
The more and more trouble got bigger, several junior high school students set fire to the car, and the parents wanted to be private, but the owner refused

author:Miss Chen

### Title: The arson of a junior high school student caused social concern, and the parents' private request was rejected by the car owner

Recently, a case involving a junior high school student who set fire to a car has aroused widespread concern in society. It is reported that several junior high school students got into an argument with someone because they were drunk after a party, and finally chose to set fire to their cars to vent their emotions. However, this act not only caused huge property damage, but also posed a serious threat to social order and public safety. After the incident, the parents wanted to settle the matter privately, but the owner firmly refused.

The more and more trouble got bigger, several junior high school students set fire to the car, and the parents wanted to be private, but the owner refused

#### I. Event review

It is understood that several junior high school students got into an argument with someone because they were drunk after a party that night. In the case of emotional out-of-control, they chose to set fire to the car to vent their emotions. This act not only caused damage to a car, but also posed a serious threat to the safety of the lives and property of the surrounding residents. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished in time and there were no casualties.

#### Second, the parent's private request was denied

After the incident, the parents quickly rushed to the scene and wanted to resolve the matter privately with the owner of the car. They expressed their willingness to bear all the cost of compensation and asked the owner not to hold the children responsible. However, the owner of the car firmly rejected the parents' private request. The owner said that the incident was not only a simple property damage issue, but also a social issue involving public safety and youth education. He hopes to defend his rights and interests through legal means and teach the children a lesson.

The more and more trouble got bigger, several junior high school students set fire to the car, and the parents wanted to be private, but the owner refused

#### Third, social repercussions and public opinion pressure

This incident has aroused widespread concern and discussion in society. Many people expressed indignation and condemnation of the actions of junior high school students, believing that they lacked basic legal awareness and moral concepts. At the same time, there are also people who believe that there is a problem with the parent's education method, and that too much spoiling and pampering of children is one of the important reasons for this incident. In addition, there are also calls for strengthening education and guidance for young people to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

#### Fourth, legal responsibility and educational significance

From a legal point of view, the act of setting fire to a car by a junior high school student has already constituted a crime. Under the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code, they may face double liability for criminal penalties and civil compensation. However, for such a young group, legal sanctions are not the end in themselves. It is more important to educate and guide them through this incident, so that they can realize the serious consequences of their wrong actions.

The more and more trouble got bigger, several junior high school students set fire to the car, and the parents wanted to be private, but the owner refused

#### 5. Parental Roles and Social Responsibility

As parents, they should take responsibility for educating and guiding their children. They need to clearly tell their children what is right and what is wrong, and help them develop the right values and codes of conduct. At the same time, schools and society should also strengthen the education and guidance of young people to help them grow up healthily.

The more and more trouble got bigger, several junior high school students set fire to the car, and the parents wanted to be private, but the owner refused

#### Sixth, look to the future

We hope that this event will attract more people's attention and thinking. We need to strengthen the education and guidance of young people to help them establish correct values and codes of conduct. At the same time, we also need to strengthen social supervision and management mechanisms to ensure public security and the stability of social order. Only in this way can we work together to create a harmonious, safe and orderly social environment.

In short, the arson of a junior high school student is not only a simple property loss issue, but also a social issue involving public safety and youth education. We hope that this event will arouse more people's attention and thinking, and work together to build a better society.