
Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce

author:Flying Fish Heart

Text/Flying Fish

Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce

Love is a very beautiful and romantic thing, but if love can't withstand the knocks of life, then only love comes and goes quickly.

Two people entered marriage because of love and became husband and wife, I thought that we could be together for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that after marriage, I saw each other's personality clearly, and gave them opportunities again and again, but they still didn't change, so they saved enough failures and turned away.

Marriage requires the husband and wife to treat each other sincerely, tolerate and understand each other, trust and respect each other, if you can't do it, but for your own desires, play with each other, lose control of each other, then such a thing is more disgusting than divorce.

Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce.

Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce

1. Always stalking you, just don't trust you.

Between husband and wife, once they lose trust, they are always suspicious, always suspicious of each other, always feel that the other party will do something sorry for themselves, always feel that the other party is hiding themselves, so they begin to follow each other, inquire about each other's affairs, and want the other party to report everything to themselves, if the other party does not say, follow each other, and want to see where the other party has gone and who they have met.

The rose in "The Story of the Rose", her husband Fang Xiewen treated her like this, always distrusting her, secretly following her, just to see if she was going to meet the opposite sex, and even in order to know her location, he secretly installed the location on her mobile phone to monitor the rose at any time, and such a thing is really more disgusting than divorce.

At first, Rose was still enduring it, and did not demolish Fang Xiewen, but Fang Xiewen had to make inches, and Rose couldn't bear it anymore, because love had been consumed, so she directly filed for divorce and gave herself freedom.

Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce

2. Control you and find ways to keep you from going out to work.

Husband and wife, you must respect each other, respect each other's wishes, and find a way to solve things together, but you can't force each other to live according to your ideas because of your own desires, and you can't ask each other to stay at home, don't go out to work, and deny the value of each other's work, which is very disgusting.

Fang Xiewen in "The Story of Rose" is like this, he doesn't respect the idea of roses, Rose wants to go out to work, but in order to make Rose inseparable from this home and himself, he secretly resigned for Rose, weakening Rose's economic ability in disguise, so that she has no income and no money, so she can only rely on him and can't do without him.

Rose compromised the first time, because the child had not yet been born at that time, and when the child was born, Rose tried to find a job, but was denied by Fang Xiewen, and found a lot of excuses that there was no one at home to take care of the child, and asked her to stay at home.

In the end, Rose found a job, and Fang Xiewen secretly called personnel again, saying that Rose was pregnant and couldn't work.

Fang Xiewen did this, just disrespecting the rose, and deceiving, such a human nature is really disgusting.

Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce

3. Full of heart and eye to calculate you.

Once there is a calculation between husband and wife, then they are not in love, and they want to control you in their own hands to show their strength.

In "The Story of Roses", Fang Xiewen approached roses from the beginning, he was insincere, he was full of heart, but he showed a very honest appearance and won the favor of roses.

Later, I married Rose and said that I could take care of her, but in a blink of an eye, I asked my mother to come over, and I never accompanied Rose to a prenatal checkup.

Fang Xiewen dealt with Rose with his mother, and when he conspired in front of Rose, he spoke in tongues, which was to make Rose not understand.

Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce

Fang Xiewen knew that Rose was very capable and always wanted to go out to work, so he drove his mother back to his hometown and let Rose take care of the children alone, but he didn't want her to go out to work, he didn't want Rose to be excellent, he allowed himself to be excellent, but he didn't allow Rose to be excellent.

Fang Xiewen played with Rose, thinking that Rose couldn't see it, Rose was not stupid, and finally saw Fang Xiewen's personality clearly, and filed for divorce.

Therefore, the most important thing for husband and wife to get along is honesty, trust, and respect, if you don't give these, it is more disgusting than divorce.

Between husband and wife, 3 things that are more disgusting than betrayal are the beginning of divorce