
In order for the masses to sleep peacefully, Dadongshan Village sticks to the flood control post

author:Erudite Starry Sky Jn
In order for the masses to sleep peacefully, Dadongshan Village sticks to the flood control post

The cadres and party members of the village group of Dongshan Village, Liuduzhai Town, Longhui County, are in the rescue

In order for the masses to sleep peacefully, Dadongshan Village sticks to the flood control post

Highway collapse

In order for the masses to sleep peacefully, Dadongshan Village sticks to the flood control post

Danger investigation

Secretary Chen, it's been hard to patrol every day recently, you go home to rest, let us patrol on duty.

On the evening of June 26, Zhou Fang, the first secretary and team leader of the Longhui County Forestry Bureau in Dongshan Village, Liuduzhai Town, said to Chen Zizhong, secretary of the village branch and village-level forest chief, who had just returned from patrolling in the rain.

As long as the rain is still falling, I will stick to my post; If we go to sleep, the masses will not be able to sleep well.

After Chen Zizhong finished speaking, he called to learn about the flood prevention patrols and hidden dangers of the village cadres and forest rangers.

Dongshan Village is located in the deep hinterland of Dadong Mountain, with a maximum altitude of 1,202 meters. In order to do a good job in flood prevention and continuous heavy rainfall, the village has improved the flood prevention and flood rescue work plan, established a flood control work account, and implemented the responsibility for flood prevention work to people and posts.

Due to the dangerous terrain and complex geological structure of Dongshan Village, there are many hidden dangers of natural disasters, and natural disasters such as flash floods and boat disasters are very likely to occur. At the same time, the geographical environment of the mountainous area is special, the mountain road is steep and the forest is deep, the traffic is inconvenient, the communication signal is poor, and in the event of an accident, the rescue is extremely inconvenient.

In order to prevent the occurrence of house collapses, landslides and debris flows, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, the village-based work team and the two committees of the village branch have set up a flood control emergency team to conduct house-to-house investigation of the whole village; Establish a flood control duty system, implement a 24-hour duty system, strengthen preventive measures for village roads and villagers' settlements that are prone to debris flows, strictly prohibit people from living, and delineate warning signs.

Chen Zizhong said that in order to prevent trouble before it happens and prevent tragedy from happening, he would rather be scolded and angry now than allow them to enter the mountainous area to encounter accidents; Otherwise, in the future, instead of scolding, you will hear crying.

"If the heavy rain does not stop, the work team, village cadres, and party members will not withdraw from the team, and where the danger appears, the figure of the party members will appear."

On June 20, the road of the brick house in Dongshan Village collapsed, and Chen Zizhong, who was patrolling, immediately organized village cadres and party members to rescue with the village-based work team. After several hours of hard work, the danger was successfully dealt with.

On June 22, Chen Zizhong and the team stationed in the village found a dangerous situation on a village road during a flood control inspection, and cleared the danger with their bare hands, protecting the safety of people's lives and property.

The continuous heavy rainfall makes everyone very hard and tired, but for the safety of people's lives and property, this is the duty, and it is worth it. Chen Zizhong and Zhou Fang said.

I only hope that the heavy rainfall will end as soon as possible, so that everyone can feel at ease and sleep at ease.