
Qingshui County has made every effort to promote the construction of key projects to speed up and increase efficiency

author:Tianshui online
Qingshui County has made every effort to promote the construction of key projects to speed up and increase efficiency

Since the beginning of this year, Qingshui County has adhered to the guidance of the "three grasps and three promotions" action, firmly established the concept of "project is king", focused on the "main battlefield" of key project construction, made concerted efforts, focused on tackling key problems, grasped scheduling, coordination, service and guarantee, and made every effort to promote the construction of key projects to speed up and increase efficiency, laying a solid foundation for the realization of "double more than half".

Qingshui County has made every effort to promote the construction of key projects to speed up and increase efficiency

Adhere to the combination of online and offline scheduling, and accelerate the progress of project construction. Relying on the national major construction project database, before the 10th and 25th of each month, the central budget investment projects, local government special bond projects, and treasury bond projects in the library are classified and accurately dispatched to ensure that the project investment exceeds the scheduling requirements. Up to now, the 8 investment projects under construction in 2023 have completed a total investment of 141 million yuan, with an investment completion rate of 97.05%; 11 special bond projects in 2023 have completed a total investment of 846 million yuan, with an investment completion rate of 69.9%; A total of 395 million yuan has been invested in the four additional treasury bond issuance projects, with an investment completion rate of 60.5%.

Qingshui County has made every effort to promote the construction of key projects to speed up and increase efficiency

Adhere to the principle of "funds follow the project" and strengthen the progress of capital expenditure. The central budget funds and special bond funds in place in 2023 have been fully paid for project construction, and the four additional treasury bond projects have paid a total of 157.9 million yuan, with a payment rate of 53.8%, and the timely payment and use of project funds have effectively brought into play investment benefits.

Qingshui County has made every effort to promote the construction of key projects to speed up and increase efficiency

Strengthen service guarantees, and strive to promote the early formation of physical engineering quantities for newly started projects. This year, 2 cash-for-work projects in the central budget have been implemented, and the main project is currently under construction, with a total investment of 3.22 million yuan and an investment completion rate of 23.1%; In 2024, the first batch of special bonds will arrange 60 million yuan for the Hongbao shantytown renovation project, and 36 million yuan has been paid and used, with a payment rate of 60%.

(Source: Qingshui County Rong Media Center Reprint: Kang Cuixia)