
Before the battle was over, another commander of the Ukrainian army was dismissed, and Zelensky could not solve the problem by purging

author:铁血 Outpost
Before the battle was over, another commander of the Ukrainian army was dismissed, and Zelensky could not solve the problem by purging

As one of the world's most focused attention, Russia and Ukraine, whether on the battlefield or internally, some things that have happened or will happen can still be predicted by the outside world. However, a recent news from the Ukrainian side greatly surprised everyone.

According to the Ukrainian media "Kyiv Post", a few days ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that he had decided to replace Lieutenant General Yuri Sodol with Brigadier General Andrei Gnatov as the commander of the joint forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Before the battle was over, another commander of the Ukrainian army was dismissed, and Zelensky could not solve the problem by purging

As the saying goes, changing generals in battle is a taboo for soldiers. What is the reason why Zelensky is impatient to carry out a purge of the military top brass before the war is over?

Judging from the content of the Ukrainian media report, there is only one reason for Zelensky to take off Sodor. That is, some people in Ukraine accuse Sodol of abusing his power and poor command, which led to the loss of a large part of Ukraine's territory and the death of a large number of Ukrainian soldiers. According to the words of one of the chiefs of staff of the Ukrainian army, Sodol caused more casualties among the Ukrainian army than any Russian general.

To be honest, we are still somewhat skeptical of such statements from the Ukrainian side.

On the one hand, in recent times, the Ukrainian army has been fighting on the battlefield unfavorably, and Sodol may indeed have problems such as abuse of power and ineffective command. However, Zelensky's blaming all the blame on Sodor's head is somewhat far-fetched. The main reasons why the Russian army can advance all the way are: first, the intensity of Western aid has been greatly reduced, and the Ukrainian army lacks artillery shells; Second, the top of the Ukrainian army is eating the rear, and the money used to build fortifications has been hollowed out; 3. The supply of soldiers is insufficient, and the Ukrainian civilians who are forced to go to the battlefield lack the will to fight; Fourth, the Russian army has adjusted its tactics and some technological breakthroughs, etc. To put it mildly, we really have to be held accountable for this reason, in our opinion, Zelensky is the one who needs to bear the blame the most in the whole of Ukraine.

Before the battle was over, another commander of the Ukrainian army was dismissed, and Zelensky could not solve the problem by purging

On the other hand, there is news circulating that when Zaluzhny was the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, he was very serious about Sodol. It can be said that in Zelensky's eyes, Sodol Toto is the remaining "henchman" of the military faction in Zaluzhny. For this reason, we do not rule out the possibility that Zelensky wants to use the pretext of the unfavorable war situation to continue to carry out a deep purge of Zaluzhny's forces.

In addition, according to the Russian media, this matter is also very likely to involve an assassination plot related to the United States and against Zelensky.

To put it bluntly, no matter what the real reason for Sodor's dismissal is, it is actually quite emotional. As the saying goes, "the flame is high when everyone gathers firewood". If there is no open and secret struggle for power in Ukraine, in terms of the ability of many Ukrainian commanders who have been purged, the current Ukrainian army should not be so embarrassed by the Russian army. Take Zaluzhny, who knows how to make trade-offs and repeatedly stresses that he can't blindly fill a meat grinder with a large number of living forces because of Bakhmut's symbolism. If Zelensky could have listened to it at that time, the follow-up war of the Ukrainian army would not have been so passive.

Before the battle was over, another commander of the Ukrainian army was dismissed, and Zelensky could not solve the problem by purging

Today, with the value of Ukraine, which is slowly being squeezed clean by the West, there is not much time left for Zelensky. And Zelensky is still full of thoughts, and he wants to make a big deal out of dumping, cleaning, and solving problems, which can be regarded as quite unrecognizable to reality.