
Strategic nuclear submarines doomsday planes were dispatched at the same time, 30,000 troops were in place, and thousands of nuclear warheads were ready for combat

author:Military Coffee

The Russian-Ukrainian war continues, and both sides of the war are suffering, but there is still no possibility of the war stopping! Russia has returned to the pre-war level, which has also disappointed Western countries, which thought that Ukraine would be able to weaken Russia and even defeat Russia to the greatest extent, but the result was not satisfactory, but Ukraine suffered heavy losses! Without the assistance of Western countries, it may be difficult for Ukraine to hold on until now, but Ukraine is still facing a lack of weapons, equipment and ammunition, especially the lack of front-line personnel, which has greatly limited Ukraine's counterattack! Ukraine is now doing its best to lower the age of conscription in order to achieve the purpose of replenishing the source of soldiers!

Strategic nuclear submarines doomsday planes were dispatched at the same time, 30,000 troops were in place, and thousands of nuclear warheads were ready for combat

If Western countries can enter the war, maybe Ukraine will reverse the current situation! You must know that many countries within NATO still want to go to war against Russia, whether it is France or Poland, they have shouted the slogan of sending troops to Ukraine, but NATO cannot reach a reunification! You must know that Russia is a veritable nuclear power and one of the countries with the most nuclear warheads in the world, even the United States does not dare to take Russia seriously! Russia's triad of strategic nuclear forces can strike at any country at any time, which also makes it difficult to achieve unity within NATO!

Strategic nuclear submarines doomsday planes were dispatched at the same time, 30,000 troops were in place, and thousands of nuclear warheads were ready for combat

The large-scale military exercises held by NATO 20 countries in the Baltic Sea are obviously aimed at Russia, and such military exercises are more to demonstrate NATO's strong deterrent power and constantly put pressure on Russia! But for the tough Russia, it is obvious that it will not be afraid of NATO's military exercises, and it will also use practical actions to tell NATO countries that Russia is not easy to mess with! The non-strategic nuclear missile exercises held by Russia are obviously military exercises in response to possible strikes by NATO countries, and such military exercises are of great practical significance, after all, Belarus also participated in this exercise, and at least dozens of tactical nuclear missiles were deployed on the territory of Belarus!

Strategic nuclear submarines doomsday planes were dispatched at the same time, 30,000 troops were in place, and thousands of nuclear warheads were ready for combat

According to the US "War Zone" website, the Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine "Tennessee" of the US Navy personally dispatched to cruise with the Ticonderoga-class cruiser "Normandy" in the Norwegian Sea. After all, American strategic nuclear submarines are capable of intercontinental strikes, and it is very easy to hit Russia! After all, it is very close to the North Pole and Russia. What people didn't expect is that in addition to the United States dispatching strategic nuclear submarines, this time it is also very rare to dispatch the doomsday plane, this aircraft is generally not easy to dispatch, as long as the critical moment or a very important moment will be dispatched, the United States dispatched the doomsday plane at this time, obviously attracted a lot of attention!

Strategic nuclear submarines doomsday planes were dispatched at the same time, 30,000 troops were in place, and thousands of nuclear warheads were ready for combat

The E-6B "Doomsday Plane" and a P-8A "Poseidon" patrol aircraft accompany the US strategic nuclear submarines and cruisers in the air, and this battle can exert tremendous combat effectiveness! The sudden and sudden move by the United States in this sea area is indeed worthy of vigilance, and the United States is still seen as targeting Russia. The Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine of the United States is an important part of the nuclear arsenal of the United States, and after the arrival of the Russian nuclear submarine in Cuba, the United States is also a little uneasy.

Strategic nuclear submarines doomsday planes were dispatched at the same time, 30,000 troops were in place, and thousands of nuclear warheads were ready for combat

You must know that NATO's 30,000 troops have been deployed around the border between Russia and Belarus, and you must know that these 30,000 troops are all elites sent by NATO countries, including the mechanized troops of NATO countries, and there are a large number of warplanes from NATO countries around! These 30,000 troops are already in place, and as long as NATO countries give an order, they can completely attack Russia and Belarus proper! Russia is also afraid that NATO will use force against Russia's homeland, once Russia is attacked by the enemy, Russia will face unprecedented difficulties, and it is unrealistic to expect Russia to defeat so many NATO countries, once the two sides fight, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Strategic nuclear submarines doomsday planes were dispatched at the same time, 30,000 troops were in place, and thousands of nuclear warheads were ready for combat

For Russia, the tactical nuclear missile drill is to warn NATO countries not to mess around, and Russia's strategic nuclear weapons are Russia's greatest deterrent! Russia's strategic bombers, intercontinental missiles and strategic nuclear submarines are in a state of combat readiness at any time, Russia has up to a thousand nuclear warheads in combat readiness, these nuclear warheads can strike at any time, Russia has up to 800 vehicles that can carry these nuclear warheads, which can cover almost all NATO countries, and the deterrent effect is self-evident! As long as NATO countries dare to mess around, Russia can only be forced to use nuclear weapons, and even the United States will not dare to fight a nuclear war, after all, no one can afford the consequences of a nuclear war! This time, the United States dispatched strategic nuclear submarines and doomsday planes, more to warn Russia not to mess around, such deterrence has become commonplace in the United States, but it does not play much role for Russia!