
The appearance of large nodules in the coccyx area, this diagnosis may not be unexpected to you!

author:Skin Channel for the Medical Community

*For medical professionals only

The appearance of large nodules in the coccyx area, this diagnosis may not be unexpected to you!

Look at the picture to diagnose, quickly self-test!

Case Profile

A healthy 15-month-old girl presents with a nodule found in the coccyx area one month after birth. The nodules in the child gradually enlarged and there were no associated symptoms.

Specialist examination: the nodule is solitary, vertical, red, and has a papillary appearance and is 15×4×5 mm in size (Fig. 1a).

Other tests: dermoscopy shows clusters of pearly white, oval, amorphous structures in the edematous interstitium, occasionally surrounded by telangiectasias (Fig. 1B).

The appearance of large nodules in the coccyx area, this diagnosis may not be unexpected to you!

Figure 1: (Cited from References) (a) A single vertical red protrusion in the coccyx; (b) In the edematous interstitium, clustered pearly white, oval, amorphous structures occasionally surrounded by telangiectasias

Laboratory tests show no signs of sexually transmitted diseases, including hepatitis B, syphilis, or HIV. No similar lesions were found in her guardian. Histopathological examination showed a linear arrangement of endophyllial hyperplastic lesions of different sizes, with significant dermal edema and vasodilation (Fig. 2A). The lobules consist of a central fovee of large cells containing eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (Figure 2B).

The appearance of large nodules in the coccyx area, this diagnosis may not be unexpected to you!

Figure 2 (source reference)


What is the most likely diagnosis?


A. Epidermal nevus

B. Hemangioma

C. Genital warts

D. Molluscum contagiosum

Answers in this issue

You can see the answer~

参考文献:[1]Oya K,Ishitsuka Y,Fujimoto M.Coccygeal Nodule in an Infant:A Quiz.Acta Derm Venereol.2018 Aug 29; 98(8):824-825.doi:10.2340/00015555-2955.PMID:29701237.

Editor in charge: Liu Sisi

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