
The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Do you know, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang eat their own pasta every day, and they were both diagnosed with bowel cancer." While chopping vegetables, Aunt Li chatted with the neighbors about this heart-wrenching matter.

Uncle and Aunt Zhang are well-known noodle lovers in the community, and their three meals a day are homemade noodles, steamed buns, and steamed buns, which are not only exquisite in craftsmanship, but also willing to share, and their noodles were once praised by their neighbors.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

Uncle Zhang is a retired teacher, and Aunt Zhang is a housewife, and the two have no other hobbies after retirement, so they love to think about various pasta recipes at home. Since his retirement, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang have kneaded and fermented noodles together every morning, made noodles at noon, and ate steamed buns at night. Their lives seem to be occupied by all kinds of pasta, three meals a day are pasta, and from time to time they make some changing buns and dumplings, and they are busy all day long.

More than a year ago, Uncle Zhang suddenly felt a stomachache, at first I thought it was a bad stomach, but the pain became more and more frequent, and even began to show symptoms of blood in the stool. Just when everyone was worried about Uncle Zhang, not long after, Aunt Zhang was also found to have the same disease.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

Doctors analyzed their eating habits and concluded that the problem may be their long-term high-carbohydrate, low-fiber diet. Although pasta is delicious, if you rely too much and ignore fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits, it will lead to a lack of sufficient fiber in the intestines and affect intestinal health.

In addition, there may be some problems in the process of making noodles for Uncle and Aunt Zhang, such as the choice of flour, the control of fermentation time, etc., which may also have adverse effects on health.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

Let's dive into the effects of pasta on bowel cancer. The main ingredient in pasta is carbohydrates, and a high-carbohydrate diet can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, which in turn triggers a large amount of insulin secretion.

The flour in pasta may contain some harmful substances if it is not properly selected and processed. For example, if there is not enough dietary fiber in the diet, it is easy to lead to constipation and increase the risk of bowel cancer.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

Under-fermented pasta can easily lead to indigestion, while over-fermented pasta may produce some harmful substances that affect intestinal health. In particular, some traditional fermentation methods, if you do not pay attention to hygiene, can easily be contaminated by bacteria, further increasing the risk of intestinal diseases.

Although the pasta is delicious, it is important to pay attention to the method and hygiene during the preparation and cooking process, and try to use healthy cooking methods such as steaming and boiling. In addition, when making pasta, pay attention to the choice of flour and fermentation time, and try to use a healthy way when cooking.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

The effect of pasta on bowel cancer seems to be just a matter of eating habits, but in fact it involves deeper health risks. First of all, the main ingredient in pasta is carbohydrates, especially the high carbohydrates in refined flour. These factors are closely related to the high incidence of bowel cancer.

High insulin levels not only stimulate cell proliferation, but also inhibit apoptosis, giving abnormal cells more chances of developing into cancer cells. Especially in the colon and rectum, high levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) significantly increase the risk of bowel cancer.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

The choice and handling of flour during the pasta making process can also affect its health risks. In addition, improper fermentation of pasta may produce nitrite, a potential carcinogen. In particular, if the fermentation time and temperature of homemade pasta are not well controlled, the nitrite content may exceed the standard, posing a health risk.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

Ignoring the principle of a balanced diet is also one of the problems in the process of pasta consumption. Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang eat homemade pasta every day, but they lack enough vegetables and fruits, and this diet is extremely unbalanced.

High intake of saturated and trans fats increases the risk of bowel cancer, while foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as fish, nuts and olive oil have a protective effect on gut health. When Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang make pasta, if they use a lot of ingredients with high saturated fat such as lard, they are undoubtedly increasing their health risks.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

Although pasta is delicious, if you don't pay attention to its preparation method, ingredient selection and dietary combination, it is easy to bury hidden health risks. While enjoying food, we must pay attention to a balanced diet, consume more dietary fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, and choose healthy cooking methods in order to truly achieve both delicious and healthy meals.

The story of Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang reminds us that eating healthy is not just a matter of what to eat, but also how to eat. With a reasonable diet modification, we can greatly reduce the risk of bowel cancer and other diseases.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang eat homemade pasta every day, and as a result, bowel cancer was diagnosed one after another, which is heartbreaking. Doctors point out that there are four key mistakes they may have made in their lifestyle.

A high-carbohydrate diet can lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar, triggering a lack of nutrient density in refined pasta with excessive insulin secretion, while a high-carbohydrate diet can lead to the occurrence of metabolic syndrome and increase the risk of bowel cancer.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

The problems that may exist in the process of making and fermenting pasta should not be overlooked. In particular, homemade pasta can contain excessive nitrite levels if the fermentation time and temperature are not properly controlled, posing a health risk.

The additives and preservatives in some flours may produce harmful substances when cooked at high temperatures, and these substances can also increase the risk of bowel cancer. Choosing high-quality flour and strictly controlling the fermentation time and temperature are important measures to reduce this risk.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

The experience of Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang reminds us that eating a healthy diet is not only a matter of choosing ingredients, but also a matter of how to mix and cook scientifically and reasonably. Eating homemade pasta every day satisfies the taste buds, but if you ignore the principles of balanced nutrition and healthy cooking, it will have adverse effects on your body.

We should eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, while taking care to limit the intake of high-carbohydrate and high-heat cooked foods.

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

In daily life, we should pay attention to the diversity of our diet, rationally mix various ingredients, and choose healthy cooking methods. Through these measures, not only can you enjoy the pleasure of food, but also effectively reduce the risk of bowel cancer and other chronic diseases. The story of Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang is a reminder that everyone should pay attention to dietary health and develop scientific and reasonable eating habits, so as to maintain good health and stay away from diseases.

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Huang Haiqun, Research status of diet-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Guangzhou First People's Hospital, 2024-06

The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong
The wife ate homemade pasta every day, and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer one after another, and the doctor was sad: maybe 4 things were done wrong

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