
180 ancient poems and texts are written silently, and 49 classical Chinese + ancient poems are summarized, which must be there in every exam!

author:Cheng Nuo loves to share

It summarizes 49 ancient poems and famous sentences in classical Chinese that primary and secondary schools must memorize, a total of more than 180 articles, and the silent writing questions of ancient poems and texts in junior high schools are basically based on these contents. Memorizing these famous sayings and sentences, in addition to coping with exams, can also increase your literary literacy. If you have elementary and middle school students at home, please collect them for your children.

Ancient poems and famous sentences in junior high school Chinese

1. The Analects

1. The sentence in the Analects that points out that learning and thinking must be closely integrated is: If you learn without thinking, you will be reckless, and if you think without learning, you will die.

2. The sentence that emphasizes that as long as you are good at learning, there are teachers everywhere is: If you are a threesome, you must have my teacher.

3. Emphasize that the learning attitude should be stopped, and the sentence that does not know and pretend to understand is: knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing.

4. The sentence that is the best teacher for interest is: Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy.

5. The sentence that emphasizes not only learning from the strengths of others, but also seeing the shortcomings of others, and taking them as a warning is: Choose those who are good and follow them, and change those who are not good.

6. Confucius believed that only a broad-minded and strong-willed person can be called a "scholar" The sentence is: A scholar cannot fail to carry out a long way to go.

7. The sentence that can test the strong and unyielding quality of individuals in a difficult and difficult environment is: the year is cold, and then the pine and cypress wither.

180 ancient poems and texts are written silently, and 49 classical Chinese + ancient poems are summarized, which must be there in every exam!

2. "Fish I Want"

1. The sentence that is consistent with the meaning of "do not eat the food that comes from the mouth" is: Huer and with it, the doer of the way is blessed; With it, the beggars disdain.

2. The sentence that shows the central argument of the whole text is: He who sacrifices his life to take righteousness also.

3. The sentence that shows that the author will not do "things that steal life" is: what you want is more than the living, so you don't get close.

4. It is said that everyone has a heart for goodness, and the sentence that the sage can persevere is: The sage is not the only one who has a heart, everyone has it, and the sage can not lose his ears.

3. "Born in Sorrow, Died in Peace"

1. The sentence in "Born in Sorrow, Dying in Peace" that points out the benefits of hard training is: Therefore, if you are motivated to endure, you will benefit from what you cannot.

2. The sentence that explains the reasons for the death of the country from both internal and external aspects is: if you enter, you will not be able to fight at home, and if you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients.

3. Summarize the whole text, and summarize the sentence of the central argument: Then know that you are born in sorrow and die in peace

4. "Cao Di's Polemic"

1. The fundamental reason why Cao Di asked to see Lu Zhuanggong in "Cao Di's Polemic" was that meat eaters were despicable and failed to plan ahead.

2. The sentence that can embody Cao Di's military thought is: husband fights, courage also.

3. Cao Di believes that the condition of "being able to fight" is: although the prison of the small and the big cannot be detected, it must be loved.

4. The sentence on which Cao Di concluded that the enemy was indeed defeated was: I regard it as chaotic and hope that it will be unruly.

5. "Zou Ji satirizes the King of Qi"

1. The sentence describing Zou Ji's appearance in "Zou Ji's Satire on the King of Qi's Admonition" is: Zou Ji is more than eight feet tall, and his appearance is beautiful.

2. The sentence that writes Zou Ji after thinking about it and finding out the reason why his wife, concubine, and guest think that he is more beautiful than Xu Gonggong is: My wife's beauty is me, my private self, and my concubine's beauty is my fear; The beauty of the guest is me, and the desire is also in me.

3. The sentence that writes that the king of Qi was inspired by Zou Ji and used the method of bounty to widely solicit the opinions of his subjects is: The ministers and the people, those who can stab the widow in the face, will be rewarded; Those who write to admonish the widow will be rewarded; Those who can slander and ridicule the city and hear the ears of the widowed will be rewarded.

4. The sentence that finally received the effect of Zou Ji's sarcastic admonition was: Yan, Zhao, Han, and Wei Wenzhi, all of whom were in Qi.

6. "Teacher Table"

1. Zhuge Liang analyzed the reason for the prosperity of the Han Dynasty: pro-virtuous ministers, far villains

2. It is stated that Zhuge Liang followed the reason for the first emperor's drive: the first emperor did not treat his ministers as despicable, and he was humiliated by himself.

3. When appointing a person to save the situation, people often quote a famous saying from the "Departure Table": When you are entrusted with a defeated army, you are ordered to be in danger.

4. The sentence that shows the author's indifference to fame and fortune is: Gou Quan's life is in troubled times, and he does not seek to be heard by the princes.

5. Zhuge Liang advised Liu Chan to adhere to the same standard for the rewards and punishments of officials in the palace and the palace.

6. Zhuge Liang's sentence pointing out the strategic goal of the division is: when the award rate is to lead the three armies, set the Central Plains in the north, exhaust the dullness, eliminate the traitors, revive the Han Dynasty, and return to the old capital.

7. Zhuge Liang's sentence that suggested strict rewards and punishments to the lord was: If there is a traitor and a person who is loyal, it is appropriate to pay a reward to the judge.

8. Zhuge Liang's three suggestions to the later lord were: (1) open the Holy Hearing; (2) The palace and the palace are all one, and it is not appropriate to be similar or different; (3) Pro-virtuous ministers, far villains.

7. "The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring"

1. The sentence describing the happy life of the people of Taohuayuan is: yellow hair hangs down, and they are happy.

2. The sentence that explains the reason why the people of Taohuayuan came to this desperate situation is: Since Yun Xian avoided the chaos of the Qin Dynasty, he led his wife and Yi people to this desperate situation.

3. The sentence describing the living environment of Taohuayuan people is: the land is flat, the houses are like houses, and there are good fields, beautiful ponds, and mulberry bamboos. Qianmo traffic, chickens and dogs smell each other.

VIII. "Three Gorges"

1. The sentence that writes about the continuous mountains is: the mountains on both sides of the strait are slightly unlimited.

2. The sentence describing the steep and majestic cliffs on both sides of the bank is: heavy rocks are stacked, the sky is hidden, and the moon is not seen at midnight.

3. There is a sentence that summarizes the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers in the winter season of the Three Gorges, this sentence is: Qingrong and Lulu.

4. The sentence that writes about the turbulent water is: Sometimes the white emperor is sent in the morning and arrives in Jiangling at dusk, during which there are thousands of two hundred miles, although he takes the wind to resist, he does not take the disease.

5. Write a sentence about the characteristics of the Three Gorges water in spring and winter: then the turbulent green pool, back to the clear reflection.

6. The sentence that sets off the bleak autumn scenery of the Three Gorges is: The empty valley sounds, and the mourning is long.

7. The sentence quoting the fishing song against the quiet and quiet of the Three Gorges in late autumn is: The Wuxia of the Three Gorges in Badong is long, and the ape screams three times with tears.

8. The sentence that describes the scenery of the Three Gorges from the color is: then the turbulent green pool, back to the reflection.

9. "Horse Says"

1. The tragic experience of Maxima in "The Horse Says" is: he was humiliated at the hands of slaves and died in the trough.

2. The fundamental reason why Maxima is buried is that horse eaters do not know that they can eat thousands of miles.

3. The direct reason why Maxima was buried was: he couldn't eat enough, he didn't have enough strength, he couldn't see the beauty, and he couldn't get it with Chang Ma.

4. The specific manifestation of the horse eater's "ignorance of the horse" is: the strategy is not in its way, the food cannot be used to the best of its materials, and the song cannot understand its meaning.

5. The sentence that alludes to the unfair treatment of talents by the ignorant, mediocre and shallow rulers is: the policy is not in its own way, the food cannot be used to the best of its materials, and the song cannot be understood in its meaning.

6. The sentence that uses a question to express the author's feelings about the burial of Maxima is: Is it really evil? I really don't know the horse!

7. The sentence that points out that Bole played a decisive role in the fate of Maxima is: There is Bole in the world, and then there is Maxima.

10. "The Story of Little Stone Pond"

1. In "The Story of Little Stone Pond", the author grasps the characteristics of the scenery and uses the metaphor of the image to describe the body of the stream and the stream

2. The sentence describing the trees around the small stone pond is: green trees and verdant vines, covered with swaying, jagged and whirling.

3. The fish in the pond swim around, and the very active sentence is: Yuer is far away, and the back and forth are fleeting.

4. The sentence that writes that the source of the small stone pond is far away and the two sides of the bank are curved: its shore is different from each other, and its source cannot be known.

5. The sentence describing the clear water of the pond from the side of the swimming fish is: The fish in the pond can have a hundred heads, all of which are empty and swimming.

6. The sentence that expresses the geographical environment makes the author's heart sad and desolate is: sad and cold, quiet and gloomy.

180 ancient poems and texts are written silently, and 49 classical Chinese + ancient poems are summarized, which must be there in every exam!

11. Burrow

1. The sentence in "The Burrow" that points out the main purpose of the article is: Si is the Burrow, but I Dexin.

2. The elegant sentence that writes about the guests in the Burrow is: There is a great deal of talk and laughter, and there is no vain correspondence.

3. The sentence describing the beautiful natural environment of the Burrow is: the moss marks are green, and the grass is green.

4. The sentence that reflects the author's ideological realm based on the self-condition of the ancient sages and implies that the humble room is not ugly is: Confucius Yun: What is ugly?

5. The sentence that makes the master of the burrow super-earthly and earthly mind look at the fire is: There is no chaos of orchid and bamboo, and there is no labor shape of the case.

12. "The Story of Yueyang Tower"

1. The sentence in "The Story of Yueyang Tower" that describes the vast and vast lake from the space is: Connecting distant mountains, the Yangtze River, the vast soup, and the boundless.

2. The ever-changing sentence that expresses the scene in time is: morning and sunset, the weather is myriad.

3. When the weather is fine, the sentence that writes about the joy of the people is: Dengs Lou is also relaxed, pampered and forgotten, and the wine is in the wind, and it is joyful.

4. The sentence that describes the broad-mindedness of the "ancient benevolent" is: do not be happy with things, do not be sad with yourself.

5. The judgment drawn from the broad-mindedness and noble morality of the "ancient benevolent people" is: the high temple is worried about the people, and the far away from the rivers and lakes is worried about the king.

6. The sentence that expresses the writer's lofty political ambitions is: The worries of the world are worried, and the joys of the world are happy.

7. The sentence that depicts the sunny scene by means of birds and fish jumping is: Sand gulls fly and gather, and brocade scales swim.

8. The combination of movement and static, the sentence describing the beautiful scenery of Dongting Lake on a moonlit night is: floating light leaps gold, and the still shadow sinks.

9. The author's sentence praising Teng Zijing's political achievements is: Politics is harmonious, and all kinds of waste are prosperous.

13. "The Story of the Drunkard Pavilion"

1. "The Story of the Drunkard" writes that the drunkard's words are here and the intention is there, and the sentence where the interest is is located is: The drunkard's meaning is not in the wine, but in the mountains and rivers.

2. The sentence that describes the morning and twilight scenery in the mountains is: If the sun rises and the forest opens, the clouds return and the caves are twilight.

3. In the language of bright colors, the sentence that describes the scenery of spring and summer is: wild flowers are fragrant and fragrant, and beautiful trees are beautiful and prosperous.

4. The sentence that expresses the author's complex feelings is: People know that they are too happy to swim, but they don't know how to be too happy.

5. The sentence that runs through the main line of the whole text is: The drunkard's intention is not in the wine, but in the mountains and rivers.

6. The sentence that summarizes the characteristics of Chuzhou's geographical environment and leads the full text is: Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains.

Fourteen. "Remembering the Night Tour"

1. The sentence describing the beautiful scenery under the moon in "Ji Chengtian Night Tour" is: The courtyard is like stagnant water and empty light, and the algae and wattles in the water are crossed, and the shadow of bamboo and cypress is also covered.

2. The sentence that expresses the author's subtle and complex feelings is: Where is there no moon in the night, where is there no bamboo and cypress? But there are few idlers like the ears of the two of us.

15. "Ai Lian Said"

1. The sentence describing the quality of lotus flowers in "Ai Lian Said" is: out of the mud but not stained, clear ripples but not demons.

2. Park flower show, there are always more people watching peonies than other flowers, in the words of "Ai Lian Said": the love of peonies should be everyone.

3. The sentence describing the beautiful image of the lotus is: out of the mud but not stained, clear ripples but not demons, straight through the outside, no vines and no branches, fragrant and clear, and pure planting.

4. Compared with "the one who is close to Zhu is red, and the one who is close to the ink is black", it concentrates on the high quality of the lotus, and now people often use it as a metaphor for not being polluted with the world, and the sentence of self-purity is: out of the mud but not stained, clear ripples but not demons.

5. The sentence that compares the reputation of a gentleman is: Xiangyuan Yiqing.

6. The sentence that writes that the gentleman's behavior is square, he is reasonable, and he does not cling to the powerful is: The middle is straight outside, and there are no vines or branches.

16. "Sending Dongyang Horses to Life"

1. In "Sending Dongyang Horses to Life", the sentence that shows the author's diligent study in the cold winter is: The sky is cold, the inkstone is hard, the fingers cannot be bent and stretched, and the Buddha is lazy.

2. When the author recalls the experience of "being a teacher", the sentence lamenting the hardships of life is: Cover the rest of the diligence and hardship.

3. The sentence that shows that the author "has joy in suffering" when he was studying is: Those who are happy in it do not know that the dedication of the mouth and body is not as good as that of others.

XVII. "The Book of Poetry"

Young men generally like beautiful and virtuous girls, as evidenced by the two sentences "My Fair Lady, Good Gentleman" in the poem "Guan Ju".

XVIII. "The Book of Poetry"

1. In "Jian Jia", the sentence that reflects the faint poignancy of the characters in the thick autumn cool scenery is: The color is pale, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side.

2. The verses in "Jian Jia" that can confirm the search and pursuit of "the poor and the blue fall down the yellow spring, and the two places are not visible" are: Tracing back to it, the road is obstructive and long. Tracing from it, it is like being in the middle of the water.

19. "Watching the Sea"

1. "Watching the Sea" - the sentence that can best express the author's broad mind in the poem is: The trip of the sun and the moon, if out of it; The stars are splendid, if out of it.

2. The sentence in the poem describing the scenery of plants and trees is: The trees are thick, and the grass is abundant.

3. The sentence in the poem that writes about the turbulence of the sea and the towering mountains and islands is: The water is surging, and the mountains and islands are sturging.

4. The sentence in the poem that describes in detail the scene that the poet saw is: The trees are overgrown, and the grass is abundant. The autumn wind is bleak and the waves are surging.

5. The sentence that describes the scene in the poet's imagination is: The journey of the sun and the moon, if out of it, the stars are splendid, if out of it.

6. The main mode of expression is description, but there are also two lines of poetry that are narrative, these two lines of poetry are: the east is facing the Jieshi, to view the sea.

20. "Drinking"

1. Tao Yuanming's "Drinking" shows that the poet is complacent, tranquil and leisurely, loves nature, and has a broad mind.

2. The verse that shows the poet's determination to get rid of the interference of the world and live a leisurely and quiet life is: Settle in the human realm, and there is no noise of cars and horses.

3. Depicting the warm and harmonious picture of dusk, the poem that expresses the poet's love for pastoral life is the mountain air and the sunset, and the birds are returning to each other.

21. "Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou"

1. "Send Du Shaofu to Ren Shuzhou" at the time of farewell, the scenery is described magnificently, implying that there is no need to hurt the meaning of farewell, and the poem that lays the tone for the following lyricism is: The city is supplemented by Sanqin, and the wind and smoke look at Wujin.

2. It can be used to encourage and comfort friends, and the famous sentence that expresses the hearts of people for thousands of years is: confidants in the sea, and the ends of the world are neighbors.

3. The verse that shows that you should not be sad because of parting is: Inaction is in the wrong way, and children are stained with a scarf.

Twenty-two, "Under the Solid Mountain in the Second North"

1- In the poem "Under the Solid Mountain in the Second Bei", the poem that describes the wide water surface and the sailboat sailing with the wind at high tide is: The tide is flat and the banks are wide, and the wind is hanging.

2. The poem that expresses the natural law of time sequence change and the alternation of the old and the new is: The sea is born in the night, and the spring in the river enters the old year.

3. The poem that expresses the homesickness of the wanderer is: Where can the hometown book be reached? Return to the edge of Yanluoyang.

Twenty-three, "Make it to the Stopper"

1. In the poem "Make it to the Stopper", the verses that describe the strange and magnificent scenery outside the Cypriot are: The desert is lonely and the smoke is straight, and the sun sets on the long river.

2. The poem that expresses the poet's melancholy and depressed mood in a metaphor is: Zheng Peng out of Hanse, back to the edge of Yanluoyang.

Twenty-four, "Wen Wang Changling left to move to the dragon mark Yao has this send"

1. Li Bai personified the bright moon in "Hearing that Wang Changling moved to the left and Longbiao Yao sent this", and expressed his deep sympathy and concern for the unfortunate depreciation of his friends.

2. The use of allegorical techniques in the scene, which not only points out the season, but also expresses the sense of wandering and loneliness, the sentence is: Yang Hua fell to the end of the rules, and heard the dragon mark over the five streams.

25. "Difficult to Walk"

1. Li Bai vividly revealed his inner depression through the detailed portrayal of the action of the two sentences of "stopping the cup and throwing the spoon and not being able to eat, drawing the sword and looking around at a loss" in "Difficult to Walk".

2. The poem that actively describes the "difficult to walk" is: If you want to cross the Yellow River and the ice and the river, you will climb the Taihang Snow Mountain.

3. The poem that embodies Li Bai's positive and enterprising spirit and expresses his lofty ambition is: There will be a time when the wind and waves will be long, and the clouds will sail into the sea.

26. "Wangdake"

1. In "Wangyue", Du Fu's poem that uses the land of Qilu to set off the image of Mount Tai rising from the ground and towering to the sky is: How is Dai Zongfu? Qi Lu Qingwei is gone.

2. The combination of fiction and reality, describing the magical beauty of Mount Tai, the majestic and tall poem is: Creation of Zhong Shenxiu, Yin and Yang cut the dawn.

3. The poem that expresses the ambition of not being afraid of difficulties, daring to climb to the top, and looking down on everything is: will be at the top of the mountain, and see the mountains at a glance.

Twenty-seven, "Spring Hope"

1. Du Fu wrote in the poem "Spring Hope" that the national capital has fallen, the mountains and rivers are still the same, but the sky is overgrown with weeds, and the poem that conveys the poet's feelings of worrying about the country is: The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in spring.

2. The poems that express the poet's sadness when he feels goodbye and induce his inner sadness when he sees the beautiful scenery are: When he feels the flowers, he splashes tears, and he hates to say goodbye to the birds.

3. Lamenting the ruin of the country and the loss of the family, the pain of sadness and chaos, the verses in the poem that can express his aging due to sorrow are: the white head is shorter, and the desire is overwhelming.