
@正在找暑假工的你: Although such a "part-time job" is easy, it is enough to "punish"!

author:Master Binzhou

The high school and college entrance examinations are over

A lot of candidates during the holidays

Will choose some part-time jobs

Hone yourself and subsidize your family

@正在找暑假工的你: Although such a "part-time job" is easy, it is enough to "punish"!

What you think of as a part-time job might look like this

Part-time jobs for newbies

The package will be valid for life

Payroll on a daily basis

Package to make money

There is no time and place limit

It could be relaxing

There may be high benefits

@正在找暑假工的你: Although such a "part-time job" is easy, it is enough to "punish"!
@正在找暑假工的你: Although such a "part-time job" is easy, it is enough to "punish"!
@正在找暑假工的你: Although such a "part-time job" is easy, it is enough to "punish"!

Just send a message on your mobile phone to get a lot of "part-time fees"? Can you "earn 100 yuan a day" at home with your fingers? Attention! A "part-time trap" is coming back for graduates who have just finished the high school and college entrance examinations, and the slightest mistake will make you become a fraud "drainer" and eventually fall into the "abyss".

Just by using two mobile phones to make a call, he became an accomplice to the fraud......

Recently, the Huimin County Public Security Bureau found that Zhou Moumou in the jurisdiction had an illegal act of draining traffic for the online implementation of telecommunications network fraud activities, and immediately launched an investigation.

Xiao Zhou also truthfully confessed to the police after arriving at the case, after the college entrance examination, when he was bored at home and swiping his mobile phone, he was hit by a video APP "Just make a call at home, and you can earn 100 yuan a day at home every day!" "Part-time video ads attract. Xiao Zhou immediately contacted the person who posted the information.

According to Xiao Zhou's confession: The other party said that as long as 2 mobile phones are provided, 1 mobile phone logs in to QQ and maintains voice calls online, and the other mobile phone dials the phone number provided by the upline and turns on the speakerphone to help overseas fraudsters communicate directly with people, and after each task is completed, they can get the corresponding "commission".

Under the introduction of "online", Xiao Zhou immediately understood that this may be a fraud method of fraudsters. But driven by the interests of "100 yuan a day", Xiao Zhou still accepted this "part-time job" and became an "accomplice" of fraudsters.

Clearly knowing that others are engaging in telecommunications network fraud, but still providing specific support or assistance to others in carrying out telecommunications network fraud by making fraudulent phone calls on behalf of others. Xiao Zhou's conduct has constituted providing specific support and assistance to others in carrying out telecommunications network fraud activities, violating the provisions of Article 25, Paragraph 1 of the "Anti-Telecom Fraud Law of the People's Republic of China", and in accordance with the provisions of Article 42 of the "Anti-Telecom Fraud Law of the People's Republic of China", the Huimin County Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative penalty of a fine on him in accordance with the law.

These "part-time" must not be touched ✕


The job of helping fraudsters withdraw cash cannot be done

In order to quickly transfer stolen money, many criminals will hire people to help them withdraw cash and transfer funds offline, and some part-time jobs are to help them buy precious metals and so on, and promise high rewards, in fact, these jobs are used as "tools" for money laundering in telecommunications network fraud.


The job of buying and selling phone cards and bank accounts cannot be done

Renting, lending, and selling their own phone cards and bank accounts, or acting as offline "card heads" and "card sellers", have become accomplices of fraudsters for the sake of temporary profits, but they do not know that it is because of these sold phone cards and bank accounts of "real names and false people" that are used by fraudsters to carry out telecommunications network fraud, so that many people are impoverished by fraud, and at the same time, they will also bear serious legal responsibilities.


You can't do the work of building GOIP and VOIP

Most of the fraudsters are hiding abroad, and they will use "high-paying recruitment" as a bait to lure job seekers to rent a house in China to build a virtual dial-up device to remotely control mobile phone cards, make fraudulent calls to domestic victims, and send fraudulent text messages to commit fraud. The use of these virtual dialing devices to convert overseas calls into domestic calls increases the confusion and makes victims more likely to be deceived.


The job of impersonating customer service calls to attract traffic cannot be done

Some fraud gangs will recruit "operators" and require recruits to make calls or send text messages according to the set language and according to the list of illegally obtained citizen information, claiming to be the "customer service" of various platforms, and guiding victims to add the contact information of upstream fraudsters. This kind of work is fraud and popular behavior.


Offline promotion and drainage work cannot be done

Offline promotion and drainage mostly use small gifts as bait, requiring the victim to scan the QR code or use people to build a group or send false advertisements to receive small gifts for free. And these so-called part-time jobs are actually helping fraudsters to carry out push-type drainage and prepare for the fraudsters' next step of fraud.

Law Lecture Hall


If you participate in the above-mentioned related part-time jobs, you may be restricted from using personal phone cards, bank cards and third-party payment accounts, and you will face the following legal penalties in serious cases:



That is, the act of using fictitious facts or methods to conceal the truth for the purpose of illegal possession to defraud a relatively large amount of public or private property. On the basis of article 266 of the Criminal Law, where public or private property is defrauded, and the amount is relatively large, a sentence of up to three years imprisonment, short-term detention or controlled release is to be given, and/or a fine; where the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, a sentence of between 3 and 10 years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given; where the amount is especially huge or there are other especially serious circumstances, a sentence of 10 or more years imprisonment or indefinite imprisonment is to be given, and a concurrent fine or confiscation of property.


"Aiding information network criminal activities"

The "Amendment (9) to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" adds the crime of "aiding information network criminal activities" as Article 287-2 of the Criminal Law, which stipulates: Clearly knowing that others are using information networks to commit crimes, providing them with technical support such as Internet access, server hosting, network storage, and communication transmission, or providing assistance such as advertising and promotion, payment and settlement, and the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to up to three years imprisonment or short-term detention and/or a fine.


"Covering up or concealing criminal proceeds or the proceeds thereof"

On the basis of article 312 of the Criminal Law, whoever clearly knows that they are criminal proceeds or the proceeds thereof, harbors, transfers, purchases, sells them on behalf of others, or otherwise conceals or conceals them, is to be sentenced to up to three years imprisonment, short-term detention or controlled release, and/or a fine; where the circumstances are serious, a sentence of between three and seven years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given.


"Infringement of citizens' personal information"

On the basis of Criminal Law article 253-1, illegally obtaining, selling, or providing internet passwords or personal biometric information with functions such as information publication, instant messaging, payment and settlement, and the circumstances are serious, is to be sentenced to up to three years imprisonment or short-term detention and/or a fine; where the circumstances are especially serious, the sentence is between three and seven years imprisonment and a concurrent fine.

Where a unit commits the crime in the preceding paragraph, the unit is to be fined, and the directly responsible managers and other directly responsible personnel are to be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

The end will be

@正在找暑假工的你: Although such a "part-time job" is easy, it is enough to "punish"!


Prospective college students

When choosing a part-time job

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled

Don't fall into the trap of part-time jobs

@正在找暑假工的你: Although such a "part-time job" is easy, it is enough to "punish"!

 Students, please be sure to keep your phone card, bank card, social network account, mobile phone, etc., these can only be used by yourself, once rented, sold, lent, you will be punished, and you will be punished criminally.

  Especially during the summer vacation, students who want to find a part-time job or who have just graduated and are eager to find a job must be vigilant, never believe in the so-called "high-paying" part-time jobs on the Internet, and don't be lucky, don't regret it until the moment you are deceived!

Source: Ping An Huimin