
The only province in the country that does not have plains, there are 17 ethnic minorities, and there are many scenic spots and beautiful scenery

author:Brother Deyiqiang

Brother Qiang will take you to Guizhou: a wonderful journey of geography, ethnicity, and food

Hello dear listeners! I'm your oral blogger Brother Qiang. Today, I would like to take you into a mysterious and colorful place - Guizhou. This land not only has a unique topography, but also a rich ethnic culture and mouth-watering cuisine. Next, let's embark on this wonderful trip to Guizhou together!

The only province in the country that does not have plains, there are 17 ethnic minorities, and there are many scenic spots and beautiful scenery

1. The geographical wonders of Guizhou: eight mountains, one water and one field

Brother Qiang believes that the geographical characteristics of Guizhou are simply masterpieces of nature. It is located in the southwest of China and is a province with complex and varied topography. Here, plateau mountains, hills and basins are staggered, and the area of mountains and hills accounts for more than 90% of the province. This topography makes Guizhou have a unique natural scenery, known as "eight mountains, one water and one field".

Imagine standing on the top of a mountain in Guizhou, looking at the mountains and peaks, as if you are in a huge ink painting. And those meandering rivers are like silver ribbons, shuttling between the mountains, adding endless vitality and vitality to this land.

In order to give you a more intuitive understanding of the geographical characteristics of Guizhou, let us give a few practical examples. First of all, the Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou is a typical example. It is located in Anshun City, Guizhou Province, and is one of the largest waterfalls in China. When you stand in front of the waterfall, the deafening sound of the water and the silky curtain of water will definitely make you feel the majesty and magnificence of nature.

In addition, Guizhou's Libo Xiaoqikong is also an unmissable attraction. It has a unique karst landscape, with seven caves of various sizes and a clear river intertwined to form a beautiful picture. Here, you can stroll among the green mountains and green waters, and feel the magic and charm of nature.

The only province in the country that does not have plains, there are 17 ethnic minorities, and there are many scenic spots and beautiful scenery

2. Guizhou's Ethnic Diversity: A Colorful Cultural Treasure

Guizhou is not only geographically unique, but also one of the regions with the largest number of ethnic minorities living in the mainland. There are a total of 18 ethnic groups here, including Han Chinese and 17 ethnic minorities. These ethnic groups have their own characteristics, and together they constitute the rich and colorful national culture of Guizhou.

Brother Qiang believes that Guizhou's ethnic diversity is one of the most valuable assets of this land. Each ethnic group has its own unique language, clothing, customs and traditional culture. These cultural treasures not only enrich the cultural connotation of Guizhou, but also provide tourists with a unique travel experience.

In Guizhou, you can see Miao girls dressed in gorgeous silver jewelry and embroidered costumes, dancing cheerful Miao dances; You can taste the Tujia glutinous rice and rice wine, and feel their hospitality; You can also hear the melodious singing of the Great Song of the Dong people and appreciate their musical talents.

To gain a deeper understanding of Guizhou's ethnic diversity, we can cite a few specific examples. First of all, the Miao people's Xijiang Thousand Miao Village is a place worth visiting. It is one of the largest Miao villages in China, with unique Miao architecture and rich Miao culture. Here, you can feel the simplicity and enthusiasm of the Miao people, and you can also enjoy their wonderful Miao song and dance performances.

In addition, the Dong village of Zhaoxing is also a must-see. It has a unique Dong drum tower and wind and rain bridge, as well as beautiful pastoral scenery and rich Dong culture. Here, you can hear the melodious song of the Dong people, and you can also taste the delicious Dong sour soup fish.

The only province in the country that does not have plains, there are 17 ethnic minorities, and there are many scenic spots and beautiful scenery

3. The relationship between ethnicity and geography: the ethnic customs between mountains and rivers

Brother Qiang discovered that there is an inseparable relationship between ethnicity and geography in Guizhou. Those mountains and rivers are often inhabited by ethnic minorities, who live in harmony with nature and together create a unique national custom.

In the mountainous areas of Guizhou, you can see those ethnic minority villages built on the mountains and living by the water. They used natural resources to build unique houses and roads, forming unique architectural styles and lifestyles. These villages not only have beautiful scenery and fresh air, but also are full of strong ethnic flavor and humanistic feelings.

For example, in Leishan County, Guizhou, there is a Miao village called Xijiang. This village is located at the foot of Lei Gong Mountain, surrounded by mountains and green trees. The Miao people here have lived here for generations and live in harmony with nature. They used the wood and stone on the mountain to build unique stilted buildings and wind and rain bridges, forming a unique Miao architectural style. At the same time, they also retain many traditional Miao customs and handicraft production skills, such as Miao embroidery, silver jewelry making, etc. These cultural treasures not only attract many tourists to visit and study, but also bring considerable economic income to the local villagers.

The only province in the country that does not have plains, there are 17 ethnic minorities, and there are many scenic spots and beautiful scenery

Fourth, the natural landscape of Guizhou: the pearl of landscape painting

Guizhou's natural landscape is a perfect combination of its unique geographical environment and rich ethnic culture. There are not only majestic mountains and rivers, but also beautiful water towns; There are deep canyons and vast grasslands. These natural landscapes are intertwined and complement each other, forming a unique landscape painting scroll in Guizhou.

In Guizhou, you can climb to the top of Fanjing Mountain, overlooking the magnificent scene of continuous mountains and a sea of clouds; You can stroll between the small seven holes of Libo and feel the crystal clear river and unique karst landform; You can also travel through the Chishui River Valley to appreciate the magic and charm of the Danxia landform.

These natural landscapes not only attract many tourists, but also become a paradise for photography enthusiasts and outdoor enthusiasts. They have left countless precious photos and unforgettable memories here.

The only province in the country that does not have plains, there are 17 ethnic minorities, and there are many scenic spots and beautiful scenery

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