
The rain does not stop, and the action does not stop: agricultural technicians in Yuhang District are fighting on the front line to help farmers prevent floods and reduce disasters

author:Yuhang Times

In the past two days, affected by the plum rain, there has been a lot of rainy weather in Yuhang District, which is easy to cause water accumulation in the field and long-term damage, aggravate the occurrence of diseases and pests of agricultural vegetables and fruits, and reduce the quality of crops. To this end, agricultural technology experts from the Yuhang District Agricultural Technology Extension Center go deep into the fields to provide guidance services to help farmers resume production and reduce losses.

The rain does not stop, and the action does not stop: agricultural technicians in Yuhang District are fighting on the front line to help farmers prevent floods and reduce disasters
The rain does not stop, and the action does not stop: agricultural technicians in Yuhang District are fighting on the front line to help farmers prevent floods and reduce disasters

At the Chaohang Family Farm in Hangzhou, at the foot of Tianluo Mountain in Yuhang Street, some peaches fell, due to insufficient light, the leaves could not photosynthesize well, and too much water caused the roots to breathe normally, resulting in acidification, so that the fruit fell.

In this regard, Wang Yukun of the Yuhang District Agricultural Technology Extension Center suggested that immediate measures should be taken to drain the stagnant water and collect rotten fruits to reduce pathogens. For late-ripening peaches, on the premise of ensuring a safe interval, an appropriate amount of insecticide and fungicide can be sprayed to reduce the attack of pests and diseases.

At the same time, Wang Yukun reminded the fruit farmers participating in agricultural insurance that if they caused certain losses, they should report to the agricultural insurance company in time and make claims for the damaged part.

The rain does not stop, and the action does not stop: agricultural technicians in Yuhang District are fighting on the front line to help farmers prevent floods and reduce disasters

Then, the staff of the Agricultural Technology Extension Center came to the Daoxiang base in Yong'an Village, "according to the plan to put the field aside, the current continuous rainfall, the measures can not be put in place, resulting in an increase in ineffective tillering, so I am worried about affecting the yield." ”。 Zheng Xiaoxiao, a large rice grower in the Hengtang Group, told the agricultural technology staff.

In response to this situation, Fang Wenying, a staff member of the Yuhang District Agricultural Technology Extension Center, instructed farmers to dig the field ditches, enclosure ditches and waist ditches in time to ensure the smooth flow of the "three ditches", organize manpower and material resources to drain water in a timely manner, and minimize the time of crop flooding. In addition, if there is a loss of fertilizer, it is also necessary to replenish fertilizer in time to ensure the normal growth of rice.

The rain does not stop, and the action does not stop: agricultural technicians in Yuhang District are fighting on the front line to help farmers prevent floods and reduce disasters

The Yuhang District Agricultural Technology Extension Center said that in response to the current heavy rainfall, they will continue to pay attention to weather changes, continue to organize agricultural technicians to sink to the front line, strengthen inspections and guidance, and provide necessary technical support for affected farmers.