
Dongfeng Nissan released the "New Struggle 100" action plan, and the R&D investment will exceed 10 billion yuan in the next three years!

author:Guangzhou Huadu released

June 16, 2024, is Dongfeng Nissan's 21st birthday. On this day, Dongfeng Nissan achieved a good result of 16 million units of production and sales, and also released the "New Struggle 100" action plan for all employees. The action plan mentions that in order to ensure the promotion of the new "Glocal" model, Dongfeng Nissan will provide sufficient resources for research and development. R&D investment will exceed 10 billion yuan in the next three years, and the medium and long-term goal is to increase the size of the R&D team to more than 4,000 people, so as to truly empower vehicle R&D with local teams, local technologies and local ecology. ”

Dongfeng Nissan released the "New Struggle 100" action plan, and the R&D investment will exceed 10 billion yuan in the next three years!

Looking back on the development process of Dongfeng Nissan's independent research and development, it is an evolutionary history of "technology Nissan". As one of Nissan's four major R&D centers in the world and one of the largest passenger car R&D centers in China, Dongfeng Nissan Technology Center undertakes the product and technology development of Nissan, Venucia and Infiniti, with a cumulative R&D investment of more than 10 billion, and has perfect independent R&D and experimental capabilities for fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles. After more than 20 years of technology precipitation, the technology center has established a complete localized development system, on the one hand, vigorously promote the independent research and development of the Venucia brand; On the other hand, by strengthening its R&D capabilities and improving the level of localization of Nissan brand model development, it has developed more than 50 new models to date, including the development of Chinese models that are more in line with the needs of Chinese customers and more competitive products.

Dongfeng Nissan released the "New Struggle 100" action plan, and the R&D investment will exceed 10 billion yuan in the next three years!

Starting from 2023, transformation and upgrading, and scientific and technological innovation have become the keywords to promote high-quality development, and Dongfeng Nissan has further strengthened its transformation to new energy in the face of changes in the market, competition, and customers. Dongfeng Nissan Technology Center has clarified the three major technical routes of new energy, made breakthroughs in a number of core technologies such as e-PT, and related products such as plug-in hybrid large V DD-i, pure electric Venucia VX6, and hydrogen energy large V hydrogen realm have been listed one after another, taking a solid step in the basic platform dimension of the technology field to the transformation of new energy.

In 2024, Dongfeng Nissan will firmly transform new energy, strengthen independent technological innovation, and launch new energy products that satisfy customers. Focusing on core technology research in key fields such as new energy, intelligent cockpit, and autonomous driving, we will also strengthen new business expansion, strengthen intelligence and digital transformation, and realize independent and controllable supply chains. Actively cooperate with leading enterprises to launch more competitive intelligent solutions, continuously tap local and local supplier resources, improve the resilience of the supply chain, and actively promote the integration of the four chains of industrial chain, service chain, ecological chain and innovation chain; Strengthen the filing of resources and technology, and have realized 100% localization of the Venucia brand.

Dongfeng Nissan released the "New Struggle 100" action plan, and the R&D investment will exceed 10 billion yuan in the next three years!

Facing high-quality development, Dongfeng Nissan Technology Center puts forward the vision of "TOP" world-class technology center. Dongfeng Nissan will take technological change as the driving force to create a new technology DNA of Dongfeng Nissan, and plans to launch 7 new energy models in the next three years, through the new model of "Glocal", based on Nissan's global technology and manufacturing quality, to further integrate China's local new energy research and development advantages, accelerate the implementation of new energy transformation, and realize the export of new energy to overseas markets, with the initial export target set at 100,000 units per year.

At present, Dongfeng Nissan is constantly expanding the ecological circle of friends, and in the future, Dongfeng Nissan will work together with the intelligent ecological "circle of friends" to jointly develop, and strive to quickly leapfrog the level of electrification and intelligent technology competitiveness to the first echelon of the industry.

At the same time, Dongfeng Nissan is building a more agile and rapid R&D system, comprehensively iterating and renewing R&D thinking, and carrying out "co-creation" in various fields with supplier partners, dealer partners, and employee friends, so as to create products suitable for customer needs with the concept of openness, cooperation and win-win. By integrating the global resources of both shareholders and the strength of partners, we will realize the advancement of new energy technology with Chinese speed, Chinese standards and Chinese resources, and jointly support the strategic implementation in China, for China and to the world.

Source: Dongfeng Nissan

Edit: Dream Fulfillment

Reviewer: Xie Huiyu and Wu Minna

Proofreader: Jia Yu Peng Tianyang

Review: Deng Biyan

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