
The selection learned a lesson, and no longer talked about complaining about the scenic spot, as soon as the broadcast started, Lin Lin praised Taiwu Town

author:Mushroom heads

Taiwu Town made a stunning appearance, and Lin Lin Live strongly recommended: a new place to escape the summer heat!

In the hot summer, are you still worried about finding a good place to cool off the heat? Don't worry, today I'm going to reveal to you a summer sanctuary hidden among the mountains - Taiwu Town. Recently, Lin Lin was full of praise for Taiwu Town in the live broadcast room, which made countless netizens say that they have "planted grass"!

The selection learned a lesson, and no longer talked about complaining about the scenic spot, as soon as the broadcast started, Lin Lin praised Taiwu Town

Speaking of which, Lin Lin was hotly discussed by netizens because he complained about a certain scenic spot, and the live broadcast room was suspended for a day. However, this time, he changed his style from the past and praised Taiwu Town. He said that as soon as he stepped into Taiwu Town, it was like entering a cool world. The air here is so fresh that you can't help but take a few more breaths, and the humidity is just right, making it feel particularly cool. Compared to coming here in winter, it's a completely different experience.

Lin Lin also made a special mention of the background scenery of Taiwu Town. He said that the landscape here is as beautiful as an ink painting. Standing on a high place and looking into the distance, the mountains are continuous, and the clouds and mist are shrouded, as if you are in a fairyland. The nearby green trees and fragrant flowers are even more refreshing.

The selection learned a lesson, and no longer talked about complaining about the scenic spot, as soon as the broadcast started, Lin Lin praised Taiwu Town

So, what exactly is worth visiting in Taiwu Town? Lin Lin revealed them one by one in the live broadcast. He said that there is not only beautiful natural scenery, but also an abundance of outdoor activities. You can experience exciting skiing, rafting, or leisurely hiking and cycling. Whether you like to challenge yourself or enjoy the beauty of nature, Taimai Town has something for you.

In addition to outdoor activities, the food in Taimai Town is also a highlight. There are special foods from all over the world, so you can enjoy the fun of food while playing. Lin Lin also specially recommended several restaurants and food stalls with good reputation for everyone in the live broadcast, so that everyone can feast on them while playing.

The selection learned a lesson, and no longer talked about complaining about the scenic spot, as soon as the broadcast started, Lin Lin praised Taiwu Town

Of course, Lin Lin also provided some practical travel advice for everyone. She said that it is best to plan your itinerary in advance and arrange your time reasonably when you come to Taiwu Town. At the same time, you should also pay attention to sun protection and moisturizing to avoid sunburn. She also advises everyone to bring extra cash and spare items in case they need them.

Finally, Lin Lin once again emphasized her love for Taiwu Town in the live broadcast. He said: "I hope everyone can come to Taiwu Town to check in and play, I believe that this place will definitely leave you unforgettable memories!" "Hearing this, are you also moved? Then hurry up and pack your bags and go! Let's spend a cool and pleasant summer time in Taimai Town!

Well, friends, that's all for today's sharing! If you have more information or questions about Taiwu Town, please leave a message in the comment area!

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