
He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

author:Bug University Hall
He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?
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He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

What's even more remarkable is that Zu Feng did not hesitate to transfer 20 million to his wife's account. This move may seem incomprehensible to outsiders, but for Zu Feng, it is just the most solid commitment and security to his wife.

When the huge deposit appeared in Liu Tianchi's account, Zu Feng's eyes flashed with firmness and trust, as if silently telling his cherishing of this relationship.

Is there an untold story behind this seemingly happy marriage? 13 years of childless marriage, does the now 49-year-old Zu Feng regret it? Did the transfer of 20 million bring peace of mind, or did it breed unspeakable pressure? Let's follow the footsteps of time, uncover this love story that spans more than ten years, explore the emotional world of Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi, and understand their unique life choices.

Back in the winter of 2004, the streets of Beijing were covered with fine snowflakes. Zu Feng, the acting tutor of Beijing Film Academy, is standing at the crossroads of life.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

At that time, although he had been coaching at Nortel for many years, he was faced with a difficult choice of whether to transform into an actor. The contradiction in his heart made his brows tighten, and his eyes revealed confusion.

It was at this moment of confusion that fate arranged a life-changing encounter for him. In a joint theatrical performance between the two schools, Zu Feng met Liu Tianchi from the Central Academy of Drama.

When Liu Tianchi took the stage to perform, Zu Feng's eyes were deeply attracted. Her enthusiastic and unrestrained personality, kind attitude towards others, and self-confidence from an acting family all made Zu Feng feel good.

However, Zu Feng, who was introverted by nature, just silently stared at this cheerful and lively girl, and his heart was stirring.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

After the show, on the way to send Liu Tianchi home, Zu Feng finally mustered up the courage to confide in her the confusion in his heart. Under the moonlight, Liu Tianchi's appearance of listening carefully made Zu Feng feel more relaxed than ever.

Subsequently, Liu Tianchi's words were like an enlightenment, which made Zu Feng suddenly enlightened: "As an actor, everyone's heart is eager to leave their own mark on the bright and brilliant big screen, as long as we stick to our original intention, we can overcome all difficulties."

These sincere words not only changed Zu Feng's mind, but also planted the seeds of love in his heart.

From that day on, the two began frequent exchanges. They shared their reading experiences in the café, discussed their life dreams on the campus boulevard, and chatted about each other's daily lives on the phone.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

In the sea of words, in the collision of ideas, their feelings quietly sprouted and gradually grew. Zu Feng found himself looking forward to every meeting with Liu Tianchi, and Liu Tianchi was increasingly attracted to Zu Feng's talent and introverted personality.

This fateful encounter not only allowed Zu Feng to find the direction of his career, but also allowed him to meet the most important person in his life. In the years that followed, no matter what challenges they faced, they would remember the artistic spark that burst out in that winter, which became the source of strength that sustained them through the long years.

To understand Zu Feng's achievements today, we need to look back at his upbringing. Before becoming a highly regarded Nortel performance instructor, Zu Feng's life was not all smooth sailing, but full of hardships and challenges.

Zu Feng came from an ordinary background and was initially just an ordinary auto mechanic. Every day, he spends his days between oil and parts, and his hands are covered with the smell of machinery. However, under this seemingly ordinary appearance, Zu Feng always has a love and pursuit of performing arts in his heart.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

This love is like an unquenchable flame that burns quietly in the depths of his heart.

In order to realize his dream, Zu Feng took the college entrance examination twice, but both ended in failure. Every defeat was like a hammer to his heart. However, such a blow did not destroy Zu Feng's dream, but instead inspired him to fight more strongly.

He chose to continue to persevere, sharpen himself in his work, and water the seeds of art in his heart with sweat.

Four years of hard work not only exercised Zu Feng's will, but also allowed him to accumulate valuable life experience. During this time, he experienced the ups and downs of life and witnessed the various situations in the world, which became the nutrients for his future performances.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

When he walked into the examination room for the third time, Zu Feng's eyes flashed with determination. This time, his hard work finally paid off. Zu Feng was not only successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, but also became the leader of the class with excellent results.

From an ordinary auto mechanic to a high-achieving student of Nortel, Zu Feng's counterattack road is full of hardships and sweat. However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently.

If Zu Feng had reduced his dedication to his studies a little, he might not have been able to meet his soul mate Liu Tianchi in the future. This seemingly fortuitous encounter became a turning point in his life.

During his studies at Nortel, Zu Feng was hungry for knowledge. His talent and hard work were quickly recognized by his teachers. After graduating, he stayed on to become an acting instructor, using his experience and insights to inspire and guide a new generation of performers.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

Zu Feng's experience tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts, no matter what the starting point is, it is possible to create miracles. His growth process is undoubtedly an inspiration to all young people with dreams.

From auto mechanic to Nortel mentor, from obscurity to fame, Zu Feng used his life to interpret what persistence is and what is pursuit.

Time flies, let's focus on the brilliant achievements of Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi in their acting careers. They are like twin stars shining on the stage of a theater, each shining with a unique light.

For Zu Feng, 2010 was a turning point in his acting career. In this year, he played the role of Li Ya, a military commander spy in the hit drama "Latent", a role that made him famous in one fell swoop.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

Zu Feng interprets Li Ya's complex inner world very well, and the contradictions and struggles revealed in his eyes make the audience deeply feel the inner torment of this spy.

This role not only won unanimous praise from the audience, but also won him the Huading Award for Best Supporting Actor.

However, before "Latent", Zu Feng's acting career was not all smooth sailing. From 2000 to 2006, he only participated in the filming of two films: Ding Jiachang in "The Rich Kid", and the image of two famous pipa players in "Ambush on All Sides".

During this period, although Zu Feng did not appear much on the screen, every appearance left a deep impression.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

It wasn't until after 2006 that Zu Feng gradually emerged in the film and television industry. He has performed well in works such as "Shajiabang", "Warm Sun", "Summer of Harmony" and "Applause".

For each role, Zu Feng has poured all his efforts into interpreting the fate of different characters with delicate performances.

At the same time, Liu Tianchi's acting career is also wonderful. As early as the age of 21, she played the role of Ge You and Gong Li's daughter Fengxia in "Alive" directed by Zhang Yimou.

This mute female character is a huge challenge for the young Liu Tianchi, who needs to interpret the character through rich body language. However, Liu Tianchi conquered everyone with her acting skills.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

The emotion in her eyes and the power contained in her body language make the character of Feng Xia vividly present in front of the audience.

After that, Liu Tianchi became Zhang Yimou's right-hand man and served as an instructor in the filming of "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling". Her professionalism and unique insights add a lot to this film.

In 2012, she played the role of Wang Xiu'e in the TV series "Parents' Love", vividly showing the image of a rural woman with a pungent personality, a little calculating but a good nature.

Liu Tianchi's performance is delicate and nuanced, allowing the audience to see a real three-dimensional character, once again proving her superb acting skills.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

In addition to his wonderful performance on the screen, Liu Tianchi also founded his own acting workshop in 2016. She uses innovative ways to help actors grow and improve by creating realistic scenarios.

The studio quickly became a shining star in China's entertainment industry, attracting many young actors to come and learn.

In the popular variety show "The Birth of an Actor", Liu Tianchi served as a drama tutor, and her professionalism and industry status left a deep impression. Her strict yet gentle guidance has benefited the contestants a lot.

Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi's achievements in acting careers not only prove their respective talents, but also show their perseverance and enthusiasm in the pursuit of art.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

Their success is not accidental, but stems from a deep understanding and unremitting efforts in the performing arts. In this competitive entertainment industry, they use their own strength and persistence to write their own legendary stories.

The love story of Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi can be called a good story in the entertainment industry. From mutual appreciation when they first met, to six years of perseverance, and now to thirteen years of marriage, their relationship journey is warm and touching.

At the very beginning of their acquaintance, Zu Feng was attracted by Liu Tianchi's talent and vitality. Faced with this lively and cheerful girl, the introverted Zu Feng chose a unique way of expression - calligraphy.

He began to express his love in the way he was good at, and often wrote affectionate words for Liu Tianchi. Every stroke is full of love, as if it is his heartbeat beating on the paper.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

At the end of the letter, he would always solemnly write an oath like "I will always love Liu Tianchi". This kind of unpretentious but affectionate confession deeply moved Liu Tianchi.

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. In that era, during the six-year relationship, Zu Feng faced many doubts from his parents, relatives, friends and even colleagues.

Some people don't understand why they haven't married after being in love for so long, and some people even accuse Zu Feng of "playing hooligan". In the face of these voices, Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi chose to support each other.

They firmly believe that sincere feelings do not need to be recognized by the outside world, as long as two people have the same heart.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

Finally, in 2010, Zu Feng proposed the idea of marriage to Liu Tianchi. Their proposal process is simple and straightforward, with no flashy scenes and no expensive rings.

One ordinary afternoon, Zu Feng asked softly, "Do you want to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with me?" It was such a simple sentence that moved Liu Tianchi to tears.

This unpretentious way precisely reflects Zu Feng's character characteristics and also won Liu Tianchi's appreciation.

After getting married, the relationship between Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi has not diminished because of the passage of time. On the contrary, they cherish each other more and support each other's career development.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

In family life, they enjoy a peaceful and warm world for two. In their spare time, they like to drink tea together and enjoy that leisurely and contented good time.

Zu Feng still maintains the habit of writing calligraphy, and from time to time he will write some warm words for Liu Tianchi, so that the relationship between the two will remain fresh in the ordinary life.

The couple's relationship is endured in large part because of their understanding and respect for each other. They respect each other's lifestyles and values, and give each other plenty of space and trust.

In their careers, they encourage each other to make progress together. In life, they tolerate each other and grow together.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

In thirteen years of married life, they have always maintained their original love. Even without children, they do not feel regret or emptiness. For them, each other's companionship and shared career pursuit is the whole meaning of life.

This kind of affection is particularly precious in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, and has also become a model that many people envy.

To outsiders, Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi's lives seem uneventful. They don't have a banging love story, they don't have an amazing life of luxury, they don't even have children.

However, it is this blandness that highlights the sincerity of their feelings and the wisdom of life.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi chose not to have children, this decision may puzzle many people. Traditionally, getting married and having children seems to be a matter of course. But for them, the meaning of life is not to pass on the lineage, but to pursue their own spiritual world.

They put all their energy into the cause they love, and continue to explore and advance on the road of art.

Every morning, they would drink tea together and exchange insights on life and art. Zu Feng often practiced calligraphy at this time, while Liu Tianchi read scripts or literary works.

Such a rhythm of life allows them to maintain their inner peace and love for art despite their busy work.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

In terms of matter, Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi also have their own unique ways of dealing with them. When Zu Feng transferred 20 million to Liu Tianchi's account, he was not showing off his wealth, but hoping to give his wife the most solid sense of security.

This money represents not only material security, but also an emotional commitment and trust. In Zu Feng's view, this is the best gift he can give his wife - an unconditional trust and support.

They rarely attend entertainment and parties in the entertainment industry, preferring to spend their leisure time at home. Sometimes, they work together on a script and discuss the development of characters and the expression of emotions.

This shared interest and pursuit keeps their feelings fresh and energetic at all times.

He spoiled his wife with 20 million, and he has been married for many years without children, and now he doesn't regret it?

The story of Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi tells us that a happy life does not need to be affirmed by the outside world, and there is no need to go with the flow. As long as two people have the same mind, trust and support each other, they can create their own happiness in the ordinary.

Their philosophy of life has undoubtedly provided many people with a new direction of thinking.

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