
48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

author:Wooden Bridge said


What is the most important thing for a teacher in a college entrance examination class?

That's right, it's the college entrance examination results of senior high school students.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

This can not only reflect the learning results of the students' three years of high school, but also reflect the good and bad teaching ability of the teacher.

In Guizhou, there is such a county high school, and its senior three (1) class can make all the teachers laugh and laugh and cry.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Legendary Senior Year (1) class

On June 24, Guizhou's college entrance examination results can finally be checked.

The senior teachers of Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School squatted nervously in front of the computer, waiting for the scores of the 49 students in the third (1) class.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Who knows, after the results came out, both students and teachers poured out tears of joy.

The average score of the senior three (1) class is 640 points, and the highest score is actually blocked, which means that the senior three (1) class has a champion!

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Even the lowest score was 598 points, and there were 49 students in the class, 48 of whom scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination!

This is simply a real "school class"!

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas
On June 26, in an interview with reporters, Duan Malin, the head teacher of the third (1) class of high school, told reporters that Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School is actually a county-level middle school.

When I first entered high school, the students' grades were average, and most of the students were left-behind children from the mountains.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

According to the teacher, Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School's enrollment results that year could only rank fourth in the city. But half a year later, the No. 2 Middle School overtook other schools and became the leading boss.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

In the past three years, every student has worked very hard, because the school library has never been closed, and sometimes they do not leave the school during the holidays, but stay in the school to study.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Chinese teacher Chen Xue told reporters that the class can achieve such good results because of the role model of the leader.

There was a student in the class who worked very hard, and he went to the classroom 30 minutes early to study before the morning exercises, and over time, the other students in the first class were driven by him to start studying in the classroom early.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Even students from other classes have studied one class after another, come to school early for self-study, and seize all the time to study.

Not only the students, but also the teachers were infected by their fighting spirit and went to work early every day.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

In the three years of high school, Duan Malin, the head teacher, witnessed the efforts of a group of students.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

When he heard that the students' scores were not satisfactory after the exam, he was a little anxious, for fear that these students' three years of hard work would be in vain.

But fortunately, the text messages announcing the results came one by one, and he was relieved and sincerely happy for the students.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

After counting the results of all classes in the third year of high school, Chinese teacher Chen Xue couldn't believe that the online rate of a county-level high school could reach 75%, and the undergraduate rate was almost 100%!

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

In addition to being happy, since many of the students' parents came from rural areas and did not know anything about filling in the university volunteers, the senior high school teachers of the second middle school decided to help the students fill in the volunteers.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Since June 25th, Ms. Duan, the homeroom teacher, and Ms. Chen, the Chinese teacher, have been helping many students to fill in the volunteers, wishing them more choices in the future.

Netizens lamented that the "gold content" of the third (1) class of high school is simply terrifying, and ridiculed whether the only one who did not score 600 points would feel lonely.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

In addition to ridiculing, netizens couldn't stop praising the teachers in the third year of high school, it is with such a responsible teacher that the students can play such a good result.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

High school in the mountains

Speaking of helping students from the mountains, I couldn't help but think of someone.

She is both a teacher and a principal, and it is her conscientiousness, responsibility and perseverance that have allowed countless girls to go to the world outside the mountains through learning.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

She is Principal Zhang Guimei, one of the "Top Ten People Who Moved China".

In 2008, she founded Yunnan Lijiang Huaping Girls' Senior High School, the country's first free public high school for girls.
48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

In order to give the girls in the mountains a chance to study, Principal Zhang drove her broken car to every road in the mountains. But whenever there is a girl in the family who should go to school, she does not bother to visit the door.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

With more than ten years of hard work, she alone has recruited nearly 2,000 female students, building a bridge for more than 2,000 girls to go out of the mountains.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Under the leadership of Principal Zhang, more and more girls who could only marry early in the mountains confidently walked into the examination room.

Although they did not have the same shining results as Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School, they were all admitted to the university and walked out of the mountains that trapped them.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

These female students came from the mountains to study in cities across the country.

These former mountain girls may be showing their brilliance in all walks of life.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

Isn't this another kind of proud college entrance examination results?

"Chicken Head" and "Phoenix Tail"

In the jubilant atmosphere, someone came up with a different idea.

Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School, the third (1) class of high school, sounds like a "top class", and there is something strange about the "top class" exam being so good.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

This can explode the pot, and some people have responded.

The top class is originally a class composed of the best students from all middle schools, and the school's good educational resources will also be inclined to the top class, so it is normal to do so well in the exam.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

If it is really as netizens said, it is indeed not surprising that the "top class" is so good.

There has always been a saying in the circle of parents of high school students: "Rather be a phoenix tail than a chicken head", which is completely different from our normal thinking.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

In fact, it is talking about the phenomenon of "top class".

What is the Top Class?

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

It is to gather the best students in the school in one class, assign the best teachers of each subject, and aim to impact the class of the famous school.

Therefore, many parents want to send their children to the "top class" even if they want to be "phoenix tails".

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

After all, there is still a certain difference in the educational resources between the top class and the ordinary class.

Therefore, when the news of the first class of "Xueba" in Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School exploded, some people suspected that it was the legendary "top class".

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

However, some netizens believe that the "myth" of the third (1) class of Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School is completely because the students themselves love to learn and work hard.

It doesn't have much to do with the so-called "top class".

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas


Regardless of whether it is a "top class" or not, the results of the senior three (1) class are inseparable from the efforts of the students themselves and the teachers.

The college entrance examination has ended, and everything has settled.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas

As left-behind children in mountainous areas, with their own efforts and the teaching of their teachers, they are about to move towards a higher academic hall.

I hope that they will study hard in their future university life and get a better tomorrow through their own efforts.

48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas
Source: People's Daily
48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas
Source: Dawan News
48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas
Source: Qilu Evening News Sure Video
48 out of 49 people in the class passed 600 points! Netizens questioned that it was a top class, and the head teacher: Most of them are from mountainous areas