
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

author:Shihana Shikan

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A few days ago, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was released, the result of 14 years of his struggle, but in exchange for a guilty plea.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Netizens were not surprised when they learned about this, after all, this person who holds the black material of the world's leaders can no longer exert his energy, so why did Assange change his attitude? What about his WikiLeaks?

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

1. The founder of WikiLeaks pleads guilty in exchange for freedom

He is a hero in the eyes of the people at the bottom, but he is a "betrayer" hated by the top leaders of various countries.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Assange was first known in April 2010, when his WikiLeaks website revealed a blurred video of Afghanistan in ruins, with nearby troops taking up guns and pointing guns at ordinary people. A string of bullets swept past, and the American troops got carried away.

When the video was released, the world was shocked. The United Kingdom, Germany, and France all reported on the incident and tried to find out who was behind the video. Soon, someone found out that the original IP of the video was a website called "WikiLeaks".

The United States officially set its sights on Assange, and at the same time, the US authorities immediately denied the content of the video: The US troops stationed in Afghanistan have never committed such egregious acts.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

In order to divert attention, and also to wash its own name, the United States turned its lens to Assange's blog. In 2006, Assange blogged: "I'm going to throw the world in acid and melt".

Later, he brought his like-minded friends to Iceland, and in October of that year, WikiLeaks was born in its complete form, and the word "wiki" is a transliteration of English meaning "what I know".

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

From the name, it is clear that Assange wants to be a hero who reveals the truth about the world.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

2. Assange was arrested for a crime of the US military

Assange was just a high-achieving student before he became famous, had several marriages, and had a unhappy family life, so it was a little difficult to set up such a website, but he had a clear mind - for WikiLeaks to gain a foothold, he had to have a strong group of information sources.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Therefore, he befriended journalists, hackers, politicians, etc., or bribed them with money, or reached a consensus of interests with them.

Gradually, he used various contacts to expand the intelligence, and the real information was grouped together on the WikiLeaks website. In addition, Assange has a genius – he has set up a whistleblowing system on his website.

Anyone who reports can be anonymous, and the security lock code he has set up will try to protect the contact information of the whistleblower, so many people have come to the report box made by Assange and thrown a lot of bombshell news.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Assange was not satisfied that he did not see WikiLeaks as his own, so he turned it into a "group of words" — a high-level shared document that anyone could edit if they had an opinion about a piece of information.

As a result, the site gathered the opinions of tens of thousands of people about certain confidential information, a phenomenon that allowed more information to be rapidly expanded

When the basic information is abundant, Assange is ready to make his debut. In December 2006, he returned with his team and WikiLeaks, and so much explosive information poured into the Internet, so much so that many netizens did not believe it, thinking that it was malicious gossip.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Assange was unhurried and put his big move.

In 2007, the website published a corruption scandal by the former president of Kenya. Soon after, WikiLeaks released a 2003 U.S. military agreement on the Tanamo Bay internment camp, which overturned the fact that U.S. forces did not abuse prisoners.

After this incident, more and more people recognized a series of WikiLeaks news, and every year, Assange will publicize the collapse of authoritative figures through this channel, such as the 2009 website revealed a serious nuclear accident in Iran, whether it is Switzerland, Peru or even the United States, Wikimedia has taken a multi-pronged approach to pull down the high-ranking people.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Of course, Assange and his masterpieces have also been pushed to the forefront – he can offend almost everything.

Offending a group of people means that Assange's opponents are everywhere, but he is unaware of it, so much so that in 2010, during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a large number of US diplomatic cables and classified documents of the US military were exposed, directly exposing the old background of the US military, making the war crimes of the US military listed in front of the world.

Immediately, he was charged with 17 counts of espionage and one count of improper use of a computer by the relevant US authorities.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet. Assange's imprisonment was a sure thing, but he didn't expect that nine years would have passed from being warned to being imprisoned.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

3. After nine years of fugitive, he was finally arrested in another country

During these nine years, Assange had to choose the Great World Escape. He ran to Sweden and later to England, and the political leaders of the world were looking for him, so much so that he could not escape the scope of the United States.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

In 2010, Sweden asked Interpol to issue him a red notice for sexually assaulting two Swedish women.

Netizens retorted: Assange is already like a lost dog, is he still in the mood to sexually assault a Swedish woman?

Assange later denied the incident and took refuge in the El Dorman embassy in London. Back then, El Dogua and the West had always had a bad relationship, and Assange lived here in a strange capacity. Soon after, the Swedish side dropped the charges against him.

Not long after the peaceful days, the international situation changed, and seven years later, the political situation in El Dogua changed, and under the pressure of the United States, Assange's umbrella was gone.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

In 2019, Assange was arrested and imprisoned in the UK. Subsequently, the United States demanded the extradition of this heinous traitor. As for WikiLeaks, the United States has unified its argument, arguing that the website must be investigated for publishing classified documents and endangering the lives of others, and Assange in the United Kingdom must also be extradited to China.

Assange was furious during this process, and the people who supported Assange were also angry, because they had already made Assange a hero.

In 2024, the US media cited a legal document saying that Assange, the founder of the WikiLeaks website, agreed to plead guilty. After pleading guilty, Assange does not need to travel to the United States to serve his sentence.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Netizens couldn't believe Assange lowered his head. It was later discovered that Assange only agreed with the US Department of Justice to charge him with a felony of violating the US Espionage Act, pleading guilty to "conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information".

Assange is old and free, and he solves the dilemma of his lower body by confessing his guilt, which is a kind of ending.

For the United States, this is a complete victory, and it is to convict WikiLeaks of so-called revelations on the grounds of judicial fairness, and indirectly whitewash its own war behavior.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released, and after 14 years of protest, he pleaded guilty in exchange for his freedom

Some netizens asked: If Assange had exposed the war crimes of the Soviet Union or Russia, would American politics still arrest him? Wouldn't it be enshrined as a hero?


US media: Assange, founder of the "WikiLeaks" website, agreed to plead guilty - source: Xinhuanet | 2024-06-25 11:39:11

Foreign media: "WikiLeaks" says Assange has been released from prison and left the UK-China News Network 2024-06-25 09:09:23

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Assange case clearly tells the world what "American-style press freedom" is——CCTV News Client 2024-05-21 15:52:59

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