
Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

author:Vanjie movie clips

There is an old lady who is ruthless in the new sky, this method is learned from the palace at a glance, creepy, chilling, as the finale of the appearance of the old lady Ming and Ming Qingda, every day pretending to be a mother and son filial piety,

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

But behind the scenes, he is a big devil who is bad to the bones, and this mother and son are the biggest obstacles that Fan Xian encountered when he went to Jiangnan.

Don't look at a small Jiangnan, people's hearts are sinister, they are scheming, not inferior to the palace compound, I feel that they have no real self, they are acting every day with kind eyebrows and good eyes, and they are playing tricks, even a dead old lady who is about to enter the ground is hypocritical, and even the air is filled with deceit.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

The two princes both said, look at the hypocrisy that has nothing to do with themselves, it is lighter than today's saints, and it is worthy of being the overlord of the old and disrespectful side, and he can calm his breath more than anyone else. When the old lady heard this, she was unwilling, and a look could scare Ming Qingda to death,

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

When he saw the purse thrown by the old mother, he immediately understood, trembled and picked up the needle, and stabbed it straight into his fingernails.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

Seeing this, I realized that the old lady was the most perverted person in the whole play, and the eldest princess was nothing in front of her, which was simply not worth mentioning.

It wasn't until Ming Qingda came up with a countermeasure that the dead old lady said two words slowly, "Stop", as if she had given her son a great gift, or she would continue to pierce her toenails, I felt panicked across the screen, ten fingers connected to my heart, how painful it was.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

But Ming Qingda couldn't show the slightest complaint, but was very grateful for his mother's care, and then endured the severe pain and pulled out the needles one by one.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

It's all unpredictable. Fan Xian has the most experience and experience in dealing with this kind of person, and I believe that in less than three months, he will sort it out clearly, but this Ming family is not an ordinary family after all, and it is bound to spend some energy and study it carefully.

The real helmsman of the Ming family is actually the old lady of the Ming family, and Ming Qingda is a puppet tool, it is not difficult to see that this dead old lady should not have her own children, and the so-called sons are all born, so they don't care about their life or death, and they can be tortured with peace of mind.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

Do you still remember that a man came out to confess his guilt and died on the pillar on the spot, in fact, this person is Ming Qingda's own brother. Why did he do this, in fact, to please the old lady,

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

blinded her, only if she was convinced, she would not find out his collusion with the second prince, so when the second prince suggested finding someone from the branch next to the Ming family to confess, Ming Qingda refused, he said that the stakes were involved, and the person who is qualified to bear the blame must be his own brother,

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

Otherwise, the old lady will be unhappy.

In fact, Ming Qingda is not a good person, you must know that the Ming family, the family has a big business, and there are many concubines, but the old lady chose him as the head of the Ming family, and his means are also very amazing, I don't know how many brothers he has killed in private, and under the glamorous appearance, it turns out that he is also standing on the corpse of his brother and climbed to the top position.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

It's just that Ming Qingda finally understood that he had done so much, but he had never been regarded as a person by the old lady, and people had no family affection for him, and the sewing kit he took out was the best proof.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

Maybe piercing your fingernails has formed a habit, and this tacit understanding seems to be a limitation, or at the spiritual level, the old lady likes the sense of accomplishment of abuse addiction.

Ming Qingda didn't want to endure the punishment of his fingernails anymore, so he wanted to take a risk and kill the old lady of the Ming family, thinking about it again and again, he felt that strangling this old woman was enough to relieve his anger, so he didn't use poison, but used a piece of strangulation rope to end her sinful life.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

In the end, she faked the illusion that she had hanged herself, and everything was fine.

The old lady died in the hands of Ming Qingda, this is the inevitable result, you think, he even took out the brothers of a fellow mother to take the blame, stepping on their corpses and climbing up, not to mention that the old lady is old and cruel to him, Ming Qingda doesn't know how many times he has killed her.

Qing Yu Nian 3: Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family are big perverts, and they have masochistic behavior at night

Although he sat on the throne in the future, he couldn't jump for many days, because Ming Qingda and the old lady of the Ming family were big perverts, and they had masochistic behaviors at night, he took human life as a mustard, and he didn't know how much blood was stained on his hands.