
After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

author:Egret for frost

In the legend of the New White Lady, Jin Baming knew that Shi Lin was the son of his enemy, why didn't he do it himself, but forced Mei Niang to do it again and again? The reason is well known to everyone, he knew that Xu Shilin was the reincarnation of Wenqu Xing and was blessed by heaven, so he didn't dare to do it in a direct way, and only dared to use Mei Niang to achieve the goal indirectly, of course, these small actions only appeared before Xu Shilin was the champion!

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

After Xu Shilin became the champion, because of the unity of man and God, even Jin Ba did not dare to kill him again, and there was no way, so he would choose to kill Mei Niang and Cai Yin to vent his anger! However, who would have thought that Jin Ba would not dare to make a move on Xu Shilin, but Hu Meiniang would lead him to Xu Shilin's side and force him to make a move, why?

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

I have to admit that Cai Yin exchanged her life for Mei Niang's life, but Mei Niang used it to see Shilin's last face, who doesn't stand for Cai Yin is not worth it, and who doesn't feel that Mei Niang is confused, but is Mei Niang really so confused? Even if the good sister gave her life, she still won't change her mind?

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

I think, the answer is actually no, Mei Niang may love Shilin, but from the fact that she has repeatedly attacked Shilin because of the order of King Jinba, she doesn't care about her own and Cai Yin's lives, but she cares, but she sees her good sister die tragically, she cares, but she is destined to not be able to save her life, is Mei Niang willing? The answer is obvious, she is not reconciled and cannot be reconciled!

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

Therefore, knowing that there was danger, and knowing that Jin Ba would not let her go, why did Hu Meiniang run to Xu Shilin's side? Isn't she afraid that she will hurt Shilin because of this? Thinking about it carefully, in fact, Mei Niang has already given everyone the answer, she said that Shilin is now one and the same, but whenever she has a trace of evil thoughts, she will feel uncomfortable when she gets close to the other party, and Jin Ba, there is no doubt that she is the person who has the most evil thoughts about Shilin today, although she does not dare to act rashly because of the identity of Shilin's top god, but how to say it? If you don't dare today, it doesn't mean you won't dare in the future!

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

Since he is destined to be doomed, it is better to fight to the death with Jin Ba, not only to avenge Caiyin, but also to solve a future trouble for Shilin! Of course, Mei Niang also knows that with her own strength, she can't stop Jin Ba for a few rounds, but she knows better how "powerful" Shi Lin is now as a Wenqu star, in the past, she has been killed again and again, and she has been helped by superiors every time, and now, the unity of man and God is even more different from what it used to be, Mei Niang used her life to stimulate Shi Lin's blood, but unfortunately, even if she stimulated the blood, Shi Lin is not Jin Ba's opponent, but fortunately, the Bodhisattva rescued in time, in addition to Jin Ba, Shi Lin's life was also saved!

After Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door?

Therefore, after Shilin won the championship, Jin Ba obviously gave up revenge, why did Hu Meiniang want to lead him to the door? What do you think?