
Zhu Lilun's "monologue" was boycotted by blue fans, and there were only more than 100 people who went to the countryside to preach, which was embarrassing!

author:Passion fruit with both ability and integrity


Recently, Zhu Lilun was caught up in fierce criticism by public opinion for making inappropriate remarks in the "Opinions" on punishing "independence," claiming that "the mainland has no jurisdiction over the people on the island." The purpose of the "Opinions" is to target a very small number of diehard "Taiwan independence" elements and to protect political parties and individuals who support peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait. Zhu Lilun's remarks unveiled his "secret independence" features and aroused strong disgust among supporters of the blue camp, Taiwan media, and people of the reunification faction. In contrast, Han Kuo-yu is favored by the blue and white camp because of his adherence to the unification stance and down-to-earth image, and his favorability remains high. Zhu Lilun's approval rating has plummeted due to fallacies, and political difficulties have quietly come.


Event details

Let's first savor the background of this incident. Zhu Lilun's remarks on the "Opinions" on punishing "independence" were like throwing a boulder on the surface of a calm lake, which instantly set off waves in public opinion. Zhu Lilun's claim that "the mainland has no jurisdiction over the people on the island" is regarded as openly questioning the mainland's punishment of stubborn "Taiwan independence" elements and revealing his "secret independence" side. Blue camp supporters were shocked by this, feeling that he had dropped the chain at a critical moment.

Zhu Lilun's "monologue" was boycotted by blue fans, and there were only more than 100 people who went to the countryside to preach, which was embarrassing!

At the same time, criticism from the Taiwan media and reunification faction has been pouring in. They believe that Zhu Lilun's remarks are not only an erroneous interpretation of the "Opinions," but also ignorance and contempt for cross-strait relations. People of the reunification faction have said one after another that punishing diehard "Taiwan independence" elements is a crucial step in maintaining cross-strait peace, and Zhu Lilun's attitude is disappointing.

Zhu Lilun's "monologue" was boycotted by blue fans, and there were only more than 100 people who went to the countryside to preach, which was embarrassing!

On the other hand, Han Kuo-yu's unification stance is firm and his image is down-to-earth, which makes him win widespread favor in the blue and white camp. Supporters of Mr. Han say he is not only well versed in the complexities of cross-strait relations, but also able to move people with humor and sincerity. By contrast, Zhu Lilun's approval ratings have plummeted due to his fallacies and he faces a major test in his political career.

Zhu Lilun's "monologue" was boycotted by blue fans, and there were only more than 100 people who went to the countryside to preach, which was embarrassing!

This situation is like a complex political tapestry, intertwined with interests and positions. On this intricate political canvas, Zhu Lilun's mistakes are particularly glaring. Han Kuo-yu, on the other hand, is like a bright star, illuminating the hearts of his supporters. The contrast between the circumstances of the two men is striking, and one cannot help but lament the kaleidoscopic changes in politics.

Zhu Lilun's "monologue" was boycotted by blue fans, and there were only more than 100 people who went to the countryside to preach, which was embarrassing!

In the face of this political crucible, Zhu Lilun must quickly reimagine his position and strategy. If he fails to correct his mistakes in time, he may lose his way in this political maelstrom of Labyrinth. Instead, Han can take the opportunity to consolidate his leadership position and win the trust and affection of more supporters.

Zhu Lilun's "monologue" was boycotted by blue fans, and there were only more than 100 people who went to the countryside to preach, which was embarrassing!

In this complex political struggle, the future direction of the blue camp will directly affect the MOSAIC of cross-strait relations. The performance of Zhu Lilun and Han Kuo-yu is not only the ups and downs of their personal political fortunes, but also a barometer of the entire blue camp and even Taiwan's political arena. Every step they take will have a far-reaching impact on future cross-strait relations.


Zhu Lilun fell into a political predicament because of his inappropriate remarks on the "Opinions" on punishing "independence." In contrast, Han Kuo-yu has won widespread favor because of his firm unification stance and down-to-earth image. The contrast between the two reveals the complex situation and the challenges ahead within the Blue Battalion. We hope that they can find the right direction in this political crucible and contribute to the peace and stability of cross-strait relations.