
Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

author:Xiaoxiao's worldview

Now that the college entrance examination is about to be selected, many parents are still confused.

How to choose a major? How to choose a major to not only achieve the satisfaction of the child, but also facilitate the child's employment after graduation?

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

On this issue, Zhang Xuefeng, who has been on the front line of the exam for a long time to relieve students' worries, said the key point.

As soon as Zhang Xuefeng's remarks came out, a group of netizens shouted, "It's too heart-wrenching!" ”

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

"No matter how you choose, don't you have to leave a way for the public examination?"

In a recent lecture offline, Zhang Xuefeng mentioned the phenomenon of public examinations now.

His words pierced the hearts of families who now have children who take public examinations and compilations.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

He said that in the past two years, as soon as many college students graduate, they have started all kinds of revisions and exams at home, and this phenomenon is now common in many families.

This parent doesn't dare to ask more, after all, it is so difficult for college students to find employment now, and it must be much better at home than going out to work hard, at least they don't have to worry about their children being thirsty and hungry outside, and enduring the wind and sun.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

Of course, I am not afraid of being deceived to the waist of Ga in northern Myanmar.

The child said, Mom and Dad, I want to take the public examination and the preparation examination.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

When the parents heard this, they couldn't help but be happy, and when relatives and friends heard it, they praised him for being a sensible and good child.

But is this really a good thing to celebrate?

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

Of course, some children worked hard and were admitted just after graduation, and the whole family was happy.

However, the public examination is different from the college entrance examination that has just ended, and its restrictions are more, and there are only two or three positions.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

As a result, many children can't take the exam for two years in one year, can't take the exam for three years in two years, and just keep taking the exam, and in the end they don't get anything done, and they waste their time in vain.

What's going on? The reason is that when they chose their major, they didn't leave a way back for the public examination.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

As soon as the child graduated from college, when he was ready to take the public examination, he looked at the recruitment announcement and found that there was no position that he could take the exam this year, and he wasted a year's opportunity.

Or, the major he chose in college could only allow him to take the "three unlimited" positions, that is, no restriction on major, no restriction on gender, and no limit on the number of years of work.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

Then this competition is big, as soon as the restrictions are relaxed, a large number of students of various majors can take the exam, do you say that this competitiveness is not high?

So how can we leave a way back for the public examination? Isn't choosing a major about what your child likes and is good at?

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

Either you have to be optimistic about employment, and choosing an unpopular major in a good school or a popular major in a general school has always been a difficult problem for parents.

And Zhang Xuefeng's suggestion of "leaving a way back for the public examination" is worth listening to.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

"Parents have to keep an eye on their children's future public examinations."

Zhang Xuefeng told everyone that when children want to apply for volunteers, as parents, they have to be careful.

You don't know if your child will take the public exam in the future, but you have to consider whether to leave a convenient opportunity for your child to take the public exam.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

There is a saying that everyone has heard, called "The end of the world is the examination of the public and the examination of the establishment." ”

It is normal for children to be young for a while, and when they grow up and graduate from college, they always want to go out and have a look outside and go out in society.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

But as parents who have come from the past, many of them are still from ordinary families, don't you know what it is like to really work hard in society?

When the time came, the child came back from a gray nose outside, turned his head and suddenly wanted to seek stability, and began to prepare for the public examination.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

And at that time, you will be glad that you left this eye on your child's choice of major.

Therefore, parents should consider now whether to leave a convenient opportunity for their children to take the public examination in the future.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

He clearly divided the choice of majors for the public examination into three categories, which are very easy to understand.

The first category is that any unit may be recruited. This kind of major is mostly liberal arts, such as law, Chinese language and literature, ideology and politics, and once the general recruitment job list is issued, you can always see that various units have recruited these majors, which belong to the jack-of-all-trades major.

Because no matter which unit it is, it is possible to set up posts for these majors.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

In the second category, there is only one unit to choose it. This kind of science is mostly scientific, with particularity, that is, special recruitment, people will look for you as a professional talent, such as computer, electronic information, electrical, etc.

If the child chooses this kind of major, he will not be able to take any of the positions in other majors, but the advantage is that he is likely to only have to compete with a dozen people.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

However, there is another point to note that this kind of position is likely to rely on luck, because you may have graduated this year, but the unit you want to apply for is a radish and a pit, and it happens to be full, so you can only take the test for three unlimited.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

The third category is that you can apply for the exam regardless of your major. This kind of position is the three unlimited positions mentioned before, and the competitiveness is also the greatest.

No matter what major you choose in college, as long as the position you want to take the exam is three unlimited, you can sign up for the exam.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

In this way, the parents understand, but the people who really understand the public examination are about to cry.

If this was taken into account at the beginning of choosing a major earlier, would the road to the public examination be easier now?

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

"Although realistic, choosing a major is choosing a job."

In the past few days, there have been news reports that Zhang Xuefeng has earned 200 million yuan because of guiding the college entrance examination to choose a major.

The live classes he sold online were sold out by crazy parents as soon as they were put on the shelves, and the price was not low.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

The high price makes people say that Zhang Xuefeng has changed and become too profitable, but his success also proves that employment is a reality.

Some comments pointed out that Zhang Xuefeng's choice of "good for you" was killing the children's dreams.

Just because he put employment in the first place in choosing a major.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

There was once a rural candidate in Hebei who scored more than 700 points in the exam, and was recommended by Zhang Xuefeng to apply for a bachelor's degree in the local Xiangya Medical College for 8 consecutive years, and the reason was that he could afford to buy a house after Changsha.

With a score of more than 700 points, there are many choices for ordinary people, and the open life seems to be waiting for them to explore.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

But are there really so many choices in life?

Yu Hua said that when you are young, it is best not to take the narrow gate mentioned in the Bible, but to go to the wide avenue first.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

Some time ago, Zhong Meimei, who became popular by imitating her teacher, also said that if she can make a lot of money, she must earn enough money.

In this way, I don't have to worry about money, and I decide where I want to study and what I want to learn.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

For Zhang Xuefeng, his attitude towards choosing a major is to see whether this major can be employed in the future, and whether it is good or not.

If it can solve the problem of employment, then it is a good major.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner

Employment is the road that many people must embark on, and it is far easier to touch their dreams by thinking about employment first than thinking about the ethereal future first.

What's more, when the dream is, it can be realized by itself, just like Jiang Ping now, even if she went to the secondary school, she never gave up her dream of mathematics.

Jiang Ping has the courage to participate in a world-class mathematics competition and enter the finals, how can it not be said that she has succeeded in chasing her dream?

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner


quotes a sentence often said in the TV series "Know", "The love of parents is far-reaching".

Parents should not worry too much about their children's choice of majors, but the information on the Internet is so complex that it is difficult to distinguish, and you can't listen to the wind or rain.

However, employment is a matter of time for students after graduation, and it is necessary to plan early and pay more attention to the future of your children.

Zhang Xuefeng's choice of major was too "heart-wrenching", and he directly "tore" the last scar of the examiner