
Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

author:View the world from the south
Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

In China, the license plate number is a unique identifier for each vehicle. It is not only the "ID card" of the vehicle, but also contains a wealth of information.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

Guys, you know what? In China, there are two letters on license plates that are forbidden.

This has puzzled many people, why is there such a regulation?

In our daily lives, we often see a wide variety of license plate numbers.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

They are usually made up of Chinese characters, letters, and numbers, in a specific combination. For example, "Beijing A12345", "Shanghai B67890", etc.

These license plate numbers not only facilitate the identification and management of vehicles by the traffic management department, but also become a unique scenery on urban roads.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

In fact, there is a certain pattern in the arrangement of license plate numbers. In China, the first step of the license plate number is a Chinese character, which represents the province or municipality to which the vehicle belongs.

For example, "Beijing" represents Beijing, "Shanghai" represents Shanghai, "Guangdong" represents Guangdong, etc. The second digit is a letter, which represents the prefecture-level city or region to which the vehicle belongs. For example, "A" stands for provincial capitals, "B" stands for prefecture-level cities, and so on. The last five digits are the serial number of the vehicle.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

Why is there a restriction on the letters on the license plate? This is because in Chinese Hanyu Pinyin, there are some letters that are similar in pronunciation to numbers and can be easily confused.

To avoid this from happening, the traffic management department stipulates that the letters on the license plate must be distinguished from the numbers and cannot be confused with the numbers. For example, the letter "O" and the number "0" are easily confused, and the letter "I" and the number "1" are also easily confused. On license plates, these two letters are forbidden.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

In addition to confusing letters, license plate colors also have a certain meaning. The colors of license plates are usually divided into blue, yellow, green, and black.

Among them, the blue card represents small cars, the yellow card represents large cars, the green card represents new energy vehicles, and the black card represents special vehicles such as foreign enterprises and embassies.

In China, the management of license plate numbers is very strict. Each license plate number corresponds to a specific vehicle and has detailed registration information.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

This information includes the owner's name, ID number, contact details, vehicle model, date of purchase, etc. The recording and management of this information is of great significance for maintaining traffic order and ensuring public safety.

There are also certain regulations for the transfer and transfer of license plate numbers. Generally speaking, the license plate number is not allowed to be transferred, and only when the vehicle is transferred, the original owner can transfer the license plate number to the new owner.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

Although the license plate number is only a small sign, it contains a wealth of information and profound connotations.

As car owners, we should take the license plate number seriously, comply with the relevant regulations, and cherish this identification that represents the identity of the vehicle. It is also necessary to strengthen the management and protection of license plate numbers to avoid the occurrence of illegal and criminal acts such as theft and resale of license plate numbers. Only in this way can we safeguard our legitimate rights and interests and maintain social stability and tranquility.

In the bustling city life, parking difficulties have become a headache for many car owners. In order to make it easier for others to notify them of their car moves when needed, some car owners will place a mobile phone number written on it under the front windshield of the vehicle. This may seem like a thoughtful approach, but in fact it may hide a lot of risks.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

Placing a mobile phone in the car is equivalent to making your personal phone number public. In this era of information leakage, the security of personal information has become more and more important.

Once the phone number is obtained by criminals, it may become a tool for them to defraud and harass. What's more, your personal information may be packaged and sold as a "commodity" on the online black market, causing you endless trouble.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

The presence of a car moving phone may increase the risk of vandalism in the vehicle. Some ill-intentioned people may deliberately mess up or destroy the vehicle because they see the car moving call, and then call you to "move the car", which is actually playing with your time and energy.

Worse still, this situation may affect insurance claims, as insurance companies will consider whether the accident was caused by the negligence or inducement of the car owner when processing the claim.

Moving phone calls can become the "new favorite" of fraudsters. They may deliberately damage the car parked on the side of the road, and then call the car moving number, falsely claiming to be the traffic police or property management personnel, and ask the car owner to move the car urgently, and then induce the car owner to disclose more personal information, or use mobile phone transfers and other means to commit fraud.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

Moving phone calls can also disrupt the normal order of life. Sometimes, even if your car isn't in the way, some curious or bored person may still call and ask you to move your car.

This kind of frequent unnecessary interruption not only wastes the time and energy of the car owner, but also may affect the work and life of the car owner.

How can you protect your personal information while making it easier for others? There are a number of safer and more sensible ways to do this.

Chinese license plates have two letters that are forbidden, and many people don't know it, and insiders give the answer

You can use the QR code or a special app for moving the car. Not only do these tools protect your privacy, but they also help you effectively communicate with others about moving your car without revealing your personal information.

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