
Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

author:Fat Tiger watched Journey to the West

Hello everyone! I am Fat Tiger, and "Fat Tiger Watching Journey to the West" brings you a different fantasy Journey to the West story every day.

Brothers, it's still a melon in the snowy mountains. There was a flat head tearing each other with the boss before, and now it's the cousin's turn. Compared with Pingtou, my cousin's experience is more miserable and humorous.

Some time ago, my cousin recruited a physics boss called Nine Cubs, who announced that he would invest tens of millions.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

First of all, the boss of the Nine Cubs revealed that he had made a deposit to buy the artifact fan of Xiaoyao City, which made his cousin and cousin fans full of expectations, and felt that Super Shenhao was coming.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

In the back, the nine cubs said that they wanted to buy the piercing anger belt of Brother N of Qufu Confucius Temple, and Brother Wen had a better relationship with Ah Qi, so he went to help him talk, and after negotiating it, he urged him to make a deposit, and he found various reasons not to fight. When they got to the back, the nine cubs said no, because they didn't feel the dream anymore.

So, my cousin was extremely angry, because Brother Wen was busy going to help him talk, and in the end he not only played him, but also played his eldest brother Brother Wen.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

According to his cousin, when he was about to join, Jiucub handed over to his brother not to tell everyone who he was, but he turned around and ran to connect with all the anchors in Snow Mountain one by one, pretending to be X.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

In fact, some fans reminded their cousin before that Jiucub was a fake boss, and analyzed it carefully, so that his cousin could pay more attention.

The cousin may be the boss of the recruitment and did not verify it carefully. In the end, my cousin was fooled by the nine cubs for a month, and the physical god didn't come, and the relationship was wrong.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

For the incident of the Nine Cubs, the various mountains in the Snow Mountain are unprecedentedly unprecedented, Xiao Wang, Late Autumn, Pingtou, etc., are all helping their cousins fight fakes. It seems that the fake will always be fake.

In this regard, late autumn analysis: If a boss plays fantasy and is worth at least half a billion, he will not have such a dick temperament as him.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

In response to his behavior of connecting microphones every day and buying this and that verbally every day, Late Autumn analyzed: In a few days, he will change to Dream Journey to the West Nine Cubs, and then join the Dream Creation Project.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes

Fantasy Journey to the West is a river and lake, there are many real bosses and many fake bosses. In fact, it doesn't matter how much you spend to play games, just spend as much as you want to enjoy it, and it's really unnecessary to pretend to be a boss.

In the end, the most seriously injured must be my cousin, and he is even disheartened and doesn't want to be a team.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The cousin of the Ten Million Physics Nine Cubs is a fake boss, and the Snow Mountain anchor rarely unites to fight fakes