
In response to China, the US military set up a littoral combat regiment, and the Chinese Ministry of National Defense: If someone offends me, I will offend someone

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

In an interview with the Japanese media, the commander of the U.S. Marine Corps publicly threatened to establish a third Littoral Combat Group and deploy it on Guam to counter the threat from China. The commander of the U.S. Marine Corps has publicly stated that the Littoral Combat Group deployed on Guam is to protect Japan and the Philippines. The United States and Japan have signed the "US-Japan Security Treaty," and the United States and the Philippines have signed the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty." For this reason, the commander of the US Marine Corps believes that the United States has the obligation to protect Japan and the Philippines.

In response to China, the US military set up a littoral combat regiment, and the Chinese Ministry of National Defense: If someone offends me, I will offend someone

Japan is trying to seize the Diaoyu Islands, for which it has long deployed Coast Guard ships near the Diaoyu Islands, and at the same time, the tonnage of Japan's maritime patrol ships has been increasing, there were already 6,000-ton ships before, and it has recently been reported that Japan plans to build 10,000-ton patrol ships, so as to try to establish a tonnage advantage over the Chinese Coast Guard. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has frequently played up the so-called "China is not allowed to change the status quo", including the East China Sea issue, which Japan is not only trying to control the Diaoyu Islands, but also trying to expand the scope of control in the East China Sea, and has repeatedly launched provocations in the East China Sea, including using fighter jets to intercept PLA warplanes and using warships to combat patrols in relevant waters.

In response to China, the US military set up a littoral combat regiment, and the Chinese Ministry of National Defense: If someone offends me, I will offend someone

The Philippines has frequently launched provocations at Ren'ai Jiao, Scarborough Shoal and Xianbin Jiao, and has also slandered the Chinese Coast Guard for "illegal law enforcement", when the Philippines carried out illegal supply, the Chinese Coast Guard acted decisively, thus preventing the Philippines' illegal acts, but in addition to the Philippine thieves shouting to catch the thieves, the United States is also perverse, declaring that it will stand with the Philippines, and reaffirming the so-called "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty", thus trying to threaten China and not allow the Chinese Coast Guard to enforce the law at Ren'ai Jiao. It highlights the hostile position of the United States towards China. While the United States is actively encircling and containing China, the United States is constantly instigating the Philippines to launch provocations, while the United States is arching the fire on the periphery, so that it has already reproduced the rhythm of the conflict in the Ukraine crisis.

In response to China, the US military set up a littoral combat regiment, and the Chinese Ministry of National Defense: If someone offends me, I will offend someone

China's Ministry of National Defense has publicly responded to the aggressive posture of the commander of the U.S. Marine Corps on June 27, and according to reports, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, has responded domineeringly, Wu Qian said that if anyone offends me, I will offend someone, thus countering the arrogance of the commander of the U.S. Marine Corps. The establishment of the so-called Littoral Combat Group by the United States is an attempt by the US Marine Corps to promote maritime guerrilla warfare, and the Littoral Combat Group is equipped with long-range strike weapons that are deployed in a mobile manner in an attempt to strike at the PLA's maritime targets through its deployment on the islands, highlighting the sinister intentions of the United States.

In response to China, the US military set up a littoral combat regiment, and the Chinese Ministry of National Defense: If someone offends me, I will offend someone

If the U.S. Marine Corps launches a provocation, the PLA will not be polite, now the PLA has a strong intelligence gathering capability, so the deployment of the US Marine Corps in the Asia-Pacific region is not hidden, the PLA reconnaissance satellites and drones, can effectively grasp the dynamics of the US Marine Corps, so as to provide support for counterattacks. The PLA's precision strike capability already has the ability to destroy the US Navy's littoral combat group, and the PLA's H-6K bombers also have the ability to project precision strike weapons, so they can counter US maritime guerrilla warfare.

In response to China, the US military set up a littoral combat regiment, and the Chinese Ministry of National Defense: If someone offends me, I will offend someone

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