ”

Zhou Ji has never experienced it, so he asked such a stupid question.

He scratched his head and said, "I didn't expect this stubble."

Seeing him like this, Wang Xiuqin immediately smiled and said, "Brother Aji, do you like boys or girls?" ”

At that time, due to the backwardness of ideology, many people liked to give birth to a boy, and if a girl was born, then the daughter-in-law would be disliked.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiuqin was a little worried.

At this time, she saw that Zhou Ji was so happy, and taking advantage of this strength, she said what she thought in her heart.

Zhou Ji was stunned when he heard this.

He waved his hand and said, "I'm not that old feudal!" I like both boys and girls, I like you to give birth to boys, and I like to give birth to girls."

When Wang Xiuqin heard him say this, she felt a lot more relieved.

However, she still asked again: "If I give birth to a girl, will our parents be unhappy?" ”

Zhou Ji heard Wang Xiuqin say this, he thought for a while before replying: "I can't guarantee this, they are old, they all want to leave an incense for our family, if the first one is a girl, then we want another one, but even if our mother is angry, she can't ask for a big grandson for no reason?"

Wang Xiuqin said with a smile: "This is not born yet!" Would you like another one? ”

"Then you'll have to work hard! I have to raise two children, but it costs a lot of money! ”

Raising a child is not so easy!

Not to mention the time and energy spent on raising a child, it also takes a lot in terms of cost.

The Affair of the Left-behind Women in the Countryside - The Stopping of the Menstrual Affair and the Determination (35)

Zhou Ji patted his chest and said, "I promise, I will work hard to let you all live a good life in the future."

Wang Xiuqin said: "Okay, then I'll wait, don't break your promise!" ”

With Zhou Ji's guarantee, Wang Xiuqin's heart has settled down a lot.

She leaned on Zhou Ji's shoulder, with a happy smile on her face, looking forward to a better future life.


To be continued.

Disclaimer: This article is an original serialized novel, the content of the story is purely fictional, the names of people, places and other descriptions in the text have nothing to do with reality, please read rationally, do not sit in the right seat.

It is updated from time to time every day.