
A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

author:Goshi Ryuyoshi

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

In modern society, many people always regard the person's academic background as one of the very important criteria when measuring a person, but can the academic background really represent a person?

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Cai Wei is an example of not being constrained by academic qualifications and striving for a brilliant life on his own.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Originally, Cai Wei was an ordinary laid-off worker, in order to maintain the life of the whole family, Cai Wei became a tricycle driver, but in 2009, Cai Wei ushered in his own glory, relying on a special skill, he was appreciated by several teachers of higher education, and became a doctoral student of Fudan University under their recommendation, and Cai Wei achieved his own counterattack for a while.

So what skills does Cai Wei have that can be appreciated by many well-known professors?

«——【Ordinary first half of life·】——»

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

In today's society, if a person wants to create his own achievements, if he does not have a high-quality education, he needs to have an education that others do not have, and Cai Wei, the protagonist of this article, is such a person.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

But while having skills, if there is no Bole to appreciate, even the best skills can only be buried in the world.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Cai Wei, born in 1972 in an ordinary family in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, when Cai Wei was young, he showed a different side from other children, other children at Cai Wei's age, either like to go out of tune or like to play, but Cai Wei is different, he has a strong interest in words, especially ancient characters.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

So when the other children were playing outside, Cai Wei sat alone and picked up the notes and began to read the me-me-son on it, and when he encountered a text that he didn't understand, Cai Wei would use all means to understand it.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After seeing Cai Wei's actions, although they did not understand it very much, they also expressed their support, and from time to time they used their own salary to give Cai Wei an estimate to study.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

In this way, under the influence of ancient texts, Cai Wei's language level can be said to have made full progress, but it is precisely because Cai Wei put most of his energy on learning words, resulting in other subjects other than Chinese, Cai Wei's grades can be said to be a mess, even if the teacher tried every means to help him improve, the final result was a failure.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

And it is precisely because of this overly biased situation that Cai Wei finally failed due to his poor grades in the college entrance examination.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After falling off the list, Cai Wei did not choose to continue studying, but entered the society and entered the factory to become a worker like his parents.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Although the daily work is very heavy, Cai Wei has not forgotten the habit of reading, so whenever he has a break, Cai Wei will go to the library to read, so in just one year, Cai Wei has read hundreds of books, and each Cai Wei will fully grasp the content inside. But from this point of view, many experts and professors may not be able to do this.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

It stands to reason that Cai Wei's future life will be like an ordinary worker, working to make money, marrying a wife and having children, and finally living a dull life.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Unexpectedly, within a few years of Cai Wei's work, the factory had poor economic benefits, and because Cai Wei was addicted to reading, the work efficiency was very low, and it was also for the sake of the factory's efficiency, Cai Wei was also dismissed.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After leaving the factory, Cai Wei has done a lot of work in order to survive, not only set up stalls, but also done some small business, but there is no time Cai Wei can be strong to do it, the reason why it will be like this is because Cai Wei is different from other vendors, he did not choose to shout like other vendors, but after the goods were placed, he ran to the side and began to read, it can be said that Cai Wei's concept is mainly a volunteer to take the bait.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

And it is this philosophy that has led to Cai Wei's business being the worst among the surrounding vendors, but even so, Cai Wei still has not made any changes.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

But with the passage of time, the family is also dissatisfied with Cai Wei's behavior, in their opinion, it is unreasonable for a man who does not go out to work to support his family, but devotes his energy to ancient characters all day long. But fortunately, Cai Wei's wife was very supportive of his wife's decision, and even in order to support her husband, his wife chose to earn money outside to support the family.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

I thought that life would be so peaceful, but I didn't expect my wife's sudden illness to break this peaceful time.

«——【Time to Reversal·】——»

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

In order to earn money to support the family, the wife worked at a high load every day, and the pressure of working for a long time caused serious damage to the wife's body, and finally a serious illness struck, and the wife fell ill.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After learning that his wife was sick, Cai Wei also urgently sent him to the hospital for rescue, and after the doctor's examination, Cai Wei learned that his wife needed surgery, but the cost of tens of thousands of yuan for surgery was not something Cai Wei could afford at all.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

But in order to save his wife's life, Cai Wei found his relatives and friends to borrow money, fortunately, after relatives and friends learned of the situation, they also extended a helping hand, but Cai Wei's relatives and friends are not rich and noble people, although they provided help, but the cost was still poor, so in order to raise the cost of treatment, Cai Wei also put down the books and began to rely on pedaling tricycles to make money.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

But even so, at the end of the day, Cai Wei can only get an income of dozens of yuan, barely able to maintain the life of the family. It is undoubtedly very difficult to make up for his wife's treatment costs, but even so, Cai Wei did not choose to give up.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

And just when Cai Wei continued to run around for his wife's treatment costs, the appearance of a person changed Cai Wei's situation, and this person was Mr. Qiu Xigui, a master of Chinese studies.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

It stands to reason that the two should have no intersection in terms of identity or social status, but why would Qiu Xigui help Cai Wei.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

In fact, when it comes to the acquaintance of the two, it has to start from 1995, when Cai Wei was very interested in words, especially ancient characters, so he read a lot of books, and gradually Cai Wei had his own unique views on paleography, in order to share his own opinions, Cai Wei wrote a letter to Mr. Qiu Xigui, at that time Cai Wei did not think that Mr. Qiu Xigui would reply to himself.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Cai Wei to receive a reply from Mr. Qiu Xigui, in which Mr. Qiu Xigui also agreed with Cai Wei's views on ancient characters and encouraged Cai Wei to persevere.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After getting Mr. Qiu Xigui's affirmation, Cai Wei also went further and further on the road of ancient characters, and later in 1997, it was me, when Mr. Qiu Xigui published an article called "Preliminary Exploration", and Cai Wei thought that the word "Zuozi" in the article was similar to "嗟子", which was an ordinary tone particle, so he told Mr. Qiu Xigui his thoughts.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After seeing Cai Wei's thoughts, Mr. Qiu Xigui also agreed very much, and then Mr. Qiu Xigui also published an article on this, after that, Cai Wei and Mr. Qiu Xigui often exchanged letters, and the two sides often expressed their opinions on the meaning of ancient characters.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

But with his wife's illness, Cai Wei worked hard all day long in order to earn his wife's treatment expenses, and did not communicate with Mr. Qiu Xigui at all. When Mr. Qiu Xigui saw that there was no news of Cai Wei for a long time, he also began to inquire about Cai Wei's situation, and when he learned that Cai Wei's wife was sick and hospitalized, Cai Wei was pedaling a tricycle to raise treatment expenses for him, he also felt very sorry, so he wanted to help him.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

At this time, Mr. Qiu Xigui participated in the compilation of the "Collection of Simplified Silk from the Mawangdui Han Tomb", and in Mr. Qiu Xigui's opinion, Cai Wei's level of understanding of ancient characters was enough to do the job, and it was enough to relieve Cai Wei's pressure.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

So just like the team at that time recommended Cai Wei to serve as a special consultant for the work, although Mr. Qiu Xigui knew Cai Wei's intention in ancient characters, but others did not know, and when they learned that Mr. Qiu Xigui recommended a little-known person, his heart was also full of doubts.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

And Mr. Qiu Xigui also knew this, so he asked everyone to test Cai Wei, and then Qiu Xigui also told Cai Wei the news, Cai Wei was also very excited after learning about it, so he went.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

When everyone saw Cai Wei, they also had a strong suspicion in their hearts, and Cai Wei also knew his own situation, so in this compilation work, Cai Wei can be said to be very attentive, whenever he encountered an ancient text that he did not understand, Cai Wei gave his own opinions.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

In this way, Cai Wei was affirmed by the experts present with his ability.

«——【·Enter the University and Realize Your Ideals·】——»

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After the compilation work was over, Cai Wei also continued to start his own life, but Mr. Qiu Xigui did not want Cai Wei to be buried in society like this, so after discussing with several experts, he also recommended Cai Wei to Fudan University.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

At the beginning, Fudan University didn't want to admit students, but seeing Cai Wei's performance in this compilation work and Mr. Qiu Xigui's strong recommendation, he agreed to the admission, so in 2009, Cai Wei jumped from only a high school degree to a doctoral student.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After entering the campus, although Cai Wei has his own unique views on ancient characters, because he has not undergone a systematic break, Cai Wei's study is more difficult than others, but even so, Cai Wei has never thought of giving up.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Finally, after 6 years of study, Cai Wei also graduated successfully, but after graduation, work has also become a major problem for Cai Wei, due to Cai Wei's age at this time, many employers have rejected Cai Wei's application, and finally a school in Guizhou extended an olive branch to Cai Wei, so Cai Wei became a teacher in the school.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

After becoming a teacher, Cai Wei continued to move forward in the field of paleography, which he loved, while teaching students, and in a few years, Cai Wei also published many articles one after another.

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Today, Cai Wei is still moving forward in the field of writing that he loves.

Information sources:

China Youth Daily - "Before and After the Tricycle Driver Was Exceptionally Admitted to the Doctorate"

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Xinmin Evening News - "Tricycle Driver Cai Wei Gets Fudan Doctoral Admission Letter"

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

Guangming Daily - "Cai Wei: From Laid-off Workers to Fudan Doctors, 3 Professors Jointly Recommend Kaobo"

A 38-year-old tricycle driver in the Northeast, relying on only one specialty, counterattacked Dr. Fudan, what did he rely on?

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