
Zhu Yuanzhang asked the death row prisoner: What is your surname? After the death row prisoner answered, Zhu Yuanzhang: You can be spared 5 times!

author:Historical Stories

He was born recklessly, coinciding with troubled times, the southern expedition and the northern expedition ended the chaotic situation of many years at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, unified the Central Plains, established the Ming Dynasty, and became one of the most legendary kings in history.

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he abolished the prime minister system and killed heroes, etc., so that his majesty resounded throughout the Ming Dynasty.

Under his iron-blooded method of "I would rather kill one person by mistake than let one go", there was a death row prisoner, and after Zhu Yuanzhang asked his name, he pardoned him, and even spared death five times, what is going on?

Since Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he has always felt uneasy. When fighting the world, you need the help of ministers and generals, but when guarding the country, you don't need so many people.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the death row prisoner: What is your surname? After the death row prisoner answered, Zhu Yuanzhang: You can be spared 5 times!

In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang was worried that after his death, future generations would not be able to control these heroes, so he began to kill heroes on a large scale.

According to historical records, the Hu Weiyong case and the Lanyu case that occurred during the Zhu Yuanzhang period involved tens of thousands of people, and countless people lost their lives. In addition, Hu Weiyong's death also led to the revocation of the position of prime minister, which was not established until the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang's hands were stained with the blood of countless people, but one person escaped, and this person was Fan Congwen. Fan Congwen, whose name is Fushan, is from Suzhou, and is a doctor of imperial history during the Hongwu period.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang followed Li Shimin's example and humbly accepted advice, so he founded the Inspectorate, and the officials within it were responsible for supervising hundreds of officials and making suggestions to the emperor, and Fan Congwen was one of them. This official position is basically doing a "two-faced" job, which often offends people.

And Fan Congwen is such an official who is not afraid of offending people. He is dedicated to the country and the people, and often writes good advice to Zhu Yuanzhang, becoming one of the few people who can anger Zhu Yuanzhang.

When Zhu Yuanzhang's treatment of the ministers was too intense, Fan Congwen took the initiative to stand up and say that Zhu Yuanzhang had killed too many evils, and that he should not be too cruel and cruel to the ministers. After all, they are the pillars of the entire Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the death row prisoner: What is your surname? After the death row prisoner answered, Zhu Yuanzhang: You can be spared 5 times!

The most important thing is that Fan Congwen also directly warned him that if he continued like this, he was likely to become the second monarch.

Everyone knows what the reputation of Xia Wei and King Xuan is in history, Fan Congwen said this kind of thing, which is tantamount to slapping Zhu Yuanzhang in the face in public, who can bear this? Zhu Yuanzhang was so furious that he had Fan Congwen taken to prison and beheaded a few days later.

It turned out that Fan Congwen thought that he was dead and was ready to die. But the interesting thing is that Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly saw his name when he was executed, and then suddenly thought of something.

So a magical scene came, Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly came to let people bring Fan Congwen to the palace. As a death row prisoner, Fan Congwen was stunned on the spot, and quickly knelt down and shouted Long live.

Zhu Yuanzhang ignored him and asked him directly: "Your surname is Fan, does it have anything to do with Fan Zhongyan?" Fan Congwen was very curious about how he found out, but he still answered truthfully, saying that he was the twelfth grandson of Fan Zhongyan.

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately let out a hearty laugh and immediately announced that he would be pardoned for his death sentence. Because Zhu Yuanzhang has always admired Fan Zhongyan, who is "worried about the world".

Coupled with Zhu Yuanzhang's early experience, he hated the fish and meat people even more, and the officials who ate vegetarian meals on corpses. Just imagine how happy it is that the descendants of the characters you worship are now doing things for themselves in the court.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the death row prisoner: What is your surname? After the death row prisoner answered, Zhu Yuanzhang: You can be spared 5 times!

In addition to being happy, Zhu Yuanzhang also gave Fan Congwen the opportunity to avoid death five times. For Fan Congwen, it is really not a surprise.

Of course, the story has not yet come to an end here. Because although Zhu Yuanzhang pardoned Fan Congwen's capital crime, he still had some anger and was a little depressed.

So, it didn't take long to find a reason to demote him out of Beijing, and he was demoted to the territory of present-day Gansu, and it was not until the tenth year of Hongwu that he was sent to Zhejiang.

When evaluating a historical figure again, try to be as comprehensive as possible, Zhu Yuanzhang is even more polarized, but the flaws are not concealed, although he killed the heroes, he cannot deny his series of contributions.