
New Energy Vehicles VS Fuel Vehicles: Who has a greater probability of fire and escape?

author:The mechanic said the car

When it comes to new energy and fuel vehicles, who has a higher probability of fire and whose escape probability is greater, then we must first look at the official hard-core data, according to official data In the first quarter of 2023, 18,360 fuel vehicles spontaneously combusted, while 640 new energy vehicles. After calculation, the fire rate of fuel vehicles is 0.58 per 10,000, while that of new energy vehicles is 0.44 per 10,000. That's right, you heard it right, the spontaneous combustion rate of new energy vehicles is even lower than that of fuel vehicles. In addition, the official also said, why do we always think that the number of new energy vehicle fires is more and more scary? The reason is very simple, one is that new energy vehicles are new things, and they are more concerned by everyone, and the other is that once a fire starts, the fire will be very large, and the battery may produce energy explosion, so everyone mistakenly thinks that new energy vehicles are more likely to catch fire, but this is not the case.

New Energy Vehicles VS Fuel Vehicles: Who has a greater probability of fire and escape?

According to the official description of the data, in fact, I think this is the official deliberately avoiding the number and severity of battery car fires, why do I say that, because some common sense he did not mention, when it comes to new energy vehicle fires, you have to mention lithium batteries, lithium batteries have high energy density, which can make the car run farther than other types of batteries, which is undoubted, but at the same time, it does make lithium batteries become "powder kegs", once thermal runaway there is a risk of explosion and spontaneous combustion, why is it out of control? It is nothing more than two kinds of internal and external reasons for the battery, such as impurities mixed in the battery manufacturing or battery aging, which may cause internal short circuits.

New Energy Vehicles VS Fuel Vehicles: Who has a greater probability of fire and escape?

External causes, such as crashes or high temperatures, can also turn a tram into a "hot" car in an instant. So why is lithium battery fire so quick and difficult to extinguish? At the same time, it also limits the escape time of the driver and passengers? Because once the battery is thermally runaway, it will continue to release energy and produce a large amount of combustible gas, and even if the surface fire is extinguished, its internal chemical reaction will continue and may re-ignite at any time. And those compounds inside the lithium battery will also release a certain amount of oxygen when heated, so this is similar to adding fuel to the fire, there is actually no better way to extinguish the fire of the new energy tram, it is almost impossible to douse it with water, because the water can only cool down, and it is not possible to cut off the effect of the conductor at all, and the battery on fire can only soak the whole car in water in vain, and the connection between the battery and the battery can only be cut off if you want to effectively extinguish the fire, but this can not be done from a practical or technical point of view.

New Energy Vehicles VS Fuel Vehicles: Who has a greater probability of fire and escape?

Therefore, I don't know what everyone thinks about the official data, in short, I will never believe such data, to put it bluntly, I think that this kind of data and the mainland's per capita deposit of 100,000 is not fundamentally different, just to whitewash the tram, there is a problem that we must not ignore, that is, most of the oil vehicles spontaneously combust are old cars that have been driven for more than 10 years, and new cars will basically not spontaneously combust. What kind of cars are the spontaneous combustion of new energy battery vehicles, they are basically new cars, at least three or two years old, three or five years old. Another reason is that at least 50% of the trams will carry a few fuel vehicles next to them while spontaneously combusting, and even dozens of fuel vehicles can be taken away in the underground garage, so I myself is also in line with the consideration that the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, and try to stay away from the battery car when parking.

New Energy Vehicles VS Fuel Vehicles: Who has a greater probability of fire and escape?

Because I always feel that the battery car burns surprisingly fast, even if I understand why it burns fast, but I still can't accept this reality, the fire can reach a climax in more than ten or twenty seconds, and the whole car can be burned in minutes, and it can't be extinguished, this kind of burning speed can be compared with black powder, and these are basically some relatively new cars, people's fuel car fires are usually old vehicles and can be extinguished in time, and the spare fire extinguisher in the car can be used, If a new energy tram catches fire, even professional firefighters scratch their heads, and the speed of burning is calculated in seconds, so the nature of these two types of vehicles is completely different once they catch fire. It is no wonder that some people often say: trams are to buy batteries and send shells, and the development of fuel vehicles for more than 100 years in terms of safety has always been incomparable, to put it bluntly, the technology is not mature enough.