
Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

The changes in the entertainment industry are always dizzying, and recently, the two sisters, Big S and Little S, have once again become the focus of the topic. Big S's economic life seems to have changed a lot after his divorce, while Little S has become the object of heated discussion because of a series of events. Today, let's talk about the story behind this and see how the family is doing now.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Since the incident between Da S and Wang Xiaofei has been over for a hundred years, Xiao S has become a "little speaker" in the show, and he mentions his sister's financial situation from time to time. She told us helplessly: "Since Wang Xiaofei left, our family's 'treasury' has one less 'God of Wealth'!" Back then, Wang Xiaofei was the "first brother" in the business world, and the "cash cow" at home held up half of the sky for Big S, and the wealth was rolling in.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

But now. divorced, the "cash cow" in the family is gone, and Big S has to rely on himself to climb and roll in the entertainment industry, although the appearance is still glamorous, but the sadness behind it, who knows? She has to take on dramas, receive advertisements, attend various events, and she is busy like a spinning top all day long, and she has to worry about things at home, which is not a good time.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

And what about Gu Junye? Although he is also in the entertainment industry, to be honest, compared with Da S and Wang Xiaofei, his income is simply "a small thing". Xiao S couldn't help but complain: "Gu Junye, you have to work harder, otherwise Big S will have to worry about you!" Although this is a straightforward statement, it is indeed true. Big S now not only has to work his own, but also has to worry about Gu Junye's future, this day is really not ordinary!

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

After Big S's divorce, her health seems to have been less than ideal. Rumor has it that she is planning to transition to a behind-the-scenes job to ease the burden on her body. The world behind the scenes is not easier than in front of the stage, and whether Big S can successfully transform is still full of unknowns.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

In addition, the question of whether Da S regrets the divorce has also aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that it is a wise move for her to leave Wang Xiaofei, after all, the two have incompatible personalities; But there is also speculation that she may have regretted it in the dead of night. However, these are just speculations from the outside world, and the real situation is only known to Big S himself.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

is completely different from Big S's situation, Xiao S seems to have opened a new chapter in his life after the divorce, just like a ship setting sail, riding the wind and waves in the entertainment industry. The scolding battle between her and Wang Xiaofei not only did not damage her image, but it seemed to add fuel to her popularity, adding fuel to the fire and attracting more people's attention.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Xiao S, her witty mind and humorous eloquence, are like a clear stream in the entertainment industry, which can always bring laughter and surprises. Her unique charm makes her unique in the entertainment industry and loved by the audience. Every time I see her in front of the camera, I can't help but laugh out loud, this is really a pistachio!

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Xiao S's efforts to push his daughter into the entertainment industry have also caused a lot of controversy. Some people think that she is a bit too utilitarian in doing this, using her daughter as a cash cow and using her daughter's popularity to make money. But some people feel that Xiao S is paving the way for her daughter's future, after all, the entertainment industry is also a highly competitive circle, and it is always good to have a good starting point.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

However, no matter what the outside world says, Xiao S's maternal love and determination are worthy of recognition. She did not hesitate to make every effort for her daughter's future, and this spirit is really admirable. Xiao S, you are like a brave warrior, for the sake of your daughter's future, move forward bravely!

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

S's mother, the elder of the family, has always been like a patron saint for her daughters' marriage and career, always paying attention to it. When Wang Xiaofei and Da S's fate came to an end, although S's mother inevitably felt a little regretful in her heart, she also understood that feelings were reluctant to come. She respects her daughters' choices, after all, marriage has to rely on her own feelings and management.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

When talking about the two sons-in-law, S's mother is not the kind of person who likes gossip and comparison. She will not directly compare Wang Xiaofei and Gu Junye's economic ability and social status, she values their morality and attitude towards the world more. She often said: "Money is something outside the body, and the most important thing is character." "In the eyes of S's mother, a person's character and cultivation are more important than anything else.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

S's mother's open and tolerant attitude is really admirable. She will not easily change her opinion because of external evaluation or prejudice. She knows that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the key is whether they can understand and tolerate each other. This kind of wisdom and pattern is really not something that ordinary people can have.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

S's mother, an elder, not only cares about her daughters' marriage and career, but also cares about whether they are doing well and whether they are happy. With her own actions, she told us what true maternal love and affection are.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Speaking of the current big S and small S, they really have their own troubles and expectations! Just like us ordinary people, they also face various challenges and opportunities in life, but their stage is bigger and the spotlight is brighter, so everything seems more attention-grabbing.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Let's talk about Big S first, the former screen goddess, is now standing at the crossroads of life, thinking about how to move from the front of the stage to the backstage. As we all know, behind-the-scenes work is not as glamorous as in front of the stage, and it takes more effort and time, and you have to have the ability to strategize and win thousands of miles.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Can Big S successfully transform? It's a sweat! But having said that, Da S has always been an assertive and courageous woman, and I believe that she will be able to find her own path and impress us.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Let's talk about Xiao S, her baby daughter is now a hot topic in the entertainment industry. The little girl is beautiful and has her mother's genes, so it stands to reason that it should not be difficult to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

The competition in the entertainment industry is fierce, just like we grab red envelopes during the New Year, we have to fight for speed, luck, and strength. Can Xiao S's daughter gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry? That's an unknown! I believe that Xiao S will fully support her daughter and give her the best resources and guidance to let her shine in the entertainment industry.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Finally, let's talk about Gu Junye, this Korean Oba has been the focus of everyone's attention since he married Big S. His acting career has always been a concern for everyone. Can Gu Junye prove his strength? It depends on his own efforts and performance. I think Gu Junye is also a talented and attractive man, as long as he is willing to work hard, he will definitely be able to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry.

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

Both Big S and Little S are facing different challenges and opportunities, and their futures are full of uncertainty. It is this uncertainty that makes people look forward to it and imagine it. Let's wait and see if they can seize the opportunity, meet the challenge, and shine more brightly on the stage of life!

Crack someone up! Xiao S spoke up for Big S, and after divorcing Wang Xiaofei, there was one less cash cow in the family!

The changes in the entertainment industry are always unpredictable, and the story of the big S and the little S family is no exception. Although they are now facing various challenges and difficulties, I believe that they will be able to forge their own path with their wisdom and courage. Let's wait and see!