
The signal released by the Central Committee

author:Reversal @ life


Imagine that in the summer of 2024, a grand discussion about the well-being of hundreds of millions of people is quietly brewing in the conference room of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. This is not only a conference, but also a feast of ideas and a great debate about China's future. And today, we're going to unveil the mystery of this discussion, take you behind the scenes of this historic event, and feel the thrilling power.

The signal released by the Central Committee

1. Prelude to the meeting

June 27, 2024, is an ordinary summer day, but for China, it is destined to be an extraordinary day. In the conference room of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, senior editors sat around, pens in their hands, and their eyes glittered with wisdom. Their names may not be well known to the general public, but their works are deeply rooted in the hearts of people and affect the thoughts and emotions of hundreds of millions of readers. They are not only the participants in this discussion, but also the inheritors of Chinese culture.

At the heart of this discussion is the comprehensive deepening of reform and the promotion of Chinese-style modernization. This is not only an in-depth analysis of China's current development issues, but also a firm guide for China's future development path. The senior editors have expressed their opinions, and their opinions are sharp and profound, and their words are impassioned and powerful. Their words reveal their deep love for the country and their infinite longing for the future.

The signal released by the Central Committee

Second, the wave of reform

Reform is the theme of the times and the key word of China's development. The senior editors are well aware that only through deepening reform can we solve the deep-seated problems in the current economic and social development. They have put forward their own reform plans, starting from economic, political, cultural and other aspects, and strive to make the reform touch every corner of society.

In their writings, we see a vibrant and creative China. They depict a level playing field, an innovative group of entrepreneurs, and a vibrant social atmosphere. They believe that only through reform can the vitality of the market and social creativity be stimulated, and China's economy and society can be rejuvenated and vigorous.

The signal released by the Central Committee

3. Exploration of modernization

Promoting Chinese-style modernization is another major task for senior editors in the new era. They know very well that modernization is not simply imitating the models of other countries, but is about taking into account China's national conditions and culture and blazing a path of development of our own.

In their writings, we see a blueprint for modernization that has both the commonality of modernization and Chinese characteristics. They stressed that what we should pursue is the kind of modernization that is people-oriented and green development, and the kind of modernization that can realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the progress of human civilization.

The signal released by the Central Committee

Fourth, the expectation of the event

As the discussion deepened, the date of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was approaching. The event, which will be held in Beijing from July 15th to 18th, is not only a summary of past work, but also a prospect for future development.

Senior editors said they look forward to hearing more new ideas, perspectives and initiatives on China's future development at the conference. They believe that these new ideas, new viewpoints, and new measures will nourish people's hearts like spring breeze and rain, and inject new vitality and impetus into China's development.

The signal released by the Central Committee

5. Conclusion: Building the Chinese Dream Together

This great discussion on the future of the country has shown us China's firm determination and infinite possibilities in the new era. We look forward to the convening of this event and to bring a better future for China. At the same time, we also call on the majority of party members, cadres and the people to actively participate in it and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Because in this era, everyone is the protagonist, and every dream deserves to be respected and realized.

In the days to come, let us work together to forge ahead and write a glorious chapter in the new era! Let China's development achievements benefit more people, and let China's voice be louder in the world!

The signal released by the Central Committee