
International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

author:Aze let's gossip

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"I heard that the Yankees can't find the north in the sky and the earth, and they are looking for us China to save their lives!" My fellow said with a teasing face.

International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

During this period, the topic of Sino-US aerospace cooperation has become a topic of conversation among Chinese people after dinner. As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized, but this time the United States bumped into China's face, and for a time international public opinion was in an uproar.

It all started with NASA's "starliner". The spacewalk, which was supposed to be manned to usher in a new era of space exploration, had a nitrogen leak and then a water leak in the spacesuit, and the scheduled spacewalk had to be cancelled. This series of failures directly led to the dilemma of American astronauts being trapped on the International Space Station.

International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

At this time, China's Chang'e-6 probe completed its mission around the moon and successfully landed with lunar soil, becoming the first lunar sample return in human history. "Chinese speed" is in stark contrast to "American quality".

In desperation, NASA can only turn to China for help, hoping to solve the dilemma through Sino-US cooperation. As soon as the news came out, Chinese netizens were smiling - haha, the space overlord also has today!

International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

In fact, this reflects the changes in the aerospace strength of the two major powers.

Within a month, a series of space accidents in the United States exposed loopholes in science and technology and management. According to expert analysis, the return to the moon plan is not well advanced, and insufficient investment is the root cause. In recent years, NASA's budget has grown very limitedly, and the pace of space exploration has been slowed. There are also problems with key technologies, such as a leak in a spacesuit.

International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

In contrast, China insists on independent innovation and continues to increase investment. From Chang'e to Tianwen, from space stations to heavy-lift launch vehicles, China's aerospace industry has made new breakthroughs every year. This is not easy to come by, relying on the hard work and sweat of scientific and technological workers.

Today, there has been a major shift in the balance of power between China and the United States. In the past, China needed to learn from the United States and Russia; Now, the United States is asking for China's support at a critical moment. This shows that in space exploration, China has broken through the passive situation and become a world space power.

International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

In my view, China-US cooperation needs to be cautious.

There are legal hurdles on the part of the United States. The Wolf Clause prohibits NASA from cooperating with China. If we want to talk about cooperation, the United States itself must first revoke this discriminatory provision.

Chinese technology does not need U.S. support. The return of lunar samples and the construction of a space station prove that China has the technical capability to explore and build a station independently. China insists on self-reliance, and there is no need to rely on other countries.

International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

Matters of principle should be on a first-come, first-served basis. The United States first set restrictions, and then asked for help; China has always been open-minded. Cooperation should be based on equality and mutual benefit, and China has no obligation to provide relief.

Even so, I think the door should be left with a crack.

The aerospace sector has a long way to go, and China-US cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win. On the premise that it is in the interests and dignity of China, we should remain open and inclusive. China's international influence is increasing day by day, and it is not afraid to talk to the United States if it is reasonable, advantageous, and responsible.

International joke! Chang'e-6 had just landed, and they wanted China to rescue their astronauts trapped in space

For example, the two sides could engage in practical cooperation on space exploration technology, Mars sampling, and more. At the same time, he joined the "International Lunar Research Group" to share the results of lunar scientific research. After the political foundation for cooperation is established, space cooperation will come naturally.

China still needs to remember that "we must not strive to be ahead, but we must not lag behind". Under the principle of independent innovation, we should appropriately carry out international cooperation, so that China and the United States can complement each other's advantages and jointly create new glories for human space exploration.


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