
The cat pointed its ass towards me, thinking it was a pervert, but it turned out to be a gesture of love

author:Pet connoisseurs

Cats sometimes do things that make people think it's funny, such as when they deliberately put their butts at you when they want to be close to them!

It's like how nice its ass is, but when I look at it, isn't it just that?

But it's still quite narcissistic, not only having to put its ass at me, but also dangling it in front of me. When I reached over to touch it, it would be shameless to dodge it.

This trick is so good to play, I really want to scold it for being perverted.

However, I later learned that it turned out that it was not a cat pervert. On the contrary, it is actually a gesture of affection from a cat......

The cat pointed its ass towards me, thinking it was a pervert, but it turned out to be a gesture of love

The importance of the tail

To understand that cats are facing us, the first thing to know is the importance of the tail to the cat.

In fact, the location of a cat's tail is an important indicator of their emotions and intentions.

  • When cats feel threatened, their tails arch.
  • When the cat feels relaxed and happy, the tail will be loose and the tail will not be cocked.
  • And when the cat is excited, its tail will be raised high again, and even twitch slightly.

In other words, the movement of the cat's tail is actually an expression of emotion.

When it is aimed at us, it is actually expressing an emotion, not the so-called perversion.

Learn more

Cats have odor glands around their tails, anus, and paws.

When they rub against objects or areas with these areas, they actually release something called pheromones, which carry some information about the cat's identity.

And when the cat turns its butt towards you, it may be inviting you to smell these pheromones and learn more about it.

So why does it make you know more? It's because it loves you! Because I love you, I want to know more.

It's just that what it doesn't know is that the butt to the person thing is somewhat obscene in the eyes of the shovel officer.

The cat pointed its ass towards me, thinking it was a pervert, but it turned out to be a gesture of love

I'm going to protect you

In the world of cats, there is a strict hierarchy.

Under this system, cats usually show their status to lower-ranking cats by showing their buttocks.

However, when it does this to the shovelers, it doesn't think you're any lower!

It's saying: "My cat is a big brother, shoveling shit, smelling the ass, I'll take you to mix in the future!" ”

I trust you completely

Cats are naturally vigilant, and for those who live in the cruel natural world, they will never turn their backs towards other wild animals, let alone cock their tails and twist their butts.

Doing so will only make it more vulnerable.

And when a house cat turns its butt towards you, it's clearly a sign of extreme trust. It knows that you won't hurt it, even if you put yourself in passivity.

The shovel officer only has love for me, even if it is against me? It's not like she's just going to love me, not to raid!

Help tickle the itch

Sometimes cats do this in the hope that you can help them scratch their back.

The feeling of being petted by a shoveler is a pleasure for many cats, and when you haven't actively touched it for a long time, it may remind you in this way.

Shovel, what about your technique? I'm all set, come on!

The cat pointed its ass towards me, thinking it was a pervert, but it turned out to be a gesture of love

How do you respond to a twisted ass?

Now you also know that when a cat puts its butt right at you, it is actually a show of affection and coquettishness.

Then, of course, what you respond to the cat is also love!

Touching it, talking in a gentle voice, and scratching it gently will make the cat feel happy.

Don't say that kittens are perverted in the future, okay? Although this action is indeed a little obscene......