
On the wedding night, my wife died suddenly, and my mother frowned and said that she was unlucky, and later I found out that her death was related to my mother

author:Historical idiot
This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.


I'm Li Ming, and I'm 32 years old.

I have been in love with my family Xiaoyan for several years, and only the two of us know the ups and downs during this period.

The two of us loved each other deeply, and we wanted to build our own nest as soon as possible, so we worked hard to save money, and we saved the first pot of gold and bought a two-bedroom apartment in the city.

At the beginning of this spring, we got engaged, and then we had a wedding.

On the day of the wedding, I felt like the happiest person in the world, with family and friends all over the yard and everyone laughing and laughing for us.

After the wedding banquet, the room was full of warm and romantic atmosphere, and Xiaoyan and I were immersed in this happiness and refused to fall asleep easily.

However, who knew that this was the day that was going to kill me, Xiaoyan suddenly died on the wedding night.

The doctor said it was a heart attack, and she had been healthy all the time, which was like a bolt from the blue for me, and I felt like I was lost.

My mother, a 65-year-old man, heard that Xiaoyan was gone and hurried over from her hometown.

When she came, she was first saddened and reluctant, but not long after, she began to complain that the house was unlucky.

She said that as soon as Xiaoyan left, the house left a shadow, and I must sell it and change places.

I resolutely refused at first, this house means a lot to me and Xiaoyan, it is the crystallization of our love, and I want to keep it like this.

But my mother whispered in my ear every day, saying that Xiaoyan was gone was also a relief for me, so that I had to think clearly, and people had to look forward.

After months of suffering and constant urging from my mother, although I was very reluctant, I couldn't stand this mental pressure, so I decided to sell the house.

It was an extremely difficult decision for me, and every day I looked at the walls and furniture, thinking about the memories that Xiaoyan and I shared, and my heart felt like something had been hollowed out alive.

So I contacted a real estate agent and was ready to put the house up for sale.

After the agent came, he was very satisfied with the location and decoration of the house, saying that it was very sought-after in the market.

Hearing this, I had mixed feelings in my heart, knowing that once the house was sold, the memories between me and Xiaoyan would disappear, but for the sake of my mother's physical and mental health, and for myself to have a new beginning, I finally signed it.

On the wedding night, my wife died suddenly, and my mother frowned and said that she was unlucky, and later I found out that her death was related to my mother


That day, I stood in the empty room and looked around, every place was full of traces of living with Xiaoyan.

My heart was heavy, like I was pressing against a big rock, and I couldn't move.

Shifting, I began to pack the last few belongings.

When I had almost everything cleaned up and only the bed was left, I stopped, thinking that this might be the last time I would make the bed properly.

Confused, I decided to turn the mattress upside down and clean it well, which can be regarded as an explanation to us in the past.

At that moment, I saw what was hidden under the mattress – a few yellowed letters and a few photographs, and I saw that I had been struck by lightning.

The letter was a correspondence between my mother and an unknown drug supplier about the trading and use of some chronic poisons.

And those photos made me even more frightened, there were photos of Xiaoyan on them, as well as pictures of her mother mixing those drugs into Xiaoyan's daily diet.

The facts are clear in front of my eyes, Xiaoyan's death is inseparable from my mother.

My mind went blank and the evidence in my hand was heavy.

I didn't know what to do, angry, sad, disappointed...... All kinds of emotions are rolling in my heart.

I almost stumbled to my mother, and with each step I took, the anger in my heart seemed to build.

As I stood in front of my mother, spreading out the jaw-dropping pile of evidence, she also tried to dodge it with silence.

I confronted her directly, questioning her approach.

At first, my mother wanted to quibble, saying that all this was just a misunderstanding, and that she cared for Xiaoyan in the wrong way.

However, these absurd explanations pale in the face of solid evidence.

Eventually, under my resolute and detailed questioning, she was finally speechless, lowered her head, and tears quietly slipped down.

At that moment, my heart was almost torn apart by anger and grief, and Xiaoyan's pure life was ruthlessly taken away from me.

And I've been doing useless work for some unrealistic "family harmony" before.

Now, knowing the truth, I don't seem to have anything left in my heart except a deep hole.

On the wedding night, my wife died suddenly, and my mother frowned and said that she was unlucky, and later I found out that her death was related to my mother


On that day, standing at the door of my dilapidated old house, holding the evidence tightly in my hand, I took a deep breath and walked into the police station step by step.

My heart was beating incredibly fast, and every step seemed to repeat itself as a reminder of what it meant to be doing something.

I struggled to calm myself down, after all, I was going to do what was right—to get justice for Xiaoyan, even if it meant sending my own mother to jail.

At the police station, I handed all the evidence to the officer who handled the case.

Looking at their scrutinizing gazes, my heart was mixed.

I don't know if I should feel relieved or heavy.

The officers reacted fairly quickly, and after reading the evidence, they immediately decided to arrest my mother.

The moment my mother was arrested, I stood in front of the police station and looked at the woman who had given me life but had destroyed my family with her own hands.

She was handcuffed and her head bowed, as if remorseful or possibly cowardly.

I stood there until her figure disappeared from my sight.

My heart was empty, as if it had been hollowed out.

After sending my mother to prison, I spent almost a moment in a daze.

Every morning I woke up and looked at my empty home, and I didn't know what I was going to do next.

On the wedding night, my wife died suddenly, and my mother frowned and said that she was unlucky, and later I found out that her death was related to my mother

Xiaoyan is gone, my mother is also punished by the law for her actions, and my world seems to collapse overnight.

But life has to go on, I said to myself.

Although Xiaoyan is dead, I know that she doesn't want to see me so decadent.

I began to try to receive psychological counseling, and I tried to heal my inner pain by confiding in me again and again.

I'm also back at work, even though a lot of the time it's just to keep myself busy and not think about the painful things.

Once, on the road, I accidentally saw a mother and son, smiling brightly in the sun.

At that moment, my heart felt as if it had been touched.

Even though I have lost so much, life has given me the courage and hope to start over.

I know that this road will be difficult to walk, but for Xiaoyan's sake and for myself, I will take it one step at a time and go down bravely.

My life, my future, from this moment on, will be a whole new chapter.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.