
【Story Coffee】Mo Ran's Counterattack (Long Serial 3)

author:Phoenix Vision


3. There is a lot of talk and laughter in the spicy hot shop

【Story Coffee】Mo Ran's Counterattack (Long Serial 3)

In the evening, four young people came to a Malatang snack bar.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, the waiter cleverly walked up to them and said, "Four, what do you want to eat?" ”

At this time, Mei grabbed the menu without saying a word and clicked it. In a few moments, the dishes were all over the table.

"Wow, it smells so good! Eat, eat, eat" Mei exclaimed, staring at the dishes on the table.

"Wow, looking at the temptation, I feel like my saliva is going to flow out." Mo Ran said.

"Waiter, serve beer. We don't get drunk today. Hao Hao shouted loudly to the waiter.

In the blink of an eye, the waiter dragged a whole case of beer with a smile on his face. And he slipped open the cap and put it in his pocket.

"Here, beer, corkscrew. You use it slowly. ”

"Cheers, Momo, it's a happy day in our dorm." Meili poured herself a glass and poured a glass for Mo Ran. Then clink glasses with her.

Hao Hao picked up the wine bottle and touched Mo Ran's wine glass with a "bang". And then don't forget to clink glasses with beauty.

"Thank you for accompanying me to and drink today. I feel so much more relaxed. Dry this one. ”

"Do it for our future!" Hao Hao said.

"Do it for our friendship!" Mei said.

An An raised the boiled water at this time and said, "Cheers." ”

"Little Sister An, you can't do this, you have to drink." Hao Hao said.

"I can't drink it, I get allergies when I drink it." An An said.

After a few bottles, Haohao's face flushed slightly, and he walked up to Mo Ran and said to her.

"Mo Ran, let me tell you, don't look at my human appearance now, in fact, I am really not much different from a dog. Last month we had a middle-aged woman in the store who wanted to buy a car.

'Little handsome man, introduce me to the most expensive car in your shop.' The woman shouted as soon as she entered the shop. I happened to be the only one in the store at that time. ”

"She started a company and she said her company was going to buy cars. Buy ten cars at once. It's ten! Do you know? In order to win her order, I almost became her personal assistant, helping her pick up the children four times. That's how I was forced to become a warmer, and once this woman called me and said that her water pipe was broken......"

"Then you won't refuse?" Mo Ran interrupted him.

"No, I didn't." Haohao said loudly, "Because the commission of her list can make me not worry for half a year." ”

"I remember the day I helped her fix the water pipes. She said to me affectionately, "'Haohao, my little handsome man. My little warm man, if only you came here every day to warm my house. Then she started doing things to me. I got goosebumps and pushed her away. And he said to her:

'Sister Liu, please be respectful. I ran out of her house as fast as I could.

'Hey, Li Haohao, Li Haohao. If you want to sell the car, if you want, just give the old lady back. The woman yelled at the door.

'Whatever you want. I just ran away without looking back. ”

After Hao Hao finished speaking, he took a long sip of wine into the wine bottle.

"The boiled duck just flew like that. Five-figure commission. Hao Hao began to cry and continued. I was scolded many times by my supervisor for this, saying that I was a dead brain. Although ......, I, Li Haohao, have a bottom line. ”

"Mo Ran, I can understand you very well, it is not easy for you." Hao Hao said.

【Story Coffee】Mo Ran's Counterattack (Long Serial 3)

At this time, Meili also began to recount her past.

"Brother Hao, what are you, what if you are a man and have been rubbed with oil? You don't know how many times I've been misunderstood. Once, our manager arranged for me to go on a business trip with him, and that day he was probably too happy to drink too much, and told me that his wife was very domineering, and even cried.

'Beautiful, last time my wife called you in the middle of the night to scold you, I'm very sorry. As he spoke, Zhou Zhekang became even more excited.

'Others seem to me to have a bit of face, and the department staff are all available for me to deploy. But I'm not a fart at home, the one in my family is very domineering, and I will never be allowed to have any contact with women in private. Just this time, I reported to her in advance, and told her that this business trip was the person designated by the boss, so that she finally relented and agreed. What's even more outrageous is that one of my female classmates from college came to talk to me about something, and we were eating out together. It just so happened that I was caught by my wife when I was eating with a woman. With a "snap", I received a resounding slap on the right side of my face. I remember the whole room staring at me in amazement.

"Okay, you Zhou Zhekang, damn, Lao Tzu is working hard at home to take care of the children. It's good for you to tell me that you are working overtime, and you are working overtime to fall in love with a woman. ’

Go, go, go, don't say it here. I was holding her hand and just wanted to leave.

'Let's go, let's go, let's talk!' I'm just sitting here and watching you talk. Let's talk, if you have any meaty words, come and tell me. ’

'Please, please. Let's go, let's go home. I whispered to my wife, 'Jiajia, you go back first.' ’

'Tut-tut, Jiajia, how intimate it is, it seems that I am a light bulb, disturbing your Yaxing." ’

Jiajia was about to leave.

'You, stop for Lao Tzu, seduce my husband, run away if you want to, it's not that easy. At that time, my wife was louder, and she clapped her hand hard, and then grabbed Jiajia.

'Come and see, this woman wants to seduce my husband. ’

At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on Jiajia, some accused, and some abused.

'Little Three' someone is saying.

Jiajia couldn't stand it anymore and broke free. My wife stepped forward and pulled her clothes so hard that a cup of tea splashed over her head.

'For you, green tea. My wife yelled.

Ah, what about later. I asked.

What happened later, I never had contact with this classmate again. When my classmates heard about this, they all accused me of not being right, saying that I was afraid that my wife would be like this, and I didn't look like a man.

If only my wife could be as sensible as you. It's too hard, it's really hard.

I listened to it at the time, but I didn't know what to say, for fear that if I said too much, it would lead to misunderstanding. After a while, Manager Zhou also felt a little out of shape and left. ”

"I can always evaluate the best at work, and there are some people in the company who chew their tongues and say how I and Manager Zhou are." Beautiful while drinking.

"I don't care what they say, I haven't done anything wrong, whoever likes to say it will go."

"Don't talk about that, I'm going to play you a poetry guessing game. Tell me who wrote it, and how? An An said.

"Okay, you say." Mo Ran said.

"I often remember the twilight of the Creek Pavilion, and I don't know the way back.

Returning to the boat at night, he strayed into the depths of the lotus flower.

Fighting, fighting, startling a shoal of gulls and herons. An An just finished speaking.

"I know, I know, who is this, who is here, what is it called?" Hao Hao said.

"Li Qingzhao." Beauty is the first to answer.

"No, no, it's Li Qingbai. The blue sky is blue. White in the daytime. Hao Hao said and blew on himself again.

"Li Qingbai, I think you've drunk too much." Mo Ran replied. "We have to call you innocent."

"Li is not innocent, old classmate. It's a name that deserves you. Mei replied.


An An began to write poetry again.


Hao Hao answered incorrectly again and was punished. Ah, this time Mo Ran got it right. The box rang out with the laughter of four people.

I was almost drunk, and then Mo Ran said to the three of them: "Thank you for accompanying me to play and drink today." Come on, do the last cup. ”

"Well, that's a good point." Hao Hao said.

"Let youth blow your long hair, let it pull your dreams," Beauty began to lead everyone in singing.

"Before you know it, the history of this city has taken your smile." Mo Ran sang along.

"The red heart, the blue sky, is the beginning of life." Hao Hao also sang.

"The spring rain never sleeps, you overnight, the days when you have been sleeping alone." An An hummed quietly.

"Let the flowers of youth and charm bloom into a deep red face." The four of them sang in unison.

"Flying to the sky is a fantasy of your smiling face."

"Autumn comes and spring goes to the red dust, who arranges ...... in fate"

The four of them sang in the store. The four of them sang "Dream Chaser" excitedly.

While they were still singing, An An quietly left her seat to pay for the meal. About ten minutes after An An left, Hao Hao suddenly remembered something, and staggered to the front desk to settle the bill.

"What? What! The accounts have been settled. When Hao Hao heard that it was over, he suddenly sobered up halfway. mixed with an angry tone said to An An:

"Little Sister An, you're wrong, you're looking down on your brother." As he spoke, he gave the money to An An, but An An refused to ask for it. Hao Hao just gave up.

"Come on, remember not to grab the order next time, how can any girl rush to pay." Hao Hao said to An An.

The four of them walked out of the snack bar. It was still bitterly cold outside, and the four of them walked down the road one after the other, and they were extremely happy at the moment. As we walked, there were bursts of laughter from time to time.

Suddenly, dripping, there was a screeching sound of brakes not far away......

About the Author

Mengsha, major in Chinese, has more than 10 years of experience in corporate human resource management. He is well versed in the rules of the workplace and has insight into human nature by observing small things. Good at handling and reconciling complex interpersonal relationships in the workplace. She loves reading, likes to lead children to read, and is committed to cultivating children to become lifelong readers.