
"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

author:Tian Tian Film and Television Entertainment

The urban romance drama "The Story of the Rose" has been broadcast, but the story of the military drama "Haitian Eagle" continues. Although the plots and themes of these two dramas are thousands of miles apart, where there are people, there is love and marriage. Soldiers are also human beings, and they also need to fall in love, get married, and have children.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

In "The Story of Rose", Huang Yimei has experienced four men before and after, but only one marriage has an unsuccessful ending.

The relationship between Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong did not seem to be running for marriage and responsibility at the beginning, but like being together simply to satisfy their lust.

The marriage between Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen is essentially Fang Xiewen's cheating marriage, that is, giving birth to a child after tricking Huang Yimei, and then imprisoning after giving birth, and possessing Huang Yimei's beauty by himself.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

Fang Xiewen tried his best to please at the beginning, hiding his true thoughts, and only revealed his true colors after marriage. On Huang Yimei's side, because she was used to being held by the stars since she was a child, she fell into Fang Xiewen's emotional trap.

In other words, the motives of the two of them for marriage deviated from the original intention of marriage.

The original intention of marriage is not so much to love and be loved, but rather to be the responsibility of destiny and the social responsibility that everyone needs to bear.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

According to "The Mean", the destiny of heaven is sexuality, and the spontaneity is the Tao, and everyone has a gifted mission. In "The Mean", the mission of human talent is to counsel the transformation and education of heaven and earth. In layman's terms, it is to transform one's own subjective world by transforming the objective world, and to improve the external objective world through the perfection of the subjective world.

In order to undertake the mission of counselor heaven and earth education, first of all, human society must continue to survive, and at the same time, in the process of survival, constantly improve and evolve.

Through marriage, having children, educating children well, so that children can grow up healthily in both physical and mental aspects, and have the ability to fulfill various social responsibilities when they grow up, so that human society can survive and develop sustainably, this should be the original intention of marriage.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

What Huang Yimei wants in marriage is to be loved and free, Fang Xiewen wants both children and daughters, and Huang Yimei's beauty can satisfy her vanity. In their marriage, not only did they not take responsibility, but because of control and anti-control, both of them were very tired and had to divorce in the end.

In fact, deliberately longing to be loved and deliberately loving, itself is on the self-essence of love and marriage, imposing some superfluous things, how can two people not be tired when they are together.

Falling in love is a process of getting to know a person and choosing a suitable marriage partner for yourself, which is a two-way street, not a deliberate desperate pursuit when you like it. If you deliberately chase it, your love will be alienated.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

After Huang Yimei divorced, she soon slept with Fu Jiaming and couldn't extricate herself. Huang Yimei is engaged in art curation, and the positioning of art curation should be to discover and present beauty with beautiful eyes, rather than indiscriminate with some so-called artists.

Fu Jiaming understands painting and music, but his paintings and music are just catharsis of lust and mood, and there is not much real beauty in them.

A psychologist once said that he opposes artists using their works to reflect their own illness, depression or suffering, and that art should show the beauty, truth and health of life. The true artist should be the mediator of the act, showing the joy of the heart and the feeling of beauty in a clear style and proportions, and this joy and beauty are in harmony with the ontological intentionality of human nature.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

The Italian psychologist, who liked the ancient Chinese philosophy of Confucianism and Taoism the most, said that human ontological intentionality is part of the "Tao".

Fu Jiaming himself has heart disease, he is a sick man, and his artwork must be mixed with the noise of disease, how can it be art.

Also, in order to satisfy his passion and lust, Fu Jiaming didn't want his life. How can a person who is not responsible for himself be responsible for others.

Fu Jiaming is sick himself, but he hides it from Huang Yimei, he is not a liar. Between Fu Jiaming and Huang Yimei, it is not so much a soul mate as an abusive partner.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

There are Fang Xiewen and his mother in "The Story of Rose", and there is also such a mother and son in "Haitian Eagle", which are Xia Chu's ex-boyfriends Qian Cheng and Qian's mother. Qian's mother has always asked Xia Chu to change jobs and marry Qian Cheng, and it is okay to work, but it is mainly a husband and children. This kind of thinking is almost no different from Fang Xiewen's mother and son.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

Qian Cheng was injured and hospitalized, and at the beginning of the summer, he didn't answer the phone because he was busy with work, and he didn't take care of Qian Cheng, so Qian's mother became angry. At the beginning of the summer, when Qian Cheng's secretary Xiaoxiao was pregnant and chose to break up, Qian's mother immediately turned her face and said that there are women in this world.

No matter from what point of view, Qian Mu has no right to ask for the beginning of Xia unreasonably. There is only oneself and no one else in my heart, and there is only my son in my heart and no righteousness. The people's army still has to protect people like the Qian family, which is really unfair.

Fortunately, Xia Chu and Qian Cheng are not married, if they do, the secretary Xiaoxiao will be sentenced.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

After talking about Huang Yimei and Xia Chu, and finally talking about Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong in "Haitian Eagle".

Wu Xiao took care of his sick and paralyzed son alone, and he also had to take care of the old people on both sides, which was tiring enough. With so much pressure on family matters, Wu Xiao still insisted on studying for a doctorate, taking on family responsibilities while not forgetting to pursue personal progress. Except for one time when Wu Xiao complained, Wu Xiao never complained again, and has been silently supporting Qin Dadi. What is righteousness, this is righteousness.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

Of course, on Qin Dadi's side, he didn't let Wu Xiao be a housewife, he promised to support Wu Xiao to become a doctor. The two of them, looking at the starry sky together, are so romantic and beautiful.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

Compared with Wu Xiao, Yu Tao's wife Chen Yahong is doing the same good. Chen Yahong herself is an engineer of AVIC and also participated in the test flight of carrier-based aircraft.

In order not to distract Yu Tao, Chen Yahong kept hiding from Yu Tao. Because of their work, the two of them get together less and leave more, and when they meet, at most they hold their arms, and they never have any passion, and they will gnaw when they come up.

Chen Yahong took the responsibility of postponing the wedding by herself, honored her mother-in-law and grandfather, and replaced the wedding with a dinner. Chen Yahong and Yu Tao together, there are no sweet words, only understanding and support. Chen Yahong is worried, but she also hides it deep in her heart, for fear that Yu Tao will be under pressure.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

What is orthodoxy, Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong are. What is a real love marriage, Wu Xiao and Qin Dadi, Chen Yahong and Yu Tao are.

If Huang Yimei has friends like Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong, seeing the love and marriage of the two of them, shouldn't she reflect on her own view of marriage, shouldn't she feel ashamed.

"The Story of Rose" meets "Haitian Eagle": Huang Yimei is not ashamed of facing Wu Xiao and Chen Yahong

Of course, everyone has their own ambitions, and you can't force them. Huang Yimei will always be Huang Yimei, and Wuxiao Chen Yahong will always be Wuxiao Chen Yahong.