
The LPL accompanying event is reversed, and WE completes the lightning signing! Able became the biggest winner, and Cube was stunned

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The LPL accompanying event is reversed, and WE completes the lightning signing! Able became the biggest winner, and Cube was stunned

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The resurgence of the LPL arena: from playing with us to signing WE Blitzkrieg, can the situation be reversed?

OMG single C "runaway" event

At the beginning of the summer season, the news of the sudden departure of player C, the top player of the OMG team, was like a thunderbolt, which exploded on the LPL field, and what was even more shocking was that the reason why C chose to give up his identity as a professional player was to change careers to play with

The LPL accompanying event is reversed, and WE completes the lightning signing! Able became the biggest winner, and Cube was stunned

C's move,Pushed another player A to the forefront of public opinion,As C's former teammate,A chose to join the play industry after retiring,And with its own strength and popularity,Quickly became a leader in the field,According to rumors,A's income in the play industry,Even far more than many active professional players,This has also become an important reason for C to "run away"。

WE Lightning signed A to spark heated discussions

Just when people thought that the LPL's "playing turmoil" was about to subside, an announcement from the WE team once again pushed the incident to a climax: the WE team announced that it had officially signed with A, and said that A would immediately join the team and prepare for the next game

The LPL accompanying event is reversed, and WE completes the lightning signing! Able became the biggest winner, and Cube was stunned

WE's lightning signing, on the one hand, shows its desire for results, and on the other hand, it also reflects from the side that A has not given up R training during the playing period and still maintains a good competitive state

A's choice: the balance between dreams and reality

A's return came as a surprise to many people, with a lucrative and relaxed life on the one hand, and a challenging and competitive professional arena on the other, and A finally chose the latter, which undoubtedly required great courage

The LPL accompanying event is reversed, and WE completes the lightning signing! Able became the biggest winner, and Cube was stunned

For A, returning to the Circle means that he will once again be under pressure to win, but it also means that he will have the opportunity to continue chasing his professional dreams

Can WE get out of the woods? The combination of A and M is exciting

The performance of the WE team in the summer tournament was not satisfactory, and the weakness of the bottom lane combination became the biggest shortcoming that restricted the team's progress

The LPL accompanying event is reversed, and WE completes the lightning signing! Able became the biggest winner, and Cube was stunned

The combination of A and M is undoubtedly one of the highlights of WE's personnel changes, and whether M, as an experienced support player, can help A integrate into the team as soon as possible and play at the level it should have will be directly related to whether WE can make a breakthrough in the next game


WE's lightning signing has brought new variables to the LPL Summer Tournament, can the return of A help WE get out of the predicament? Let's wait and see, please leave a message in the comment section to share your thoughts on this "lightning signing" and your expectations for the future performance of Team WE!

The LPL accompanying event is reversed, and WE completes the lightning signing! Able became the biggest winner, and Cube was stunned

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