
The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

author:Creek Love Story


The hot weather in July has become the "new normal", and the north and south are not immune to the heat. There is more rain in the southern region, and the risk of waterlogging increases. The northern region is facing the challenge of persistent high temperatures. But don't be afraid, as long as we prevent heatstroke scientifically and take protective measures, we will definitely be able to easily survive this hot summer!

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

The persistence and impact of hot weather

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

Hello everyone, I'm your weather assistant. With the arrival of July, the hot weather seems to have become the "new normal", and the scorching sun is in the sky, and people are sweating. Although there has been a significant increase in precipitation in recent times, this does not mean that the high temperatures will disappear, on the contrary, it will go to the next level.

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, in the coming week, the hot weather will still be shrouded in most areas, especially in the north, and a new round of "baking" mode will be ushered in. Although there is heavy rainfall in the southern region, the high temperature is still difficult to solve.

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

Everyone who is welcoming the high temperature must also be prepared for a protracted battle, and scientific heatstroke prevention is the king.

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows
The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

Rainwater and waterlogging risk in the South

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

Southern friends have always been synonymous with "children of the water town", but this title may be about to change recently. Affected by Typhoon "Fireworks" and a new round of heavy rainfall, there is obviously more rain in the southern region, and the hot and humid weather makes people "nauseous and incapacitated".

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

Friends in the south should be cautious, not only the high temperature "immortal", but also the "waterlogging" demon king quietly coming. Prolonged hot weather, coupled with frequent rainfall, can easily lead to the occurrence of urban waterlogging.

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

Temporary effects of heavy rainfall on the southern region

Speaking of which, you may not believe it, high temperature weather is the "real destiny", it is the "initiator" of the waterlogging phenomenon. In hot weather, the evaporation of surface water increases, resulting in the inability of the urban drainage system to drain rainwater in time, resulting in waterlogging.

Although friends in the south like the feeling of rain cooling down, don't be too relaxed! And according to the analysis of the meteorological department, this heavy rainfall will not last long, and when the rain stops, the high temperature "big brother" will continue to "harvest your pride".

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows

High temperature challenges and coping with the northern region

Of course, friends in the north should not be complacent too early. From next week, there will be a new round of persistent hot weather, when the scorching heat will be over the land. The highest local temperature in North China and Huanghuai can even reach about 40 °C, and the scorching summer makes people "can't stop".

Whether it is friends in the south or in the north, they must be prepared for the "torture" of prolonged hot weather. Adjust the work and rest time appropriately and reduce the time of sun exposure; Try to choose a shaded place for outdoor activities; Strengthening indoor ventilation and so on are all good ways to prevent heatstroke.

Of course, the most important thing is to prevent heatstroke scientifically and protect reasonably. Wear a hat and sunglasses; Clothing is loose and breathable; Drinking more water, eating less spicy food, etc., are all tips to prevent heatstroke. Only by taking good self-protection measures can you safely survive this hot summer.

I want to say to everyone: although the hot weather is "powerful", we are even more powerful! As long as we take protective measures, I believe that no weather can stump us. Come on!

The center of the new round of heavy rainfall is determined, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, and the weather forecast for the 28th to 29th is as follows


Although the hot weather is hot, we are more enthusiastic! Whether it is the south or the north, as long as we take good measures to prevent heat stroke and face challenges bravely, I believe that no weather can stump us. Remember to prevent heatstroke scientifically, maintain a good mood, and spend this hot summer together!