
The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

author:Hassle-free Coke carry

Text: A worry-free Coke carcass

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It is reported that because of the problem of noise disturbance, the Shapingba District Government recently introduced a new policy to comprehensively rectify the noise around the square, including the Baba Dance Troupe in front of Huayu Plaza.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

In order to completely solve this problem, the Shapingba district government also took a very "forward-looking" measure to successfully transform the original empty flat dam into underground shops through the blast renovation of the square, so that the Baba dance troupe lost its original space to play, and after that, the noise in the square was significantly reduced, and the reason behind it is also obvious.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

The dam dance was ended

With the continuous acceleration of the pace of life, people's lives are becoming more and more stressful, so after work, appropriate relaxation and entertainment has also become an option for many people.

In the "mountain city" of Chongqing, the dam dance is undoubtedly a very popular way, especially for some middle-aged and elderly people, it is undoubtedly a very pleasant thing to dance a dam dance in the square every night.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

Although the Baba Dance has a lot of "fans", due to the particularity of its music and dance, once there is a problem of "disturbing the people", it is easy to cause dissatisfaction among the surrounding residents, and even has a certain impact on their normal life.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

Because the scale of the dance here is so large, it can almost be described as "non-stop", and the sound equipment they use is also very "luxurious", and the roaring music can be heard almost throughout the square, which is obviously a situation that has seriously exceeded the scope of ordinary entertainment activities, and has become a typical "noise disturbance" behavior.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

The local government was aware of this, so after receiving complaints from the surrounding residents, they began to investigate the matter, and finally issued a "Notice of Rectification", requiring the Baba Dance Company to immediately stop all performance activities, and also need to carry out a comprehensive rectification of the sound equipment used by it to ensure that the noise does not exceed the standard again in future performances.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

The noise in the square has dropped dramatically

Although the government has introduced relevant rectification measures, it is not a simple matter to really solve the problem of noise disturbance behind the dam dance, because on the one hand, the dam dance troupe is not necessarily "obedient", they may choose to perform "in disguise", so as to continue to make noise, on the other hand, even if the government has "strengthened management" on this matter, but there are also relevant regulatory measures and means to be able to "accurately control" the noise behind the dam dance.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

For the Shapingba district government, they cannot simply "one size fits all", but need to have a "forward-looking" way of thinking to fundamentally solve the problem of noise nuisance, and in this regard, they seem to have achieved some "results".

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

The author came to the front of Huayu Plaza again, but was surprised to find that the noise here has actually "plummeted", the previous "deafening" noise no longer exists, replaced by an abnormal "quiet", even in the center of the square, the data displayed on the noise monitor, is only 68 decibels, and all this, or thanks to the "trick" of the Shapingba District Government.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

They realized that the square where the Baba Dance Troupe was located was the "hardest hit area" of noise disturbances, so when carrying out relevant remediation, they did not "bypass" the Baba Dance Troupe, but "confronted" the problem, and finally found a relatively "reasonable" solution.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

The Shapingba District Government did not "simply" ask the Baba Dance Troupe to carry out "rectification", but carried out a series of renovations to the square through the way of "explosion reform", and finally successfully transformed the original empty Pingba into underground shops, and in this process, the Baba Dance Troupe did lose its original performance space and could no longer "act recklessly" in the square, and it was precisely because of the introduction of this measure that the noise of the square had such an obvious "drop".

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!


For the approach of the Shapingba District Government, I believe that there will be some people who have a certain "skeptical" attitude, they may feel that the performance of the Ba Ba Dance Troupe will certainly bring a certain amount of noise, but it also brings a certain amount of "joy" to the surrounding residents, and the government at this time "exploded" the square, what it did was actually a "one-size-fits-all", and did not fundamentally solve the problem.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

From another point of view, the government's approach does have its "reason", because when dealing with similar problems, it does need to have a certain amount of "courage" and "responsibility", and the so-called "explosive reform" is just a "means", and the real purpose is to make the environment of the square better, and also allow the residents of Shapingba to enjoy more "tranquility" and "comfort" in their future lives.

The dam dance was ended, the noise in the Three Gorges Square plummeted, and Shapingba only used one trick!

It is precisely because of such "forward-looking" that the government can make more "meaningful" attempts in the future work, and can also better solve similar problems, and for the general public, it is also hoped that when the relevant policies are introduced, there can be more "understanding" and "support", and can find their own place in it, and jointly promote the development and progress of the city.