
Changing the weight against the sky? Chang'e-6 2 kg lunar soil sample, the earth landed like this?

author:Xiao Liu came to class

Friends, did you know? Our "Chang'e-6" is preparing to bring back a time-space gift to the earth - a "native product" directly from the Moon Palace! This is no ordinary courier mission, but a wonderful journey across the stars. It's exciting to think about, right? In 2020, the sensational "lunar treasure" of Chang'e-5 is still vivid, and the 1,731 grams of lunar soil brought back made scientists as excited as children receiving new toys. They surround those precious particles and uncover the secrets of the moon little by little, just like opening a long-dusted cosmic diary. This time, Chang'e-6 aims to surpass it, targeting a 2,000-gram lunar soil sample, which is not only a numerical increase, but also a big leap forward in our ability to explore deep space.

Changing the weight against the sky? Chang'e-6 2 kg lunar soil sample, the earth landed like this?

Speaking of which, some people may be curious, will the weight of the soil on the moon change when it reaches the earth? That's an interesting question. In fact, whether it is in the quiet moon palace or the busy earth, the mass of the object is constant, which is the iron law of physics. The mass of lunar soil will not be "blessed" or "slimmed" because it changes planets, and how many grams it is on the moon is still the same number on the earth. As for those who say that the lunar soil will become heavier, it can only be regarded as an interesting conversation after dinner, and science should still be treated seriously.

Changing the weight against the sky? Chang'e-6 2 kg lunar soil sample, the earth landed like this?

The mission of Chang'e-6 is not only as simple as bringing back material, but also carrying mankind's desire for the unknown and the yearning for the stars and the sea. Behind every space exploration are the footprints of scientific and technological progress and the interrogation of the mysteries of the universe. Each grain of dust of this precious lunar soil may hold secrets about the origin of the Moon and even the solar system, and they are messengers connecting the past and the future, waiting to be deciphered.

Changing the weight against the sky? Chang'e-6 2 kg lunar soil sample, the earth landed like this?

Imagine how the gift of "Chang'e-6", which spans millions of kilometers, will inspire a new round of scientific research when it travels through the starry sky with its "lunar package" and lands safely on Earth. What amazing new insights will scientists discover? All of this is exciting, and I can't wait to see what is going on.

Changing the weight against the sky? Chang'e-6 2 kg lunar soil sample, the earth landed like this?

Friends, let us all look forward to the arrival of this historic moment and witness the crystallization of human wisdom and courage. When Chang'e-6 triumphed, it brought back not only lunar soil, but also a glory and dream shared by all mankind. Let's wait for that live broadcast together, witness the light that pierces the night sky, and feel the warmth from the distant moon. #探月工程新突破 # #月壤的秘密# #深空探索之旅#在期待之余, might as well think about the potential impact of these space explorations on our daily lives? And how will it change our understanding of the universe? Welcome to leave a message to share your views, and let us swim together in the ocean of knowledge.