
Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

author:Every day the text of the collection

The entertainment industry held a remarkable wedding, the tall, burly, handsome and dashing He Rundong and his girlfriend Peggy finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand after nine years of love.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

At the wedding scene, the guests were filled with sincere smiles on their faces and sent blessings to the newlyweds, looking forward to the early arrival of their love crystallization.

However, time flowed like water, and six years passed. The actor He Rundong, who is affectionately called the "Eagle King" by fans, has never had exciting good news. Until 2023, He Rundong revealed in an interview that they were considering trying IVF.

This unexpected news has sparked a lot of controversy and questions about He Rundong.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

He Rundong's acting career is rich and colorful, and his love life has also attracted much attention. However, behind these seemingly beautiful scenery, is there a soul with an inferiority complex that no one knows? Why did this man of superior appearance not realize his desire to become a father after many years of marriage? What ups and downs did he experience in his life? Next, let's delve into He Rundong's inner world and uncover the answers to these mysteries.

He Rundong's acting career can be called an unexpected surprise. He was originally a college student who dreamed of becoming a painter, but was discovered and discovered by a discerning musician, and since then he has stepped into the entertainment industry.

His debut role is that of Wu Qilong and Zhu Yingtai's classmates in "Liang Zhu", although it is a small role, this small beginning is like a door, bringing He Rundong into a new world.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

When He Rundong first entered the showbiz, he was very nervous in the face of spotlights and cameras. In contrast, he prefers to hide in the gym and use his sweat to build a toned figure, which seems to give him more security. However, the gears of fate have begun to turn, and greater challenges and opportunities await him.

In 2001, the broadcast of "Fengyun" made He Rundong famous in one fell swoop. The Bu Jingyun he played, the iconic blue bubble noodle head with the red lacquer Huolin sword, has become an unforgettable youth memory for a generation.

However, this role also brought a lot of troubles to He Rundong, and the audience's inherent impression of Bu Jingyun made it difficult for him to get rid of the shackles of this role.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

He Rundong was not satisfied with this, in his subsequent acting career, he bravely tried a variety of different roles, in "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", he boldly challenged to play the cold swordsman Ximen Blowing Snow; In "Bubble Summer", he became the proud noble son Ou Chen.

Although the styling of these characters has sometimes caused controversy, Ho Yundong has always adhered to his dedicated work attitude and devoted himself to each role.

With the passage of time, He Rundong has gradually gotten rid of the positioning of idol drama Xiaosheng and successfully transformed into a powerful actor. Performances in works such as "Jade Guanyin" have been unanimously recognized by the audience and industry insiders.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

But despite this, the nickname "Eagle King" still accompanies him, which is not only a compliment to his excellent appearance, but also a shackle that he cannot get rid of.

The news about the failure to have children after 6 years of marriage has made the title of "Eagle King" a joke, and this actor, who was once regarded as the perfect male god, seems to have unimaginable troubles for ordinary people.

Looking back on He Rundong's acting career, we see not only his transformation from a handsome actor, but also an artist who gives up constantly challenging himself and strives to break through himself.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

From a young college student to a high-profile actor, from an idol drama student to an all-rounder, He Rundong used his own efforts and persistence to interpret what is a real acting life, although controversy and questioning have never stopped, he has always maintained his love and dedication to acting, which may be the real reason why he can prosper in the entertainment industry for a long time.

Under the illumination of the spotlight, He Rundong always appears in the public eye with a perfect image of a handsome and chic figure with a strong figure. However, behind all this glamour, there is a heart that was once extremely inferior and sensitive.

Ho Yundong's childhood was not satisfactory, he appeared thin and weak among his peers, and he was often the target of bullying by his classmates. This experience left a deep impression on He Rundong and planted the seeds of inferiority complex in his heart.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

In order to change this situation, Ho's mother encouraged him to play basketball, hoping that basketball would help him become taller and stronger.

He Rundong in his youth was like a silkworm curled up in his own world. He loved painting for eight hours at a time, sometimes even talking to himself.

This near-autistic state may be a way for him to escape from reality At school, whenever there is an occasion where he needs to speak publicly, He Rundong will feel fear, and will even hide in the toilet to hide his uneasiness.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

At the age of 13, He Rundong and his sister went to Canada to study. Away from the protection of his family, he had to live independently. Since then, at the age of 15, He Rundong began his part-time career.

He once worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant, also worked as a cleaner, and even sold kitchen knives at the door, although this experience was hard, but it unexpectedly alleviated He Rundong's emotional problems.

However, after stepping into the entertainment industry, He Rundong once again suffered a huge psychological challenge. The sudden attention made him feel very uncomfortable, and in order to relieve the pressure, he chose to lock himself in the gym and numb his inner turmoil with sweat.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

Even so, from the perspective of his peers, He Rundong is a completely different person on the outside and on the inside. Gao Yuanyuan once praised him as "the friendliest and most sincere actor". Dong Jie described him as a "big boy", simple and direct.

These evaluations seem to imply that in the depths of He Rundong's heart, that simple, kind-hearted young man has never left.

He Rundong's life experience reveals the fragility of the star's glamorous appearance, and also allows us to see how he gradually changed from low self-esteem to self-confidence, from avoidance to courage to face it.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

Although the process is long and difficult, the He Rundong we see today is shaped by this experience - he still maintains a sincere actor under the halo.

He Rundong's emotional life is like a drama full of ups and downs, full of sweetness and regret. His first love was Song Xinni, a traditional young beautiful girl. The two have been in love for two years and cherish each other, but as He Rundong emerged in the entertainment industry and became increasingly busy at work, this relationship finally failed to withstand the test of reality.

Despite this, many years later, when Song Xinni mentioned He Rundong in a variety show, she was still a little proud, which shows the deep imprint of this relationship in her heart.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

However, the most embarrassing thing in He Rundong's love life is the unsuccessful relationship with Sun Li. In the TV series "Jade Guanyin", the drug dealer Mao Jie played by He Rundong and the anti-drug policewoman played by Sun Li sparked sparks with peace of mind, and the first kiss between the two on the screen was also born in this drama.

Subsequently, they cooperated again in "One Meter of Sunshine", and the relationship seemed to be further He Rundong confessed to Sun Li many times, but he never got his wish In the end, Sun Li chose Deng Chao, leaving He Rundong with an unrelieved regret.

He Rundong's love life and scandals were once active, and when he cooperated with Jia Jingwen's "Qin King Li Shimin" series, rumors of love, marriage, pregnancy and other rumors were spread, and there were constant turmoil for a while. But in the end, it turned out that the previous speculation was just a misunderstanding.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

Later, he had an affair with South Korean actress Jang Nara, and photos of the intimate interaction between the two in Seoul leaked, which once again sparked speculation.

In "Bubble Summer", the on-screen couple relationship between He Rundong and Big S once again attracted attention. He Rundong is the producer of the show, and personally hand-picked Da S to play the heroine. He even said in an interview that he had a crush on Big S for three years, but because of Big S's strong personality, he never had the courage to express his emotions.

This remark caused a great sensation at the time, and it also made people more curious about He Rundong's love life.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

However, Ho Yun-tung's true daughter is an unknown salesperson Peggy in the mall. The two met through a friend's introduction, and since then they have gotten along very well. Ho was deeply touched by Peggy's kindness and praised her as a person who would take the initiative to help blind people cross the road and was full of love for stray animals.

After nine years of underground romance, they finally entered the palace of marriage in 2016.

Looking back on He Rundong's relationship history, we can find a contradictory phenomenon: although he has outstanding appearance and a successful career, he is often hesitant and even a little cowering in his relationship. This phenomenon may stem from his inner inferiority, or it may be a defense mechanism against complex feelings in the entertainment industry.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

finally chose Peggy, an outsider, as his partner, which may be the manifestation of He Rundong's search for an innocent and sincere relationship.

He Rundong's emotional journey is like a mirror, reflecting the complexity of his character. From the young first love, to the sensational scandal, to the final dull life, what we see is not only the emotional story of a star, but also the continuous deepening of a person's cognition of love in the process of growing up.

He Rundong's starting point in life is the envy of everyone. He was born in the family of Ho Kwok-hun, a famous stage designer in Hong Kong, and has lived in a privileged environment since childhood. However, this seemingly easy background has instead exposed him to more challenges and doubts.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

When it comes to art, it's clear that he has a talent. He chose to study at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Canada, an institution of higher learning known as the "University of Imagination" that has produced many outstanding artists and designers.

There, he not only exercised his artistic talents, but also laid a solid aesthetic foundation for his future acting career.

However, Ho Yun-tung's father did not pamper him because of his superior family conditions, but was strict with him from an early age, encouraging him to learn to be independent and autonomous. Therefore, since the age of 15, Ho Yundong began his part-time career, successively working as a restaurant dishwasher, cleaner and salesman selling kitchen knives, although these jobs may seem ordinary and even a little humble, but it is they that shape Ho Rundong's perseverance and independent personality.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

Interestingly, after experiencing emotional pressure in his early years, He Rundong was able to alleviate his emotional problems. Through these trainings, he learned how to get along with people, how to face the difficulties in life, and gradually built up self-confidence.

After He Rundong entered the showbiz, he was not satisfied with just being an idol. He actively tries to break through himself and challenge himself in various roles. From the early idol drama Xiaosheng, to the later breakthrough performance in works such as "Jade Guanyin", He Rundong proved with his strength that he is not just a vase.

In addition to being an actor, He Rundong also tried to develop behind the scenes. He worked as a producer on "Bubble Summer" and showed his talent in film and television production. This diversified development not only broadened his development space in the entertainment industry, but also gave him a deeper understanding of the industry as a whole.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

In the process of He Rundong's growth, his courage to constantly break through himself is undoubtedly the most admirable. Since he was a child, he was afraid of public due to stage fright, but now he is able to face the camera and the audience freely.

Through continuous self-challenge and learning, he overcame his fear of public appearance, and constantly broke through the limitations of his image in his performances.

From a rich second generation to a powerful actor, He Rundong's transformation is not smooth. But it is the ups and downs he has experienced that have shaped today's He Rundong - an all-round artist with both appearance, strength and connotation.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

His story tells us that no matter what our background is, only through continuous hard work and self-breakthrough can we truly realize our self-worth.

He Rundong's life story is far from over. This teenager, who once had low self-esteem, is now a mature man who is still struggling with insecurities inside. Through fitness and acting, Ho has been working hard to build self-confidence, and in interviews, he has also begun to talk more openly about his shortcomings, showing a true and three-dimensional self.

Failing to become a father after six years of marriage was undoubtedly a huge challenge for Ho Rundong. But he faced this sensitive issue with openness and honesty and openly expressed his willingness to try IVF.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

He and his wife, Peggy, go hand in hand to face life's adversities with love and tolerance.

He Rundong has been working hard to find breakthroughs and new directions in his acting career. He is no longer limited to the role of idol dramas, but tries to play more types of roles, trying to show his comprehensive and diversified acting talents.

In addition, he is actively involved in behind-the-scenes work, such as participating in production and directing, etc., to provide a variety of possibilities for his acting career development.

Behind He Rundong's rich love history, there is a soul with low self-esteem and fragility?

He Rundong's process from an inferior boy to a mature man is very admirable. He faced the public with his authentic self, which earned him more recognition and respect. Although there will still be many challenges ahead, we have reason to believe that Ho Yundong will continue to show his life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

His experience will continue to inspire everyone who works hard for their dreams.

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