
The four culprits of the single mother's high-rise throwing object were arrested!

author:Yuhan Nutrition

Today, a hot search made headlines:

The four culprits of the single mother's high-rise throwing object were arrested!

A quarrel broke out between a single mother in Nanjing because her daughter did not return home at night, which eventually led to an incident of throwing objects from high altitudes, which aroused widespread concern among everyone. This is not only a legal issue, but also makes us deeply aware of the importance of mental health.

Event recap

Wang, a single mother, has a communication barrier with her adolescent daughter, who often fights over her daughter's rebellious behavior. During an altercation, Wang lost control of his emotions and threw his daughter's belongings from the 7th floor, causing serious property damage and public safety risks. In the end, Wang was sentenced to 9 months in prison with a one-year probation for the crime of intentional destruction of property.

The four culprits of the single mother's high-rise throwing object were arrested!

The four main culprits of this mother's behavior:

1. Emotions are out of control! When Wang was arguing with his daughter, he failed to effectively manage his emotions, causing his emotions to lose control and take extreme behaviors.

2. Communication barriers! There is a lack of effective communication between Wang and his daughter, and they are unable to resolve the contradictions and conflicts between them.

3. Accumulation of stress and emotional garbage! As a single mother, Wang may face greater life pressure and psychological pressure, which may be amplified in quarrels.

4. Lack of psychological support! Wang may lack adequate psychological support and assistance to receive effective guidance and assistance in the face of stress and conflict.

The four culprits of the single mother's high-rise throwing object were arrested!

"I sold the sunset in the world, and you sprinkled the light on me like a god, and the world was lit up from then on." But many times, we don't wait for the person who sprinkles light on you, and at this time, the only thing you can do is to put away your expectations and unswervingly bring yourself out of this quagmire!

The Nanjing single mother throwing incident is a tragedy, but it is also a warning. It reminds us that mental health issues cannot be ignored. Especially for us women, it is necessary to take the initiative to learn some psychology to deal with mental internal friction and psychological crisis. Studying psychology can also bring us a lot of benefits, improve emotional intelligence, and handle various interpersonal relationships with ease; Stabilize the kernel, make the mentality more stable, and improve self-control. Self-healing, self-consistent, emotionally stable.

If you want to learn psychology knowledge systematically, you can pay attention to the official account: Hanhan Nutrition, which can not only improve self-regulation and stress resistance, but also become a professional psychological counselor, and work hard in the field of psychology, as a psychological counselor, a psychological teacher, or self-media, etc., with broad prospects.