
Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

author:Xiao An has something to say
Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

"Comply with labor laws, and this article will kill 90% of domestic enterprises." This sentence is like a hammer, knocking the hearts of many people in the workplace. What are we after in this competitive society? Is it a high salary, or dignity and rights? Let's go into the world of foreign employees, listen to their stories, and explore the truths hidden behind the glamour.

Xiao Wang is a newcomer who has just graduated, and with a vision for the future, he chose a well-known foreign company. When he first entered the workplace, he was quickly attracted by the working atmosphere of the company. Leaving work on time every day, the leader would apologize for taking up a few more minutes of meeting time, these details made Xiao Wang feel unprecedented respect.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

However, not everyone is so lucky. Xiao Li has worked in a private enterprise for many years, and it is common to work overtime until late at night, and weekends are even more unattainable. When he heard about the working environment of foreign companies, he couldn't help but feel a ripple of envy in his heart.

Are foreign companies really a paradise in the workplace? The answer may not be so simple. Xiao Zhang used to work for an American-funded company, and although his working hours were regular, the huge pressure and high-intensity competition also made him breathless. The quarterly assessment is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the head, which can fall at any time.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

In this era of information explosion, we are often confused by all kinds of glamorous appearances. Some people say that foreign companies are a safe haven to escape from involution; Others argue that it is just another form of exploitation. Which is right and which is wrong? Perhaps we need to jump out of this black-and-white thinking trap and look at this issue with a more rational and objective eye.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

Foreign companies do better in some aspects, such as a more standardized management system and a more humane working environment. But what we can't ignore is that every business has its own unique culture and way of operating. The choice of a job should not only be based on the nature of the company, but also take into account one's own abilities, interests and long-term career plans.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

@职场小白兔: I really envy the working environment of foreign companies, get off work on time every day, and have two days off on weekends, which is simply a dream life!

This netizen's exclamation expressed the voice of many people. Indeed, compared with the 996 work system of some domestic enterprises, the working hours of foreign companies are more humane. But we also need to recognize that leaving work on time doesn't mean it's necessarily less intense. Sometimes, foreign companies require employees to complete more tasks in a limited amount of time, and this efficient way of working can be a challenge.

@打工人007: Foreign companies are very good, but the pressure is not small. KPIs, quarterly appraisals, sometimes more anxious than overtime.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

This review reminds us that each option has its pros and cons. The working environment of foreign companies may be more comfortable, but at the same time, it is accompanied by higher requirements and more fierce competition. While we envy others, we should also objectively assess whether we can adapt to such a work rhythm and pressure.

@理性思考者: It can't be generalized, every company has its own characteristics. The key is to find the right one for you.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

This netizen's point of view is very pertinent. Indeed, both foreign and domestic companies have their own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a job, we need to consider comprehensively, including personal development space, salary, working atmosphere and other aspects, to find the most suitable position for ourselves.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

@职场老油条: After working in a foreign company for many years, the biggest gain is that I have broadened my horizons and learned to look at problems from a more international perspective.

This comment points out an important advantage of working for foreign companies. In today's globalized world, having an international perspective is undoubtedly a huge competitive advantage. But at the same time, we must also realize that an international perspective not only comes from working in a foreign company, but more importantly, the individual's learning ability and acceptance of new things.

@平凡打工人: No matter what kind of company it is, the most important thing is that you have excellent ability and make yourself indispensable.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

This netizen's point of view can be described as hitting the nail on the head. No matter what kind of enterprise you are in, your core competitiveness is always your own ability. Instead of getting too entangled in the nature of the business, it is better to focus more on improving yourself. Only by continuous learning and continuous progress can we be invincible in any environment.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

In this era full of opportunities and challenges, each of us is looking for our own piece of the world. Whether it is a foreign company or a state-owned enterprise, the important thing is to find a development path that suits you. Perhaps, we should not limit our eyes to the nature of the enterprise, but to look at the broader future.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

We have to ask ourselves: What am I really after? Is it a stable working environment or a challenging career? Is it a good salary, or is it the realization of personal value? Everyone's answer may be different, but no matter what, we should all take responsibility for our choices and fight for our dreams.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

In this ever-changing workplace, there may be no absolute right or wrong. It is important that we remain open and inclusive, keep learning, and keep growing. Whether it is a foreign company or a domestic company, as long as we work hard, respect others, and abide by the law, we will be able to write our own wonderful life.

Why is everyone willing to join a foreign company? After reading the comment area, I shed tears of envy!

Let's work together to find our own success and happiness in this world full of possibilities. Because everyone deserves a stage where they can give full play to their talents and realize their self-worth. And this stage may be at your feet, waiting for you to create and sway.