
Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

author:Zhengda bright leaf 888

The balcony is one of the most important areas for home decoration, and many people will refer to some Internet celebrity designs when decorating.

But let's be honest, if the balcony is equipped with bells and whistles, it is not only a waste of money, but also ignores practicality.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

1. Do not install floor-to-ceiling windows

As an indispensable part of home life, the balcony should not be indiscriminately decorated.

Many families will install floor-to-ceiling windows on their balconies, but after they are really installed, you will find that floor-to-ceiling windows are really chicken.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

The floor-to-ceiling windows have a large glass area, which can indeed bring a transparent view and plenty of natural light, making the balcony space appear more spacious and bright.

But this large area of glass also poses the problem of high price.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

Due to the special production process and material cost of floor-to-ceiling windows, the price of floor-to-ceiling windows is often much higher than that of ordinary windows, which is undoubtedly a large expense for many families.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

What's more, the safety of floor-to-ceiling windows is also worrying.

Due to the large area of glass, once it is impacted by external forces, such as strong wind, collision, etc., it is easy to break or fall off.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

Especially for families with young children, this safety hazard cannot be ignored.

Second, do not install wooden floors

When decorating a balcony, it is not recommended to install wooden floors on the ground.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

When the wood floor is exposed to the sun for a long time, the surface will gradually lose its luster, the color will become dull, and the sun will cause the moisture inside the wood floor to evaporate rapidly, so that the wood will become dry and brittle.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

Over time, the edges of the wooden floors begin to warp and even crack, as if nature is punishing this inappropriate choice.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

Once warping and cracks appear, it will not only affect the aesthetics of the balcony, but also may lead to damage to the floor structure, which in turn will affect the safety of the entire home.

Therefore, when choosing a balcony floor material, we should weigh various factors to avoid blindly pursuing aesthetics and ignoring practicality.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

3. Do not install a laundry area

The reason why it is not recommended that you use the balcony area as a laundry area is mainly because of the following reasons.

From an economic point of view, converting a balcony into a laundry area is a costly project.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

Not only do you need to buy expensive home appliances such as washing machines and dryers,

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

Moreover, over time, these devices may experience problems such as aging, damage, etc., and the cost of repair and replacement cannot be ignored.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

The environment of the balcony is relatively humid, and if you put home appliances such as washing machines here, it is easy to cause problems such as rust and short circuits of the equipment, and may even cause safety hazards.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

At the same time, due to the limited space of the balcony, if equipment such as a washing machine is placed, it will occupy the space that could be used to dry clothes or place green plants, which greatly reduces the practicality of the balcony.

Fourth, do not install the platform

As a bridge between indoor and outdoor communication, the main functions of the balcony should be ventilation, lighting and drying clothes.

The floor design often occupies most of the balcony space, making the originally spacious balcony narrow, and the ventilation and lighting are affected.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

In addition, the height of the floor will also make it more difficult to dry clothes, making daily life inconvenient.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical

Moreover, due to the complex structure of the floor, once there is a problem, it will be very troublesome to repair.

For ordinary families, such an investment is undoubtedly a huge burden.

Don't pretend to be bells and whistles on the balcony, it is recommended that everyone adhere to the "4 do not install" but it is more practical


When decorating at home, don't decorate the balcony according to the Internet celebrity, if you decorate it according to the Internet celebrity design, it will not only cost a lot more money, but it is also not practical.