
Oil prices rose again tonight, and No. 92 gasoline returned to the "8 yuan era"

author:Salted duck eggs

Text丨Salted duck eggs

Editor丨Salted duck eggs

First, a new round of oil price increases.

The National Development and Reform Commission recently announced a news, that is, a new round of refined oil price adjustment window has been opened at 24 o'clock today, and the specific situation of the oil price adjustment is as follows: domestic gasoline, diesel prices were raised by 210 and 200 yuan / ton, converted into an increase in price, 92 gasoline rose 0.16 yuan / liter, 95 gasoline rose 0.17 yuan / liter, and 0 diesel rose 0.17 yuan / liter.

Oil prices rose again tonight, and No. 92 gasoline returned to the "8 yuan era"
Oil prices rose again tonight, and No. 92 gasoline returned to the "8 yuan era"

Second, oil prices have risen to the era of 8 yuan.

After the rise in oil prices, combined with the previous oil prices, the price of No. 92 gasoline has come to 7.87 yuan / liter, and the price of No. 95 gasoline has come to 8.52 yuan / liter, and the price of No. 0 diesel has come to 7.52 yuan / liter, and after this round of oil price rise, the price of No. 92 gasoline will return to the "8 yuan era", which is undoubtedly bad news for the majority of car owners.

Oil prices rose again tonight, and No. 92 gasoline returned to the "8 yuan era"

Because in all aspects of life, everyone has a certain fixed expenditure, and part of the expenditure is used to cope with the impact of rising oil prices, and when oil prices rise again and again, the expenses will continue to increase, for some people who already have a certain economic pressure, this is undoubtedly a challenge to their lives.

Oil prices rose again tonight, and No. 92 gasoline returned to the "8 yuan era"