
Good news! One collective and one individual in Youyang were commended by the Working Committee on Women and Children of the Municipal People's Government

author:Youyang release
Good news! One collective and one individual in Youyang were commended by the Working Committee on Women and Children of the Municipal People's Government
Good news! One collective and one individual in Youyang were commended by the Working Committee on Women and Children of the Municipal People's Government

Recently, the Working Committee on Women and Children of the Chongqing Municipal People's Government issued the "Circular of the Working Committee on Women and Children of the Chongqing Municipal People's Government on Commending Collectives and Individuals with Outstanding Achievements in the Implementation of the Development Program for Women and Children (Plan) in Chongqing" (Yufu Working Committee on Women and Children Fa [2024] No. 4). 50 collectives and 100 individuals with outstanding performance in the implementation of the Program for the Development of Women and Children (Planning) will be commended in a circular report.

The Comprehensive Legal Department of the Statistics Bureau of Youyang Autonomous County won the title of "Outstanding Collective", and Yang Yue'e, Senior Animal Pastor of the Technology Promotion Department of the Animal Husbandry Industry Development Center of Youyang Autonomous County and the temporary vice chairman of the County Women's Federation, was awarded the title of "Outstanding Individual".

Comprehensive Legal Section of the County Bureau of Statistics


Over the years, the Comprehensive Legal Department of the Youyang Autonomous County Bureau of Statistics has attached great importance to the statistical monitoring of the women and children's development plan, actively collected and provided statistical data on women and children, actively cooperated with the county working committee on women and children, coordinated with relevant departments to improve the basic work of monitoring statistics, established and improved the county-level monitoring and statistical database for women and children, and effectively did a good job in the collection, review and quality control of monitoring statistics, providing high-quality statistical services for the implementation of Youyang's "Women and Children's Development Plan".

Yang Yue'e


Over the years, Yang Yue'e has consciously implemented the principles and policies of the party and the government on the work of women and children, constantly innovated work ideas, and actively done practical and good things for women and children. The first is to conscientiously do a good job in all aspects of the outline (planning). Do a good job in the monitoring and evaluation of the "warm children's hearts and grow together", children's care and condolences, and the monitoring and evaluation of the development outline (plan) for women and children, and compile the "Youyang Autonomous County Women and Children's Development Plan (2021-2030)" and its task decomposition plan; The second is to serve the vast number of women and children with heart and affection. Deepen the creation and evaluation of typical families such as "green families", "scholarly families" and "the most beautiful families", and do a good job in helping and guiding disadvantaged women and children in difficulty; The third is to actively publicize the basic national policy of equality between men and women. Organized and carried out two special lectures on the basic national policy of gender equality, benefiting more than 300 people.

In the future, Youyang will continue to strengthen the construction of the work team for women and children, increase the publicity of the cause of women and children, improve the ability and level of work, create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care for and support the development of women and children, and provide a more solid guarantee for the development of women and children.


Reporter: Yu Lin ▏Editor: Zhao Shuting Duty: Ren Guirong ▏Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Youyang Autonomous County Rong Media Center

Good news! One collective and one individual in Youyang were commended by the Working Committee on Women and Children of the Municipal People's Government

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