
"Falling Flowers Are Independent, Micro Swifts Are Two Women" - "Falling Flowers Are Independent"

author:Aesthetic attention to fine arts

In the painting, the rain is drenched, the peach blossoms are falling, and a young woman stands under the eaves by the door, looking at the two delphiniums in the drizzle, looking bleak and lonely.

"Falling Flowers Are Independent, Micro Swifts Are Two Women" - "Falling Flowers Are Independent"

"Falling Flowers and Independence" is the masterpiece of the Qing Dynasty painter Yu Ji, this painting shows a scene of falling flowers with delicate brushstrokes and unique composition, full of poetry and philosophy, which makes people intoxicated.

In the painting, a woman stands alone in a flower bush, with a graceful posture, like a fairy descending to earth. She lowered her eyes, as if in contemplation, as if admiring the petals falling in the wind. The petals of the flowers fell lightly on her clothes and hair, as if draped her with a light veil of flowers, adding a bit of graceful beauty. All around, flowers are like brocade, red, pink, white, and all kinds of petals are intertwined to form a brilliant and colorful picture.

"Falling Flowers Are Independent, Micro Swifts Are Two Women" - "Falling Flowers Are Independent"

With his exquisite skills, Yu Ji vividly portrays the woman's demeanor, clothing patterns and surrounding scenes. His skillful use of colour and light creates a dreamlike atmosphere that makes one feel as if one is in a poetic world. This painting not only shows Yu Ji's keen insight into the beauty of nature, but also expresses his deep thinking about the philosophy of life.

The philosophy contained in the independent picture of falling flowers is the emotion of the impermanence of life and the fleeting of time. The petals falling in the wind, like a good time in life, are fleeting and regrettable. The independent flowers of the woman in the painting seem to tell us that even in the face of the impermanence of life, we should maintain inner peace and firmness, and bravely face the challenges of life.

"Falling Flowers Are Independent, Micro Swifts Are Two Women" - "Falling Flowers Are Independent"

This painting is not only a beautiful painting, but also a philosophical poem. It allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature while also thinking deeply about the meaning and value of life. Falling flowers are independent pictures, and it is really a masterpiece of the rest of the collection.

Under the wonderful pen of the Qing Dynasty painter Yu Ji, a painting scroll called "Falling Flowers and Independent Pictures" slowly unfolds, as if taking us through time and space, in the rainy ancient courtyard. In the painting, the fine rain threads caress every inch of land like strings, and the light raindrops seem to tell the story of a thousand years.

"Falling Flowers Are Independent, Micro Swifts Are Two Women" - "Falling Flowers Are Independent"

The peach blossoms swayed in the wind, and the petals were like the teardrops of a girl, falling lightly on the bluestone slab, painting a poignant picture. The petals are not only the withering of life, but also the flow of time, which makes people can't help but be moved.

In one corner of the painting, a young woman stands by the door, her posture is graceful, her clothes fluttering, like a fairy descending to earth. She stood quietly under the eaves, her eyes staring at the two delphiniums flying in the drizzle. That look is not only the emotion of spring going to autumn, but also the helplessness of the impermanence of the world. In the depths of her eyes, there seems to be an endless world, both reminiscing about the past and looking forward to the future.

"Falling Flowers Are Independent, Micro Swifts Are Two Women" - "Falling Flowers Are Independent"

The whole picture is sparse and concise, but it is delicate; The color is light, but it can penetrate into people's hearts. The loneliness and desolation of the young woman seem to flow out through the brush, hitting people's hearts. The poem "Falling Flowers Are Independent, Swift Women" inscribed in the painting adds endless poetry and charm to this painting.

This "Falling Flowers Independent Picture" is not only a painting, but also a historical memory and an emotional sustenance. It allows us to appreciate beauty at the same time, but also to feel the deep loneliness and loneliness, the cherishing and awe of life.

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