
The woman posted the payment code on the bedroom door, and the husband had to pay first if he wanted to enter the house: at least 300 yuan at a time

author:Light Emotion

**Paste the collection code on the door of the woman's bedroom: pay the "rent" first when you enter the door? The husband is confused! **

Brief introduction:

My name is Li Xiaoyu, I am 32 years old this year, and I have been married to my husband Wang Lei for five years. We are an ordinary urban couple, Wang Lei works as a project manager in an Internet company, and I am a freelancer, usually writing copywriting and doing self-media. Although the income is not particularly high, life is also warm and stable. However, recently I have made a lot of waves in our lives because of a small gesture.

The woman posted the payment code on the bedroom door, and the husband had to pay first if he wanted to enter the house: at least 300 yuan at a time


Anyway, on this day, the sun was shining, and I cleaned up at home when I was idle. When I got to the bedroom, it suddenly occurred to me that I had a little prank. I found an idle collection code, taped it to the bedroom door, and wrote a small note next to it: "Please scan the code to pay when you enter the door, with a minimum of 300 yuan each time." ”

At that time, I just thought it was funny, and I wanted to tease my husband and see how he reacted. After all, we usually respect and tolerate each other, so this kind of little joke shouldn't be a big deal.

However, what I didn't expect was that my joke would trigger a series of "chain reactions".

Wang Lei came home from work, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the collection code and note. He was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of crying and laughing. He walked over and knocked on the bedroom door and asked, "Wife, what are you doing here?" Do you have to charge money to enter the bedroom? ”

I hid behind the door and replied with a smile, "Yes, this will be your 'rent' from now on." If you want to enter the bedroom, scan the code to pay first! ”

Wang Lei listened, shook his head helplessly, took out his mobile phone and prepared to scan the code. But when he saw the amount clearly, he couldn't help frowning: "300 yuan once? That's too expensive, isn't it? ”

I couldn't hold back a smile and deliberately said seriously: "It's not expensive, think about it, this bedroom is what I work hard to clean every day, and my private space." It's not too much to collect 'rent', right? ”

The woman posted the payment code on the bedroom door, and the husband had to pay first if he wanted to enter the house: at least 300 yuan at a time

Wang Lei was speechless by me, so he had to scan the code with a wry smile and pay 300 yuan. Since then, every time he wants to enter the bedroom, he has to scan the code to pay the "rent".

At the beginning, Wang Lei thought it was quite fresh, and he would tease me a few words every time he paid. But as time went on, he began to feel that something was wrong. He felt that this payment method seemed a bit "abnormal", like some kind of "transaction" between us, rather than the intimacy and trust that should be between husband and wife.

So, he started talking to me, trying to figure out why I was doing it. I told him it was just a joke and didn't expect him to be so serious. But Wang Lei felt that this joke was a bit excessive, and it made our relationship a little "raw".

I listened to Wang Lei's words, and I felt a little uncomfortable. I began to reflect on my actions, did I really do something wrong? Am I ignoring Wang Lei's feelings? Is there already a rift in our relationship?

After some careful consideration, I decided to apologize to Wang Lei and cancel this "rent" joke. I told him that I was only doing it on a whim, and that I didn't expect it to bother him so much. I promise not to make such jokes again, and we will love and respect each other as before.

Wang Lei listened to my apology and assurance, and a relieved smile appeared on his face. He hugged me tightly and said, "Wife, I've wanted to tell you for a long time." This 'rent' joke, while funny, does create a sense of distance between us. I hope we can always maintain a close and trusting relationship. ”

The woman posted the payment code on the bedroom door, and the husband had to pay first if he wanted to enter the house: at least 300 yuan at a time

After this episode, the relationship between me and Wang Lei has become closer. We have learned to cherish each other's feelings more, and we also know how to understand and tolerate each other better. Although there will inevitably be some small frictions and misunderstandings in life, as long as we communicate and understand each other with our hearts, we will be able to resolve conflicts and move forward together.

Finally, I would like to say that husbands and wives should respect each other, understand each other, and tolerate each other. Sometimes a small joke can have unintended consequences, so we should always pay attention to our words and actions to avoid hurting the other person because of unintentional mistakes. At the same time, we must also learn to listen to each other's voices and feel each other's emotional changes, and maintain a beautiful relationship with sincerity and love.

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