
AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

Taomi E-sports

2024-06-28 11:22Creators in the field of games

Foreword: AG successfully locked Group S after a clean sheet RNGM, the opportunity for Weibo and Taobo also came, the situation of Group 2 is complicated again, Hushen and Kongju are expected to usher in the opportunity to start, Wolves are going to have a key battle with TCG, and anyone is likely to enter Group S. The return time of the Nine-Tails is finalized, and there is a high probability that the first battle of the next round will be able to make its debut!

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

AG slammed into Group S with a clean sheet against RNGM, and WB and TES also saw hope

Just last night, AG successfully sealed RNGM and successfully locked the place in Group S, Yun Li and Aurora failed to challenge their old club, and they posted directly after the game to honestly beg to let go, but after this game, the situation of the two groups began to become delicate.

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

First of all, the opportunity for Taobo is coming, as long as Taobo can keep a clean sheet of TKL today, then as long as the last game is not a clean sheet by Weibo, you can not go to Group B. And Weibo also has the hope of entering Group S, as long as AG can defeat ESTAR by a big score, then Weibo has more hope of entering Group S, because the small score of E star is really low. Especially with TKL, it hurts too much, but there is a grapevine that AG may be on the pot god in the last game, but in the eyes of the white-clothed coach, whether AG is Shangxuan Dye or pot god, AG has a better chance of winning.

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

Wolves ushered in a crucial battle, and whoever wins with TCG will enter Group S

In addition to the chaotic situation in the 2nd group, the battle for Group S in the 1st group has also begun to heat up. Today's game between Wolves and TCG is a key battle for both sides, Wolves only have a big score victory over TCG to have hope of entering S, because Wolves sold the demon knife and changed the coach during the transfer period, so if it falls into Group A, the pressure of public opinion will definitely be very large, so Wolves will go all out in this game anyway.

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

The situation of the last 3 groups has ushered in the finale, yesterday KSG played against the old godfather and won the big score, not only stabilized the S Group seat, but also assisted DRG to enter the S group. The old godfather is going to enter Group A, and the time of the return was revealed in the live broadcast of the Nine Tails, hinting that the first game of the second round will be played, which is also good news for fans.

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

Summary of personal analysis

In general, since the second round is going to launch a new major version, it will have an impact on all teams and players, so in the case of no pressure on points, AG and KSG practice the new system and lineup, which is a wise approach, especially AG has directly changed its thinking this season, and has been practicing the new system since the first game, which is undoubtedly also reserving strength for the later games, so in the end, everyone thinks that after AG KSG and DRG lock Group S, which 3 teams can successfully enter Group S?

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

In addition, at the same time as the KPL fierce battle is in full swing, a certain live broadcast of the KPL Summer Game has also come up with a new black technology, the audience can affect the anchor's game game by interacting with the anchor, and let the audience participate in the anchor's game while watching the live broadcast, and the experience is completely full. Guan Yu's bright eyes and pockets in the national costume have already experienced this new way to play, and interested friends can also go to their live broadcast room to experience it, and it's over!

AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

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  • AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match
  • AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match
  • AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match
  • AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match
  • AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match
  • AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match
  • AG on the pot god to hit eStar? The opportunity for WB and TES has come, and Wolves have a crucial match

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